
Lawyer Ding Tao: A letter to his 14-year-old son by Ding Tao, director of Beijing Puxian Law Firm, secretary general of the Law and Lawyers Alliance.

author:Legal Reading Library

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > Author: Ding Tao, Director of Beijing Puxian Law Firm, Secretary General of The Law and Lawyers Alliance. </h1>

Lawyer Ding Tao: A letter to his 14-year-old son by Ding Tao, director of Beijing Puxian Law Firm, secretary general of the Law and Lawyers Alliance.

Lawyer Ding Tao

Dear son, you are fourteen years old this year. Dad wants to talk to you.

When you were still in your mother's belly, your mother and I hoped that you would be healthy and happy in your life, so the nickname was Lele. When I first saw you, I was very happy: I was a father! At that time, Dad was a role, and now it seems to be a profession, for fourteen years, Dad was busy with work to raise you, and rarely communicated with you, and now I want to come to be very irresponsible, the son does not teach, the father's fault. Yesterday you recommended "Fu Lei's Family Letter" to me, I read it carefully, very inspired, father and son to be friends, to be attentive. I hope that we will all work hard from now on, sometimes I teach with my heart, you learn with your heart, sometimes you teach with your heart, I learn with my heart, teach each other, and grow together. Good relationships need to be cultivated by each other.

Think back to my 14-year-old, when I couldn't compare with you now. When I was 14 years old, I was just an ignorant rural baby. What remains in my memory so far are just some scenes of playing with my friends: catching fish in the river, climbing mountains to pick sour dates, and playing hide-and-seek; then there are some happy times with my family, the love of my grandparents and grandparents, the freeing of my parents and mothers, at that time I was still very afraid of my father, he was very scared when he glanced at me; of course, at that time, I was lucky enough to read the story of Li Si, and I also had an idea, that is, to change my fate through learning. Later, he came out of the village, went to the middle school in the township and city, went to the provincial city of Jinan to study at a university and chose to be a lawyer, until October 2005, when he came to Beijing to practice, and 28 years passed. I have been working hard, now that I think back, there are gains and losses during the period, and I hope to make the following summary I hope it will be useful to you:

1, men should have ambitions. I hope that you will read more celebrity biographies, understand the family, career and life of the celebrities you like, learn their good habits, good ideas and diligent practice and good summary character, and discover your mission as soon as possible, which is the starting point for a person's rapid progress. Over the past fifteen years of practicing as a lawyer, I have developed my own strengths: being a manager's lawyer, a lawyer's manager. I hope that in my future career, I can do industry integration, do a few classic cases of family wealth management and inheritance, and lay a good foundation for your future career starting point, which is done by generations like relay races. I hope that the son inherits the father's business, of course, I will respect your choice, as long as the career is promising, happy, do any work Dad is supportive of you, just hope that you can start and finish well, excellence, everything has a long-term plan, people's life should be considered at least 100 years, can be a stage every ten years, both long-term plans and phased implementation.

2, men should have healthy physical, mental and spiritual health. I was frail and sickly until I was 14 years old, and I didn't take medicine and injections until I was 14 years old, and of course, I basically never took medicine and injections since then. You are also relatively weak, pay attention to eat less cold things, I was like you when I was a child, do not pay attention to diet, in fact, recently there are good friends to give me advice, to do a good job of diet, I really pay attention to it, health is 1, status, wealth, career, love, happiness, etc. is 1 after zero. Pay attention to scientific diet, no waste, food diversification. Eat well in the morning, eat well at noon, and eat less for dinner. In the next few years, your parents will pay attention to your diet, and they hope to maintain good eating and living habits when you live independently in the future. Many diseases are eaten or gased out. To have a good attitude, our family is good to people, but people need to grind things.

3, to have the habit of continuous learning. I feel that the only thing that satisfied me for the first half of my life was that I had been studying, but I felt that I still did not work hard enough. Once I took your cousin Hao Hao to play in Yuyuantan Park, he said: Running means using all your strength! I still remember it vividly, he was only four years old. We all have to live to be old and learn to be old. Learning should have goals, and now everyone can agree: project learning, experiential learning, goal learning; really good learning is goal-oriented or successful practice-oriented learning. As long as the learning is not effective, we must reflect on our own learning methods and whether we are careful, and then consider the length of time investment.

4. We should participate in more practical activities and have a good relationship with small partners. Reading is for better practice, and books are less hated when they are used. Being kind to people is also skilled, sometimes good intentions may not be good, and constantly experience the feeling of interacting with people, people are mutual! In the future, your parents will give you money, I hope you will divide it into three parts, one for studying, buying school supplies, course fees, and travel tuition; one for playing, improving the interests of life, and developing your own interests and hobbies; one for communication, not only for inviting guests to dinner, for growing up with friends and helping each other.

5. About mistakes, failures and setbacks. Hardships and hardships, Yuru Yucheng. Failure is the mother of success, we must learn lessons in every mistake and failure, never give up, with the help of high people and famous teachers, bad things will become good things, to be brave and wise. Good at using people and cooperation, bold to do things. Article 17 of the Penal Code stipulates that a person who has reached the age of sixteen shall bear criminal responsibility for committing a crime. A person who has reached the age of 14 but not yet reached the age of 16 shall bear criminal responsibility for intentional homicide, intentional injury causing serious injury or death, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion or poisoning. You have to finish reading the criminal law before the age of 16 and make sure you don't commit a crime for the rest of your life. The problems encountered in studying law, I can give you a solution. We all have to be responsible for our own behavior, responsible thinking, will make you behave cautiously, do not mess around, do not add trouble to others, and have a win-win or win-win thinking.

6. About investment and wealth management. We want to save, and we have to make more money. Coming from a peasant family, I was taught to be frugal. Now it seems that from a young age we must have the awareness of investment and financial management, make more money, after having money, we can do a lot of things that are beneficial to people and ourselves in society, and the money I earn in the second half of my life will be used in my career, especially in talent training, in addition to providing a good life for my family. When I have money, I will set up a foundation to reward talents and scientific research projects, and Nobel is my role model when it comes to spending money. In terms of making money, there are many role models, as long as they are taken, they can be learned. In the first half of my life, I always felt that money was useless, so money did not come to me, there is a classic line in the movie "Your Highness, give some interest", rich and poor are in a thought, it depends on whether you are a borrower or a moneylender. That is to say, whether you want to be poor or rich is very critical, and the way of thinking determines the difference between people and people. The chairman of a Fortune 500 company recalled his father's influence on him, in fact, it was a sentence: do you like to be a leader or be led by others. He likes to be a leader, and if he persists for a long time, he succeeds.

Finally, I would like to use a sentence of Confucius as a summary: the wise are not confused, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid. Every day is wiser, more compassionate, more courageous than yesterday's life, such a life is the most beautiful, let us encourage together, do a good job in the father-son relationship, in the future I hope that you and I will work hard to manage our relationship together, I wish you good luck.

Always support your dad.

May 2019


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