
Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

author:A little drama reading

The author | Sugar fried hawthorn

"As long as people live a long time, the screen CP that was bumped many years ago can succeed in the second match."

How hot is Zhong Hanliang and Li Xiaoran's CP? In 2010, "Too Late to Say I Love You", starring the two and adapted from the novel of the same name by Bandit I Sicun, premiered on Hubei Jingshi, and the following year, the two people pressed cp for many popular dramas such as "Step by Step" and "The Naked Marriage Era", and won the Best Screen Couple Award of the National Drama Festival and Sohu TV Series. At present, the rating of this drama on Douban is still as high as 8.4 points, and the number of ratings exceeds 57,000.

After 12 years, the "after-sales service" has made "This Life With You" (formerly known as "The Rest of My Life") have its own attention. It is still the blessing of the original work of bandits and me, or the sadistic love affair of Zhong Hanliang and Li Xiaoran, and it also integrates the elements of breaking the mirror and renewing the frontier, which is somewhat predestined.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

3 days online, 10 episodes of membership updates, how does "This Life with You" perform? The data shows that the popularity of the drama in Youku station exceeded 9679, winning 32 hot searches on the whole network; on the professional version of Maoyan, the highest popularity of the drama in history was 9200, which was slightly suppressed by dramas such as "The Beginning", but unlike the premiere of most dramas, the peak of popularity, the current market popularity of this drama is still rising steadily, and it ranks among the top 3 of the popularity list on the 20th.

A problem that must be mentioned is that in the past two months, middle-aged idol dramas have gathered to harvest market attention, but it is also difficult to escape the embarrassing reality: on the one hand, it is the high market heat and traffic password, on the other hand, it is a jagged word-of-mouth status quo. But the just-broadcast "This Life with You" seems to be different: the four-star and five-star praise of the drama on Douban accounts for the majority; the rating of the series is as high as 8.5 points.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?
Or is it the familiar taste of the ancient, or even the sadistic love affair of dog blood, what is the difference between "You in This Life"? Can it justify the reputation of the middle-aged idol drama with embarrassing reputation? Is it hard to match under the name, or is there something that hits the heart in the slightest? We feel it too.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran continued the frontier, "CP filter" blessing to achieve high reputation?

"My CP is remarried, and five stars is my blessing to them." In the Douban praise of "This Life with You", there is a kind of voice, and the size cannot be ignored. It can be said that the story of Murong Sixao and Jing Jing has left many regrets, and now Nie Yusheng and Tan Jing have carried more blessings, and the public has its own filter for "You in This Life" from the beginning.

However, in this network era of "seeing each other is better than nostalgia" and feelings are heavily overdrawn, the biggest endogenous force of "There Is You in This Life" lies in Zhong Hanliang and Li Xiaoran, who have undertaken this part of the expectation and successfully transformed into a new character story. This is the acting skills of the actors and the interpretation of the characters.

The story of the TV series is somewhat cheesy: the teenage love can not withstand the fate arrangement, the woman "runs with the ball"; although the two people after the reunion are concerned, it is difficult to take that step after all. The character setting is also not new: Nie Yusheng, played by Zhong Hanliang, is a well-known doctor and the second generation of overbearing presidents who need to go home to inherit hundreds of millions of family properties; Tan Jing, played by Li Xiaoran, drags the family to bring mouths to beg for life in reality.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

But these stand in the play. To some extent, Nie Yusheng still belongs to the type of character that Zhong Hanliang is good at shaping, and he has similarities with the previous He Yichen, Lu Licheng, etc., but Zhong Hanliang can still give the audience a new point of perception; and some netizens commented on Li Xiaoran: When her tearful eyes look over, it is already a bitter and strong "White Lotus" itself.

In addition to the characters sticking to their faces and accurate interpretations, the strong sense of CP between the two can be said to crush the current ancient puppet dramas. Bakery long goodbye reunion but turn a blind eye and each cares, bought each other's favorite fruit on the way to work, but also in the face to face but tears in the eyes, a long farewell reunion of the famous scene, the restraint interpreted by the two has a deep affection that can not be hidden, becoming the existence of countless netizens to break the defense.

In the handling of many classic and dog-blood sadomasochistic love scenes, the sense of CP and brokenness on the characters is also properly transmitted. Tan Jing seems to be calm enough to exchange love gifts for 50,000 yuan, but in fact, he is desperate; Nie Yusheng did not care when passing by Tan Jing, but he completely lost his demeanor after she fainted; even if there was a heavy misunderstanding, the two would still be unable to help but hug and kiss each other in the bathroom.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

In addition to the emotional dimension, the clues such as Nie Yusheng's overbearing president business war story and Tan Jing's initial entry into the workplace are also gradually unfolding, which also puts forward higher requirements for the actor's performance. The call for "Xiao Nie Zong" on the bullet screen has always remained high, and this will also become a new inspection point for the public to Discuss Nie Yusheng and Tan Jing.

"Finding the right actor in the ancient routine can also make people super-head," Douban netizens sighed. Regardless of whether there is a filter blessing at the beginning, what can ultimately retain the audience must be their interpretation of the characters themselves, and the audience can only have the motivation to continue to follow the drama if they believe in the characters and this relationship. However, some viewers questioned the large gap between the actual age of the actors and the character settings, and Zhong Hanliang's original lines.

"Life Flow" dissolves the dog blood label, and "This Life Has You" unexpectedly breaks through?

