
Powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor Black Shark 5 mobile phone is about to be released

January 20 news, Black Shark game phone today posted that black shark 5 series mobile phone is about to debut hardcore, equipped with a new Snapdragon 8 mobile platform. Previously, it was reported that the Black Shark 5 series mobile phone will be equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1 and a stronger ultra-high brush screen, and interested friends can continue to pay attention.

Powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor Black Shark 5 mobile phone is about to be released

Image source: Weibo

In addition, the Black Shark 5 series mobile phone will be equipped with a dual-cell battery of about 4600mAh, support 100-watt flash charging, and the system is still BASED ON THE JOYUI of the Android 12 underlying magic modification MIUI. Some insiders also said that the Black Shark 5 series of game phones is still in the normal iteration, the two new machine development code names are Katyusha and Patriot, of which the model KTUS-A0 has been filed with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

According to previous news, the future business focus of Black Shark Technology will shift from game phones to VR devices as a whole, with Content provided by Tencent and VR hardware entrance provided by Black Shark. There are interested friends who can continue to pay attention.


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