
Love to the end...

author:Time has traces

There is a lyric that sings well, "Love to the end, cover the water is difficult to harvest."

No matter how unbearable love is, there have been warm moments; no matter how passionate love is, there is also a day of final peace.

Love comes to an end, the heart is like water, and the feeling of pain and tearing is gone. You want to understand, breaking up is the best ending, letting go of the other party is letting go of yourself, those past good and unhappy have become a cloud of smoke, let it drift away, and never hurt yourself again.

The best of yourself is left for later. In the future, be good to yourself seven points, and leave three points for your parents, lovers, relatives and friends. Only when your own heart is abundant can you have the ability to love and care for the people you cherish.

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