
Balzac's Disillusionment, savoring Lucien's life of glory and misery

author:The sea of books floats

Lucien was brilliant, and the level of poetry and fiction was unmatched in the interior, a small city where Lucien was born and raised.

Balzac's Disillusionment, savoring Lucien's life of glory and misery

Small cities also had their own customs, and the circles of the nobility and the circles of bourgeoisie did not violate the river water, and they did not interact with each other very much.

Mrs. Palidon's living room was a regular gathering place for the aristocratic circles of small cities, and naturally, Mrs. Palidon's influence was unmatched in the local aristocratic circles.

The handsome and handsome Lucien was not a nobleman, he was appreciated by Mrs. Palridong by virtue of his talent, and he became famous in the interior because of Mrs. Palridong's promotion, and he also fell in love with the noble lady who promoted him.

There is also an outdated beautiful man who also loves Mrs. Palridon, and this outdated beautiful man deliberately creates their scandal and provokes a duel between Mr. Palridon and another nobleman because Mrs. Palidon only sees Lucien in her eyes.

Mr. Palidon won, and the duel at that time would have been fatal. Lucien could no longer continue to hang out in the local aristocratic circles because of this, and Mrs. Barzydon believed that lucien should be taken to Paris to develop, and she could also make a name for herself in the social circles of Paris.

They secretly set out for Paris, but they were still followed by outdated beautiful men. The outdated beautiful man secretly persuaded Mrs. Patrick, lucien was just the son of a former pharmacy owner, and being with him would inevitably affect his wife's reputation, and even the aristocratic circles of Paris would look down on her.

The outdated beautiful man succeeded in convincing Mrs. Palzton to snub and stay away from Lucien, and the passage through which Lucien had intended to open the door to the literary world through aristocratic circles was blocked.

It didn't take long for Lucien to run out of money, and when he didn't have money to live, he wrote to his sister Eve and brother-in-law David for money, and David and Eve would find a way to meet Lucien's needs no matter how difficult it was, and they believed that with Lucien's talent, he would be able to get ahead.

Lucien tried to sell his novels and poetry to publishers, but he didn't understand that no one would want to risk publishing even the best of his work without the support of the press and the upper circles. The publisher also thought that Lucien's two manuscripts were rare and excellent works, and at first planned to buy them for two thousand francs, but when he saw that the author was poor and only willing to pay four hundred, Lucien angrily refused.

Genius also needs to be diligent, Lucien decided to continue to improve his writing, in the library he often went to meet the very hard-working Great Danshi, they became friends, the Great Danshi also took Lucien to join their small group, that is, a group of top elites in different professions many years later, but at that time they were not much better off than Lucien.

In a low-end restaurant, Lucien met the journalist Rossto, and Lucien's today was also Rossdo's yesterday. At first Rosdo advised Lucien to stick to his conscience, as the Great Dans did, rather than to arbitrarily reverse black and white for profit as he did in the press, and warned him that if he took this step, there would be no turning back.

Both Da Dans and his small group oppose Lucien's footsteps and tell him that Rossto was once a talented man, and now he has fallen into such mercenary and conscience.

At the recommendation of Rossdo, Lucien finally debuted, and his first article reviewing the drama caused a sensation, and was hugged by the most beautiful actress in Paris, Gaulaly.

Mrs. Palzton and the outdated beautiful man did not expect Lucien to become famous overnight, and the fame was so great that it caused a sensation in the aristocratic circles of Paris. Lucien, who had gained fame and fortune, deliberately despised and snubbed Mrs. Palriton at banquets in the aristocratic circles, and let other reporters ridicule the outdated beautiful men in the press.

At that time, Paris was such a bustling metropolis, don't look at today's Lucien full of ambition, triumphant, maybe tomorrow will be all thoughts, life is better than death.

Later, Lucien fell into poverty again in the trap of Mrs. Palidon and the outdated beautiful man, penniless.

Paris could not stay any longer and had to go back to the interior, because he had no money to walk back, and almost did not die in the middle of the road.

There were more strange experiences when he returned to the mainland, and finally he was so desperate that he left a final letter for his sister, but he had another adventure on the way to death, and once again ignited the courage to live.

These are a few of Balzac's Disillusionment, in which the characters have many ups and downs, and Lucien's favorable and adversity is intricate and dizzying.

No one can taste Lucien's glory and tragic experience more profoundly than Balzac's description, "Disillusionment" shows the social scene and the complexity and diversity of human nature at that time in all aspects.

The pursuit of glory and wealth is a value orientation in human nature, and Aristotle once said that wealth and fame are also a blessing for the individual. In terms of means, The Great Dane's practice of hard work and continuous self-improvement is one of the right paths, and the situation of living a hard life and not having enough to eat seems insignificant in the face of the ideals of the Great Dane.

Lucien also worked and lived like The Great Dans for a period of time, almost forgetting to be in poverty in his creation, which was also the period when he gained the most, and perfected his two works.

The shortcut led by Rosdo was not wrong for Lucien at the beginning, and the success of the review written was due to his own talent, which was obviously understandable.

Since winning the recognition of society can be said to have opened the initial situation of life, perhaps the reputation and status came too quickly to know how to cherish it, or perhaps the talented people were too arrogant and arrogant in the social field, offending Mrs. Ba Ridong, a social flower, and the outdated beautiful man's speed of the moment inevitably did not sow the seeds of revenge.

Life ups and downs, there are many tragic encounters after the fact to find that there is a great causal relationship with their own behavior, the crowd picks up the material flame high, the wall will be pushed by the crowd, Lucien's downfall is precisely because of the double blow of the aristocratic circle and the cultural circle.

The pursuit of fame and fortune cannot be reversed for the sake of profit as the newspaper reporters represented by Rosdo, who have gained fame and fortune but lost their conscience, told too many lies, and sometimes even believed the lies themselves. I am embarrassed not even to say whether to believe or not to believe, because the Rothdos often criticize themselves, which is not a change of values, but a loss of soul for the sake of profit.

There is a right way in the world, and it cannot be denied that the pursuit of profit is a necessary prerequisite for survival. Ordinary people can live for food and clothing without worrying too much about the meaning of life, but the life of those geniuses should never be the pursuit of fame and fortune.

Their lives should be to change the world for the benefit of mankind, as in Lucien's poetry.

Field daisies, your color variety is huge

It's not just open for the eyes

It also breaks the wishes of our hearts

Point out the tendencies of the human heart and use your poems

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