
Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

author:Indifferent to the way of the world

You have no choice but to break up

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


1. When many people start an extramarital affair, they are only sexually impulsive, or possessive, or intend to taste it and stop at any time, and they can withdraw at any time, but people who have been drunk know that there is such a good awakening? It's easy to walk in, but it's too hard to get out. When you have made up your mind, swing your sword to cut the love thread, but this extramarital affair, the knife cuts the water more, the water is more unclear, the cut is chaotic, and it is often difficult to completely break and give up. Whether this extramarital affair is discovered, or you yourself are forced to make it public, or the dawn here is still quiet, the extramarital affair will eventually die in the interest of this barrier, few people survive you don't believe it.

2. People say that the most beautiful love in the world must not happen between husband and wife, so some people will be extra invested when they encounter extramarital affairs, always thinking that it is the true love of life, so they will go all out, such as drunk. Once or twice called infidelity, over time it is called adultery, drunken life and dreaming of death is the cause of fornication. As everyone knows, even if moral restrictions are excluded, even if the best extramarital affair, even if it survives for three years and five years, it is only a flash in the pan, and the meteor crosses the night sky, and finally cannot escape the breakup. Because it will eventually face the threshold of interests, it is difficult to survive, and it will eventually end in tragedy, and you will eventually understand that extramarital affairs are just a loud slap to those who are addicted to love fantasies, a peak dream in the clouds.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

20170619 Lili's confession

3. Like to stay ambiguous with more of the opposite sex. A popular saying nowadays goes like this: There are only zero times and countless times of cheating. In fact, this is not false at all, men are difficult to restrain themselves when facing beauty, there are very few men who can do self-discipline, the ancients had "heroes are sad to be beautiful", "I would rather spend my life and die, and be a ghost." "The saying, the hero Haojie is like this, not to mention the materialistic society, we ordinary people. The first time Tao met Li Li, he fell into the gentle abyss. Tao didn't say anything to Li Li, the move came and went, and he almost lost himself. Lily was happy, he was happy. Li Li was angry at home, and he carefully cared for his companionship. During this five-year extramarital affair, he played to the fullest and did it with a clear conscience, because Tao said that Lili was a fairy sent from heaven, and his love was dead hearted, and there was no complaint or regret. When love comes, who can control themselves? When he devoted himself to love, he found that women in addition to him, but also good to other men, Tao can not accept such a reality, he asks women to be specific to him, women can not do it, but also to Tao crying. Tao was angry and bought a lot of locators and monitors, but after only checking and listening to it once, Tao smashed all the equipment, and he didn't have the courage to look at it and listen to it.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


The woman's answer to Tao at the beginning was that they were all classmates and colleagues, that is, chatting and talking. Later, Tao knew more, Li Li pointed out, don't care who she is good with, and a few people are good, she is only sincere to Tao, and said that all women in the world are the same, if she can be single-minded, she will not find a lover outside of marriage, and will not leave Tao any chance. Tao finally saw women being picked up by other men many times, no longer so crazy, not so much that he was tired, but that he understood this fact, yes, the woman was right, did not lie to him, if she can be emotionally loyal, there will be no lover's existence, and once there is a lover, there will not be only one, men can have three wives and four concubines, why can't women? Li Li also blackmailed all the male girlfriends in front of Tao many times, but she would contact them many times on the same day. Therefore, extramarital affairs are destined not to be a beautiful love.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


4, the feelings of the sunrise will not last long, and the ultimate interests are important. The reason why a woman will fall in love with extramarital affairs at the beginning is that she can find tenderness, passion, romance, stimulation, and care that are not in marriage in extramarital affairs. When marriage becomes a cage of love, women often pin their emotions on men on the outside, fresh or romantic, in short, she wants to get what she can't get in marriage.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


The initial extramarital affair may not have a conflict between material and money, and even each other will rush to pay the fee, happily buy clothes for each other, and send red envelopes. But over time, women will feel uncomfortable in their hearts, just like Li Li, she hopes that men can appear immediately when she needs it, she hopes that men can take out three hundred and four hundred thousand when she needs money, she hopes that men will put all their energy on her, but a man with a family, no matter how to cheat, how to put all his energy on an affair. Extramarital affairs are outright betrayals and deceptions against the family, lovers, and children. If you put all your energy on extramarital affairs, you will be full of lies and falsehoods about the original family, that is, under the complete building, little by little, the cornerstone of the most basic level will be extracted.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


When men can't meet these requirements of women, women begin to complain and accuse, once there is dissatisfaction in love, all the beauty will lose its original appearance, especially when the man sees the side behind a woman's lies, will he still try to find tenderness in that woman? Tao remembers the quarrel with the woman, she asked the man several questions in a row, am I good to you? I asked you if you wanted any money? Did I ask you to help with buying a house at home? Did I blame you for sending a message to my boyfriend? Li Li said that even if I don't divorce and have me, you should be satisfied. Do you know what my boyfriend says about me? You're so much older than me, and you haven't bought me a decent dress, where are you? What am I trying to figure out for you?

