
Country Garden Venture Capital Brainstorming What kind of great changes will robots bring to human society?

"Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily" (reporter Chen Mei Jinbo) news, with the continuous innovation of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, as well as the maturity of motor electronic control supporting hardware, Country Garden Venture Capital continues to focus on many hard technology fields, including robots.

Recently, the second Country Garden Venture Capital Entrepreneur Summit came to a successful conclusion. The reporter of the "Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily" learned that the summit focused on nearly 100 entrepreneurs and launched in-depth technical brainstorming on hot topics such as robot tracks.

Country Garden Venture Capital said that we have seen that multi-category unmanned intelligent devices (robots) have gradually penetrated the terminal scene and begun to accelerate the landing, and the market demand in multiple segments is breaking out on the eve.

"At the inflection point of the industry, finding a team with excellent technical ability, entering as soon as possible and accompanying and helping enterprises grow rapidly is the core strategy of Country Garden Venture Capital's investment in the field of robotics."

Up to now, Country Garden Venture Capital has invested in projects such as the world's leading smart home appliance enterprise "Chaoqiu Technology", SF's distribution drone "Fengyi Technology", the high-speed three-dimensional intelligent warehousing pioneer "Huicang Technology", and the all-scenario commercial cleaning robot "Tangen Technology".

Country Garden Venture Capital said that in the future, it will continue to deepen its layout in the robot track.

Country Garden Venture Capital Brainstorming What kind of great changes will robots bring to human society?

At the beginning of the robot roundtable forum of the summit, Li Silong, managing director of Country Garden Venture Capital, said, "The robot track has been very active in the past two years. Behind the activity is the spirit of human continuous exploration, close to the human body's own intelligent control of the replacement, and entrepreneurs to bring more diversified intelligent robots kinetic energy. ”

However, what kind of great changes will robots bring to human society? Four entrepreneurs who are deeply involved in the field expressed their views.

Yu Hao, CEO of Quest Technology: Generalized robots are one of the most important opportunities of the next decade

The core product is a sweeping robot, and the products have also expanded to household scrubbers, wireless vacuum cleaners, air purification robots, outdoor sweeping/mowing robots and so on. The company's core technology is a high-speed motor of 100,000 rpm+, which has achieved the world's first through five years of development. At present, it can mass-produce 150,000 high-speed motors, and the reserve motor reaches 200,000 revolutions.

"Generalized robots are one of the most important opportunities of the next decade." Yu Hao, CEO of Chaochao Technology, said that the first translation of robots from Robot is not to look like a person, but to have the ability to sense, process and execute. Pursue the "heart" and "brain" of long-term research and development of robots. Among them, the "heart" is represented by a high-speed motor and provides a power source. The "brain" is based on visual perception, positioning, decision-making, and control of the environment. With the heart and brain as the underlying technology support, we can continuously expand many application scenarios.

In the next decade, Yu Hao believes that the most important trend in the robot industry is to integrate with scenarios, such as products such as robot dogs. Because of the diversity of the scene, the robot species will bloom in a hundred flowers, a bit like the "Cambrian" species explosion. The next decade won't necessarily belong to robotics companies, but it will certainly belong to companies in industries that will use robotics.

Jiang Mingtao, CEO of Fengyi Technology: There is huge room for development of robot applications in complex scenarios

Fengyi Technology is a company under SF that focuses on logistics drones and industry integrated solutions. The core capabilities and products are based on unmanned aerial vehicles to build a low-altitude and timely guarantee network to achieve intelligent and automated logistics, reduce costs and improve efficiency in the logistics operation process.

Fengyi has been doing this for nine years, but there is still a long waiting period and development cycle. Therefore, the current positioning of the company is a start-up type, facing the future of intelligent, scientific and technological synthesis.

In Jiang Mingtao's view, the original intention of making robots is to reduce costs and improve efficiency, but there are three problems in the industry that need to be solved urgently:

First, AI is not smart enough. At present, there are still many products that cannot really meet the needs of the scene, and the problems caused by the application will still affect the benefits generated.

