
Satellite positioning elected Lai Zengwei as chairman In the first half of 2021, the company lost 9.5803 million


On January 21, 2022, satellite positioning (870420) issued an announcement that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the articles of association of the company, the first meeting of the third board of directors of the company was deliberated and approved on January 19, 2022:

Elect Lai Zengwei as the chairman of the board of directors of the company, and the term of office is from the date of deliberation and approval by the board of directors to the date of expiration of the term of office of the third board of directors of the company, and takes effect from January 19, 2022.

Xie Lihui was elected as the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company, and the term of office shall be effective from the date of deliberation and approval of the Board of Supervisors to the expiration of the term of office of the third Board of Supervisors of the Company, and shall take effect from January 19, 2022.

Appoint Lai Zengwei as the general manager of the company, and the term of office shall be from the date of deliberation and approval by the board of directors to the date of expiration of the term of office of the third board of directors of the company, and shall take effect from January 19, 2022.

Jiang Peizhou, Su Minxian and Zhang Zhihui were appointed as deputy general managers of the company, and the term of office was from the date of deliberation and approval by the board of directors to the date of expiration of the third term of the board of directors of the company, and took effect from January 19, 2022.

Liu Feng was appointed as the financial officer of the company and the secretary of the board of directors, and the term of office was from the date of deliberation and approval by the board of directors to the date of expiration of the term of office of the third board of directors of the company, and took effect from January 19, 2022.

Luo Mingsheng is appointed as another position of the company, and the term of office is from the date of deliberation and approval by the board of directors to the expiration of the term of office of the third board of directors of the company, and takes effect from January 19, 2022.

According to the understanding of the network, Lai Zengwei, Jiang Peizhou, Su Minxian, Zhang Zhihui, Liu Feng, and Luo Mingsheng hold 0.99%, 0.89%, 0.89%, 0.89%, 0.89%, and 0.89% of the shares of satellite positioning, respectively, and Xie Lihui does not hold shares in satellite positioning.

According to the needs of the company's business development, the board of directors elected Lai Zengwei as the chairman of the company and hired him as the general manager of the company, Jiang Peizhou, Su Minxian and Zhang Zhihui as the deputy general managers of the company, Liu Feng as the company's financial director and secretary of the board of directors, and Luo Mingsheng as the company's chief engineer. The Supervisory Board elected Xie Lihui as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company.

This appointment is conducive to the company's long-term strategic planning and improvement of corporate governance, and will not adversely affect the company's normal production and operation.

According to the company's 2021 semi-annual report, the company's net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in the first half of 2021 was -9,580,288.23 yuan, an increase from the loss of the same period last year.

According to the data of The Beibei Network, satellite positioning is committed to the development, construction and operation of beidou intelligent transportation, marine and police cloud platforms, and has industry-leading application software products and overall solutions in the fields of urban bus, taxi, passenger and freight transportation, as well as public security, traffic police, border inspection, marine, port and shipping, law enforcement and other fields.

This article originated from the digging shell network

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