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

Li Li has no worries about food and clothing, she can find a boyfriend to travel at any time, go on a shopping spree, and these Tao can't give

After Li Li finished venting, Tao was silent, and he never called Li Li again, and Tao was also in pain, and he finally saw the true face of the woman. The woman initially only treats him as a spare tire, just asking him to lick it when she is happy, but when he brings up the idea, the woman feels that nothing is appropriate, either hiding or not interested. Tao chose to leave completely, he said to Li Li, originally thought that Li Li was a spiritual partner who knew that he loved him, but now he knew, Li Li was like him, he had a plan, Tao Tu wanted to be with her for a long time, Li Li Tu was that Tao could accompany her at any time, chat with her in the garden, accompany her to taste sex, but she never wanted to leave the family, Tao was just her uncompromising concubine who did not have to pay.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

Li Li was also angry with him for a while, yes, when the two people were together at the beginning, Tao said that she would never force Li Li to do anything, Li Li also said that she only wanted to be a lover, and she didn't care about anything else, but when they quarreled, she hung those things on her lips, did she really not care about those material things in her heart? Maybe not really at first. Li Li found that in fact, her heart has been changing, originally she only wanted a hug and a kiss a man's warm embrace, now even if the man gives her more hugs and more kisses, she also thinks that the loss is big, she also wants more, she finds that her desire is expanding, this man has given her a lot, in five years, she has abandoned the family and business to accompany her for more than ten months, it is not worth mentioning, she still feels that men owe her a lot and a lot. In the end, Tao and Li Li are no different from the ending of those extramarital affairs.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

The sense of ceremony is something that every woman loves

5. There is a male girlfriend who often tells and sends pictures to Lili, he often says that which women are not as good as Lili, and Lili is intoxicated by the rhetoric of these male girlfriends. And Tao fell in love with Li Li and gave everything to Li Li. It's just that no matter how good the extramarital affair is, it will one day become like marriage, full of helplessness and triviality, and the original good things will disappear. Lovers and wives only have the distinction of fame or absence, the others are the same, the same will be angry and quarrelsome, the same will be because of a sentence sensitive, cold war, the same will produce accusations and complaints, but the lover and the wife are also different, when the man is angry, he will still go home, even if he is annoying, he still pretends to be okay and will talk to his wife, but the lover, as long as the woman feels that she can no longer find the feeling she wants in him, she says that she will never let touch it again.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


6. "The clouds in the sky are like white clothes, and the whiskers are like dogs." Throughout the ages, there has been a common time, and everything in the world has been there. "All the fanaticism will eventually return to flat, and the extramarital affair will one day become as boring as the marriage, and the feelings that Shan Menghai vowed to die for, in the end, are no different from the marriage that the woman wants to escape, the only difference is that the end of the extramarital affair may be more tragic."

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


Memories are sealed, and life goes on. Tao knew from the moment he made up his mind to break up with the woman, in fact, from the very beginning their results would not be too good, even if he could humbly identify with other men in the heart of the woman for love, but he did not dare to guarantee that he could do no desire and no demand, and could blindly pay without asking for returns. So he would rather leave proudly than exist in a humble way. He had already anticipated the day when the grand outburst, which had begun in the summer, would end five years later in a dismal and lonely mid-rain.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


In fact, Tao is not jealous of women and other men, he knows that in the end, these men will end up like him, no different. Extramarital affairs themselves are immoral, if you are entangled with many people, you still don't hurry to run away, do you really have to wait until you are ruined?

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


7. Everyone has his own destined marriage, and Heaven has planned his wife and husband, and it is enough to keep his wife and husband, and must not covet other people's wives or husbands.

The Tao Te Ching says: "The five colors are blinding, the five tones are deaf, the five tastes are refreshing, the hunting is maddening, and the rare goods are obstructive." It is the rule of the saints, and the belly is not the goal. So go and take this. "The saint cultivates himself and governs the way, and can be full of stomachs, without coveting the stimulation of the senses, indulging in sound and color entertainment, abandoning external objects, and concentrating on the moral cultivation within." For the sake of "purpose", that is, the life of chasing external greed, the more one is thrown into the vortex of externalization, the more he lingers, causing himself to become self-alienated, and the soul becomes more and more empty.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


Just as the so-called color word on the head of a knife, this is also a very dangerous behavior, maybe once or twice will not be found, when you are accustomed to it, perhaps it is when you are being watched, out of the mix, always have to return.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

After the extramarital affair is exposed, many people will have various disputes with other people's families and husbands, either with their lives or with heavy money. Behind all the deceptions and deceptions is a "greedy" word, plus a "color" word, then it is even more difficult to escape the disaster.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

Love comes to an end, and no matter how difficult it is to harvest the water, it must be collected. The interests of extramarital affairs are reality, but also human nature, and people who try to challenge and test human nature will eventually give you heart-wrenching answers.

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...


8. "A little sadness on the eyebrows, how much happiness in the heart." "All encounters in the world are not all reunions after a long absence, may you return from the illusion, live up to time, and live up to yourself."

Love to the end, extramarital affairs are difficult to harvest...

Good mood is the best medicine, can cure everything in the world, may your heart, through the world's tribulations, abandon grievances, finally have to repair themselves, and finally can be a perfect fit with time, and finally return to nature without regrets.

"Obviously know no - extramarital affair topics, you come to talk, I listen attentively (3)"

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