
Wuhu: Shanshui River City overflows with books

Wuhu: Shanshui River City overflows with books

"Wuhu Study Room" has become a good place for citizens to read. Photo by reporter Shen Gongshi

On January 10, Jiangwan Academy, located in Shilijiangwan People's Park, Yijiang District, Wuhu City, was completed and opened, which is the fourth study room built in the district. About 700 square meters, more than 20,000 books, with adult reading area, children's reading area, salon activity area and interactive experience area, etc., quiet and comfortable reading environment, let people immerse themselves in a comfortable world of books.

Since last year, Wuhu City has focused on building a provincial sub-central city and a new hot spot city for cultural tourism in the Yangtze River Delta, and has made the construction of "Wuhu Study Room" a key project of the city's cultural tourism public services, creating a high-quality urban public reading space. In terms of planning, the "1+3" service function positioning is determined, that is, to provide free reading of "1" core service functions, with "3" basic service functions of cultural activities, cultural display, culture and leisure, and to select special service functions such as cultural and creative space, citizens' small theater, and convenient service. Wuhu City Library donated 10,000 books to each study.

The "Wuhu Study Room" is quite particular in terms of location, or is scattered in the park or set up near the community. Considering the construction and operation, the four urban study rooms that have been built in Yijiang District of the city adopt the integrated mode of design, decoration, procurement and operation, which are invested and managed by the district government and undertaken by Anhui Xinhua Media Co., Ltd. Wuhu Xinhua Bookstore, which is responsible for the on-site operation of the study room, adopts professional management standards, achieves "one study and one list" in the selection of books, and selects national best-selling books, covering various reader groups. Located in Wuhu Shenshan Park, Chizhu Academy is surrounded by green mountains and green water, and in a limited space, it integrates natural beauty, architectural beauty and humanistic beauty, which can be called a masterpiece of urban study.

"Wuhu Study" is fully functional, equipped with various convenient facilities, such as self-service card machines, self-service borrowing and returning machines, AI light and shadow reading machines, electronic access systems, reading booths, etc., and even computers for visually impaired readers. Each college has an event area for lectures, reading sharing and various cultural promotion activities.

"Wuhu Study Room" has also become a display "window" for the characteristic industries and cultures of the county, Fanchang District Eshan Bookstore introduced local 3D printing, Fanchang kiln, Nanling County Huangtang Academy highlights the bronze culture, Jiujiang District Yuexiang Book Bar shows Hart robots, Huole laser projection and other local enterprise products, forming a room, a product, a room and a feature.

At present, Wuhu City has built 21 urban study rooms, distributed in various counties and urban areas, citizens can enjoy reading and leisure services at their doorstep, so that Jiangcheng, known as "half of the city mountain and half of the city water", has won the reputation of "half of the city full of mountains and rivers and books". (Reporter Shen Gongshi)

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