
These three dishes are fried together and delicious, 5 minutes out of the pot under the rice and wine and unsatisfied, on the table must be disc

author:Scarlett's kitchenette
These three dishes are fried together and delicious, 5 minutes out of the pot under the rice and wine and unsatisfied, on the table must be disc
These three dishes are fried together and delicious, 5 minutes out of the pot under the rice and wine and unsatisfied, on the table must be disc

Soon to be the New Year, many housewives have begun to study Chinese New Year's Eve rice and hospitality dishes, Chinese New Year's Eve rice, Spring Festival family banquet, big fish and big meat are essential, but big fish and big meat will also feel too tired, so it is still necessary to prepare some home-style small stir-fry, simple stir-fry can be on the table, refreshing and not greasy, the method is also simple, delicious and delicious, but also the perfect match for the next meal, you can also get on the table early, you can have more time to reminisce with your family, why not enjoy it?

Pork liver is one of the ingredients we often eat, its iron content is 18 times that of pork, but also rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid and other components, blood tonic effect is also very strong, is a good blood tonic product; and pig liver is rich in vitamin A, can protect the eyes, maintain normal vision, especially with too many eyes students and computer families can eat more pork liver in moderation. When encountering it, it is soft, the iron content is 18 times that of pork, and it is fried for 5 minutes on the table to replenish blood and be clear.

Home-cooked stir-fry, I like meat and vegetarian combinations, this time with the dry goods that are often prepared at home, rotten bamboo and fungus. Humus bamboo is a kind of soy products, rich in a large number of plant protein and calcium, is a good product for calcium supplementation; and fungus has "meat in the vegetarian", the taste is smooth and tender, rich in nutrition, with the effect of replenishing qi and blood, cleaning the stomach and intestines, softening blood vessels, preventing blood clots and so on. Three ingredients together are simply fried and fried, five minutes can be served, pork liver is fragrant and tender, fragrant and smooth into the taste, under the rice under the wine and relief, definitely more sought-after than the big fish and meat, the table must be disc. Let's take a look at the specifics.

【Stir-fried pork liver with fungus rotten bamboo】

Ingredients: Pork liver 1 piece of curd bamboo 1 handful of fungus 1 handful of light soy sauce 1 spoon of cooking wine 1 spoon of starch 1 tsp of green onion oil and salt to taste

Production:1. 2. Prepare the raw materials; 3. Add a little salt, starch, cooking wine and soy sauce and other seasonings to mix and marinate evenly; Boil the pot water and add a little salt; Blanch the soft fungus and tofu in a pot for 3 minutes and then remove; Then put the marinated pork liver into the pot and blanch and change color, and then fish out and set aside; Make a bowl of juice: salt, starch, cooking wine, soy sauce, ginger and garlic and a little water to mix well; Heat the pan with a little oil, add blanched bamboo and fungus and stir-fry twice; Add the blanched pork liver into the pot and stir-fry evenly; 9. Pour in the bowl of juice, collect the juice on high heat and taste it;

These three dishes are fried together and delicious, 5 minutes out of the pot under the rice and wine and unsatisfied, on the table must be disc

10. Place on a plate and sprinkle with green onions.

These three dishes are fried together and delicious, 5 minutes out of the pot under the rice and wine and unsatisfied, on the table must be disc

Small bowl ear black fungus ¥59.98 Purchase

Tips:1. Soak the black fungus and tofu bamboo in advance, then put it in the pot and blanch for 3 minutes, then remove and set aside; 3. Marinate the pork liver slices with salt and other seasonings, blanch the water, slightly change color, and then fish out; Prepare a bowl of juice in advance, mix all the ingredients together, pour in the bowl and sauté until flavorful.

These three dishes are fried together and delicious, 5 minutes out of the pot under the rice and wine and unsatisfied, on the table must be disc

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