
There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects

There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects


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In a relationship, the payment is often not equal, there will always be a person who pours more thoughts, the other party is held on the tip of the heart to care, but there is always no way to completely invest, and the person who pays more in the end is often the party who is not treated well.

Women in love, often play a more paying party, no matter who moves the heart first, once the woman completely falls in love, will not help but throw themselves into it, more and more deeply. They often easily pour out their hearts and lungs for a person, but always forget to leave a way out for themselves.

There are too many girls who have emptied themselves out, and in the end, what they have exchanged is the man's saying to go away, they think. As long as you are not good enough for men, you will be able to get the return you want. But in fact, when women are fully immersed in it, men are already tired and bored.

And when you take the other person too seriously, you will increase the risk of not being cherished. The balance of love requires two people to pay together to maintain balance, if only one person pays unilaterally, then sooner or later it will collapse.

There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects

Many times women can't figure out what men think, and they feel that they are so good to him, why don't he cherish it? But in fact, many times it is precisely because you are too good for him that he can't see your good.

It is said that those who are favored have no fear, many times, it is the better you are for a person, the more you are not cherished, human nature is like this, we can only cherish what we care for with all our hearts, if one thing is something that you can get without paying, then the heart will not cause attention at all, only the higher the degree of investment, the deeper the degree of cherishing in the heart.

Love is also the same, love is subject to the role of "sunk cost", when we make a decision, we are often affected by the time, money, and costs paid in the early stage, which directly affects our final decision. That is to say, the more a person gives to you, the more reluctant they will be to leave you.

So based on this theory, we can understand that if you want a man to be reluctant to leave you, you must increase his sunk cost and increase his contribution to you, which can be carried out from three aspects.

There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects

Don't agree too quickly during the pursuit period and lengthen the man's pursuit of you

Men are the most patient when they pursue a person, this time they are very willing to spend time with women, and when two people are together for a longer time, men's patience will gradually decrease.

Men's patience for love is often limited, especially in this fast-paced society, where everyone is pursuing fast-food love. After being moved by a person, although it will also take the initiative to pursue, such an initiative is often established within a certain period of time. If you exceed a certain deadline and you delay in responding, then the boy will change his goals.

Nevertheless, we can't treat love too hastily, and we can't always quickly agree to it because we cater to each other's time limits. Some girls are like this, in the face of men's active pursuit, they will immediately surrender their weapons, afraid that after a long time, boys will withdraw and leave.

But there is a cruel truth that what is easily obtained is often not cherished. The shorter the man pursues you, the sooner you agree, then your status in his mind is reduced from the beginning.

The period of time for men to pursue you determines the length of time to love you to a certain extent, and the more quickly the love is obtained, the more rapidly it will be submerged, and only the love that finally reaches all its strength will be reluctant to leave.

Women should learn to be reserved, even if you are more impressed with the man, do not easily agree to his pursuit, the pursuit period is the most able to test the man's sincerity, you can see whether he is sincere to you, those who turn around easily, must not be sincere enough, don't think again, really like the person, he will be willing to give you a little more time to consider, he will wait for you.

There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects

Don't be too proactive in getting along, and learn to be reserved

Women are too active in love, which to a certain extent deepens the lack of importance that men attach to you.

Sometimes a man may just be a momentary provocation when he is lonely, and you are thrown into it, he just releases a little good feeling for you, and you look like he must be. When you are exposed to impatience, then the man will easily pinch you, so how can he be willing to invest in you again?

Women are too easy to love a person without hesitation, and after determining their own intentions, they will treat him as their own whole world, full of him, thinking of him in everything they do, and even often sacrificing themselves to complete each other.

I am very angry with myself, but I am very generous to men, and I am reluctant to spend money, but as long as I am willing to spend for boys. Joseph is an idiot in life, but he will transform into a good wife and mother for the sake of the other party, will completely revolve around the other party, will give everything within his ability to the other party, and never learn to retain the word.

Sometimes people are quite mean, the more you are good at each other, the more the other party will not take you seriously, when you are too active in this relationship, men will begin to have two hearts, will begin to dislike you.

The more unreserved you are, the less cherished the man is, the less active you are, but you can successfully lift his appetite and make him want to stop.

There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects

Learn to ask for it properly, let the man spend his mind on you, and the more he spends it, the more reluctant he is to leave you

Women can't be too sensible in love, too sensible, and there will be no good results.

Examples of losing a relationship because of sensible things abound, but some wayward girls are often able to be cherished by men.

You are reluctant to spend men's money, and men will spend money on other women. You hurt him and he is afraid that he is too hard, but he will go to other places to offer hospitality, you tolerate everywhere, seek perfection, and men will ignore your feelings and do something to hurt you.

Women are meant to be spoiled, don't always play a sensible and generous role, learn to ask for it properly, let the man spend money for you, let him spend time for you, let you create romance for you, let him spend his mind on you. The more he spends, the more reluctant he is to leave you, after all, those real efforts cannot be erased, and he will not be willing to let his own efforts be lost.

Men are very realistic, and they will be full of calculations and considerations in love. Those girls who don't need to spend too much energy on their own to get, even if they leave, there is nothing to lose, as long as his freshness is lost, they will not hesitate to abandon you, and. The girls he spent a lot of time, money and energy into chasing after them. They simply don't want to let go.

There are ways to make men reluctant to leave you, and they can be done from three aspects

Want to make a man inseparable from you, not naïve in a way that is good for him, but to increase his cost of paying.

You are good to him, based on your principles to give, he has no pain, as long as you enjoy it, there will be no feeling of pain at all.

Only by increasing the cost of his payment and letting him suffer the price of loss will he be reluctant to lose.

Don't easily pull out your ego, lengthen his deadline for pursuing you, don't desperately be nice to him, but learn to make him pay for you, only in this way will men be reluctant to leave you.

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