Unlike a large number of middle-aged idol dramas that hold high the banner of realism and inspirational women before the start of broadcasting, and quickly fall into the controversy of suspension and dog blood after the start of broadcasting, "There is you in this life" adapted from the bandit Si Cun's "Love You is the Best Time", it seems to have been labeled as "dog blood" from the beginning, and the keywords include: broken mirror reunion, running with the ball, elderly love feud, brotherhood wall and so on.

However, after the episode was broadcast, it was not difficult to find that the whole drama was actually biased towards the flow of life rather than idol dramas. This mainly lies in two aspects: First, the drama's portrayal of the emotional line is restrained and rich, with both the rationality of the adult world and the purity of juvenile love. After the bakery, in the first few episodes, Nie Yusheng and Tan Jing did not intersect much, and even if they reunited for many years, they were more like two parallel but not intersecting lines, and everyone had their own track.

Tan Jing wears a ball coat, runs around the bakery, asks neighbors to take care of his son, and dreams of getting rich for a good wine husband to clean up the aftermath; Nie Yusheng runs in the hospital, and he also has his own friends after work, and he will also save the scene for his friends to go on a blind date. This is the rationality of the adult world, and it also makes the emotional telling of the show have a sense of storytelling, rather than a sense of fast food.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

The calmness of this emotional processing does not mean that the series is dragging on, and even the pace of the TV series is very fast. However, some netizens have raised questions about the suspicion of running accounts and the lack of impact of famous scenes, and even some netizens are worried about whether the excessively fast pace will dissolve the emotional concentration in the original work. But objectively speaking, the reunion scene at the beginning of the series, suppressing the flow of emotions, has become the most worthy of taste and defense-breaking part.

At the same time, the various settings in the story, such as children's illness, husband beatings, half-brothers, and business wars, also make the characters' emotions not blindly suppressed, but overlap with the outbreak, so that the narrative tone of the story has ups and downs, so that the drama of the whole story is more sufficient. For now, the famous scenes of emotional explosions such as money throwing and bathroom kisses rendered by TV dramas have the potential to go out of the circle.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

Second, what makes the suspension land on the ground, as well as the drama's quite careful service. Although she has fluent English, Tan Jing, who only has a high school education, can only work in a bakery; the house she lives in after work is dilapidated and cramped, and her sick son lives in a neighbor's aunt's house, and she also needs to pay for the other party's meal; the coat she wears is worn and the makeup on her face is also tired.

The tone of the original book determines that this will not be a real life flow drama, but the TV series does find the feeling of landing as much as possible, which is also the part that makes the audience feel the most surprised after the broadcast. However, as the story enters the workplace, "will this sense of reality continue" I am afraid that it is still a question mark, after all, this is also the most prone part of domestic dramas to step on. For now, at least the setting of Tan Jing being promoted and treated preferentially by Sheng Fangting is already a bit too idol drama.

Literary style or youth pain literature, and then explore the correct way to open the middle couple?

If CP after-sales and life flow are the public's critical comments filter for this drama, then the "literary style" is the biggest controversial part of this drama. Some people savor the flowing affection in it, and some people call it another poison of "youth pain literature".

Roughly, the literary and artistic style of the whole play can be decomposed into three parts: First, the lens language and narrative style of the whole play. This is based on the whole romantic and bitter story, the drama style of the life flow and the restrained performance style of the actors, of course, this is also inseparable from the director's treatment on the camera. The play is very good at rendering the ambiguous and sad, longing and inaccessible and inaccessible feelings of the two through the pull of the camera.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

The second is the handling of campus romance. Memories interspersed is a problem that many TV series have to deal with, and "This Life with You" chooses interludes. At present, the drama has been interspersed with scenes such as the love affair of the two people, overseas study, wedding yearning, etc., such as the two people's actions of comforting children with bean sprouts growing into bean sprouts, which are also explained through the interspersing of memories. It's just that too many interpolation scenes make the narrative rhythm constantly interrupted, which is not conducive to the mobilization of the audience's emotions.

Third, the integration of creative titles is a major innovation of the play, and it is also the most intense part of the literary and artistic style. Through a tiny opening to refine the emotions in the play, such as Nie Yusheng's fantasy that he is living with Tan Jing and his son Pingping, the woman washes his hands and makes soup, and life is quiet and beautiful, but the camera turns, and the empty eyes tell the audience that this is just a dream - heartbreak doubled.

The plot is accompanied by monologues created for each title, such as "Someone is love itself", "I can't be indifferent to you", "I have a secret, there is one thing I once hid close to, more precious than my life, I never thought I would give it to another person, and never look back".

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

Objectively speaking, the feedback from the market to the literary and artistic style is still mostly positive, and what role the creative title will play in the plot laying out, perhaps more patience and time are needed, some netizens speculate that Nie Yusheng has always wandered outside the house, in fact, it refers to the atrium of Talking Jing. However, the same problem is that it is too late, artistic innovation should serve the story itself, but too much or even disturb the audience's experience of chasing the drama, it is suspected of showmanship.

Zhong Hanliang Li Xiaoran has a deep sadistic love affair, "There is you in this life" for the middle-aged idol drama "justifying the name"?

The rise of middle-aged idol dramas is already unstoppable, but after watching the realism of a chicken feather, or the silly white and sweet routine of forcibly copying and pasting the green puppet routine, how to find the word-of-mouth password and make innovative attempts to make genre themes while grasping the traffic password is the key to solving the problem in the future. In this sense, "With You in This Life" has at least made its own attempts and achieved good results.

However, this is not the complete report card of "This Life with You", the elders' grudges and hatreds, workplace business battles, etc. as important elements in the second half of the plot, also determine the influence of the series. Will it become a game-breaker in the middle-aged idol drama market? We will also continue to pay attention.

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