Second, it is necessary to solve the problem of large-scale application and use cost. Different industries have different acceptance of application costs, and comprehensive application costs and scenario applicability are one of the decisive factors for large-scale applications.

Third, it is necessary to solve the problem of the applicability of differentiated scenarios in different business areas. As a new production tool, one of the more important indicators of industrial robots is the improvement of productivity efficiency and quality with existing production methods. Once there are better products in various industries, its growth space and life cycle will reach 5 years, or even more than 10 years.

Jiang Mingtao believes that at present, many robot companies are doing single products, but in the future, from the research and development of single products to the construction of comprehensive solutions for the whole process of the whole industry chain, it may be an important development direction. At present, the integration of vertical areas in the industry has been happening, but it has not yet reached the time of outbreak, but once the vertical scene is fully done, there will be more horizontal integration of the industry.

Zhu Junda, CEO of Huicang Technology: Products are the intersection of scenes and technologies

A robot is a system consisting of perceptrons, controllers, and actuators. Robots don't have to look like humans, but they have to be able to replace simple, repetitive human labor and create greater efficiency.

Zhu Junda, CEO of Huicang Technology, said that as a pioneer of high-speed three-dimensional intelligent warehousing, Huicang focuses on using robot technology to solve the efficiency problem of time and space in warehousing. Based on the high-speed three-dimensional center, there are two basic product lines of storage products and sorting products.

Storage products can be stored more densely in a limited space and taken faster. Sorting products can quickly export items from one or a few entrances to a large number of outlets in dense spaces.

In Zhu Junda's view, the warehousing robot has come to this day, there are two main boosters, one is technology, and the other is the scene.

At the technical level, great progress has been made in perceptrons, controllers and actuators, and the technology is becoming more and more advanced, and the cost is getting lower and lower; at the scene level, the population increase is decreasing, the number of college graduates is increasing, and there are fewer and fewer people willing to do repetitive simple labor, which fully shows the scene of machine replacement of people.

From a system point of view, there are suppliers upstream in the field of warehousing and logistics, and there are manufacturers in the downstream, and this vertical merger and acquisition integration may soon be seen in recent years.

Gong Zhaojun, vice president of marketing of Tangen Technology: If you don't achieve 100 points, you can't say that it's done

Towne Technology's products are commercial cleaning robots. After this epidemic, everyone has greatly improved the volume and standard of cleaning, and commercial cleaning robots are often seen in public spaces such as airports, stations, and office buildings, so the volume and development momentum in this field are very good.

In the introduction, Gong Zhaojun, vice president of marketing of Tangen Technology, said that Tangen Technology is a start-up company with unique characteristics from both software and hardware: it was established in Shanghai in December 2020, and in November 2021, it joined hands with traditional cleaning giant Kacher to release its first product at the fourth EXPO.

Gong Zhaojun also admitted that it takes a certain amount of time for the terminal to land and do a good job. In the real open scene, we also need to establish good standards in the process of unified cognition and explore a truly feasible practical model.

For example, when robots solve labor problems, they are directly in direct contrast with existing traditional manual operations. In this case, doing 59 points and 99 points is similar, and if you can't do 100 points, or even more than 120 points, you can't say that it is done.

Gong Zhaojun believes that when Tangen Technology does cleaning equipment landing, it should be from the perspective of products and users, and it is necessary to make robot technology stable, reliable and practical in the open and non-standard scenarios of the terminal, and then combine and optimize with traditional tools, methods and processes, this process will not be short, and the workload will not be small. But once it is done successfully, there will be a drastic change.

The reporter learned that the Country Garden Venture Capital Entrepreneur Summit is an important part of the post-investment empowerment system and has been successfully held for two sessions so far. Country Garden Venture Capital said that by continuing to hold multi-type circle activities such as industry salons and entrepreneur summits, it truly builds an in-depth exchange platform and a bridge for industrial cooperation for entrepreneurs, industry experts, university scholars, industry investors, etc., and continues to accompany entrepreneurs to grow.

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