
Tribute to the hero Wuhan: Condensing the great anti-epidemic spirit and drawing a hero city in the new era

author:China Youth Network

The Yangtze River rushes in front, the Han River rushes in the back, the two rivers run dragons and snakes, skimming between heaven and earth, wild grass out of the huge "human" word, dividing Wuhan into three, and the three towns of Wuhan are derived from it. Wuhan is "unique in nature". People have always been the heart of the city.

  From the first shot fired by the Xinhai Revolution to the great turning point of the Eighty-Seven Conference, from the vow to die in the face of the flood peak, to the heroic responsibility of fighting the epidemic, the spiritual character of Wuhan daring to be the first has long been integrated into the blood of the city.

  2022 is the beginning of the new government to fully perform its duties, but also the key year to implement the "14th Five-Year Plan", Wuhan drew a five-year development blueprint, carrying the hopes of countless people: anchor the overall positioning of the national central city and the core city of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, strengthen the "one master leadership", accelerate the construction of "five centers", and strive to build a heroic city in the new era.

  The background of the heroic city in the new era is still people-oriented. The stars are moving, the wind and clouds will meet, this city with a population of tens of millions, is moving from the Yangtze River to the world stage.

  Wuhan was once the "epicenter" of the global epidemic and became the global focus because of the 76-day "lockdown" of the largest and strictest measures in human history. The indomitable strength that broke out in Wuhan at a time of crisis has become the spiritual coordinate of China's anti-epidemic struggle; the Wuhan defense war has been written into the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Century-Long Struggle", which will forever be recorded in the annals of history. In the context of today's global epidemic, Wuhan will be an intuitive window for the outside world to observe and analyze China.

  Looking back at Wuhan and the national epidemic, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, this magnificent people's war and arduous historical examination have condensed the great anti-epidemic spirit of "life first, the whole country is united, life is forgotten, science is respected, and destiny is shared", enriching the connotation of the national spirit and the spirit of the times, and becoming an important part of the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists.

  However, at that time, the so-called mainstream voices in the West made the most pessimistic predictions and the most vicious smears about Wuhan, and some people even concocted the epidemic version of the "China collapse theory", believing that the epidemic would become the "rest" of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, just two months later, Wuhan was restarted amid cheers. Many people remember that in the summer of 2020, the warm picture of the Wuhan Water Electric Syllable Festival surprised the world. Some people in the West, either blindly do not understand, or do not understand, how can Wuhan become the safest city in the world from the "epicenter" of the epidemic? In this regard, many people in the West do not want to believe, do not dare to believe, or do not want to believe. In the first quarter of 2020, Wuhan's economy fell off a cliff due to the epidemic, but by the end of the year, the inventory had returned to the top ten in the country! In 2021, Wuhan's GDP increased by more than 12% year-on-year, and the economy of Wuhan, which was revitalized after the epidemic, fully recovered and returned to the "main track". Wuhan's data is a bellwether for the strong resilience of China's economy!

  At present, the global epidemic situation is still continuing, and the "lockdown" and "lockdown" of many countries around the world have been repeated. Looking back on the night when Wuhan was "locked down", it can be said that Wuhan, Hubei and even the entire nation are standing at the crossroads of history. Similar intersections, Wuhan has witnessed many times. In the spring of 1927, the Revolution faced defeat. In the midst of the wind and rain, Mao Zedong climbed the Yellow Crane Tower and wrote that "the vast nine schools flow in China, and the sinking line runs through the north and south." At that time, the reactionary forces were extremely arrogant, and many people thought that the CCP could not pass this hurdle. However, on the contrary, the historical change was only instantaneous, more than half a month after the comprehensive rupture of the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, at the 87 Conference held in Hankou, Mao Zedong for the first time put forward the famous thesis that "power comes out of the barrel of a gun", and the Chinese revolution turned toward a great historical turn.

  Western logic cannot explain the Chinese story – not only the Wuhan epidemic, but also various deductions or big data, it is difficult to deduce the model of China's historical process. In 1921, the Communist Party of China was a congress with only 13 deputies in total. Of the 13 deputies, 4 defected, 5 were killed, and some left the party; the only fruits left were Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu. By the end of the agrarian revolution, the Soviet union lost 99 percent of its losses, the white area party organizations were almost completely lost, and the Communist Party of China was left with only one Shaanxi-Gansu border base area. But only 13 years later, the Chinese Communist Party's victory in the country was already laid. In 1936, the American journalist Snow came to Yan'an, where he saw a great power and named it "Oriental Magic". That, he said, was the basis of victory. Today, history has once again confirmed Snow's assertion.

  If Snow is still there, he will find that the great anti-epidemic spirit embodied in Wuhan is the embodiment of the "oriental magic" he saw in the past. The supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life and "taking the people as the center" are the original mission of the Communist Party of China to "seek rejuvenation for the Chinese nation and happiness for the Chinese people". "Those who win the hearts and minds of the people gain the strength of the people" is the interpretation of "oriental magic".

  The heroic Wuhan, the heroic Wuhan people, has once again been recorded in the annals of history. Choosing the right direction at a critical juncture and continuing to struggle to take a solid step is, in the final analysis, to adhere to the party's leadership. New era and new journey, the hero's footsteps in Wuhan do not stop, looking at the recently announced news, it can be described as a frequent highlight: since last year, Wuhan has added 8 newly listed enterprises; China-Europe Express (Wuhan) has shipped 411 trains, opened 29 stable cross-border transportation routes, covering more than 30 countries in Eurasia; Wuhan aims at the "digital Kyushu Tongqu", the artificial intelligence computing center is the first in the country, and will start the second phase of expansion, and will soon be interconnected with Shenzhen nodes. In addition, Wuhan has made good use of the unique advantages of 92 universities, 1.3 million college students, and more than 90 national innovation platforms of various types, and the East Lake Comprehensive National Science Center has made rapid progress...

  General Secretary Xi Jinping has given Hubei the glorious mission of "building a fulcrum and walking in the forefront", and the Hubei Provincial Party Committee has asked Wuhan to shoulder the primary responsibility of "one lord leading", and must be a hero with high-quality development, a hero with scientific and technological self-reliance, a hero to deepen reform and opening up, a hero to adhere to the people's feelings, and strive to build a heroic city in the new era. In the face of the baton of history, "pouring out the wine and the tide of the waves", the heroic people of Wuhan will surely know the heavy burden, strive to answer the questionnaire, come up with the best results, and write a magnificent chapter of the heroic city in the new era! in Jiangcheng

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