
"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself

author:Spread your wings to cover the moon
"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself
"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself

"The Wind Rises in Luoyang" is a costume suspense drama starring Huang Xuan, Wang Yibo and Song Qian, special starring Song Yi, special starring Yong Mei, specially invited starring Liu Duanduan, Zhang Duo, Zhang Li, Zhang Xilin, Gao Shuguang, Shi Yu, Ning Wentong, Feng Hui and Han Shuai.

It tells the story of Gao Bingzhan (Huang Xuan), a bad deputy commander who is at the bottom of Luoyang, who becomes a suspect, and in the process of finding the man in black who killed his brother, he meets Baili Hongyi (Wang Yibo), who is trying to find out the truth about his father's poisoning, and the two begin to cooperate and investigate. Wu Siyue (Song Qian), an internal guard from the Empress's own family, cooperates with Gao Bingzhan to investigate the case and wants to find a whistle-blowing letter related to the case, and Gao Bingzhan and Baili Hongyi, two completely different classes of people, look at each other unfavorably, but have to be tied together. As the three of them continued to investigate the case in depth, they discovered the earth-shattering conspiracy of the mysterious organization Spring and Autumn Road to plague the gods.

"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself

Zhang Li played the female supporting lady in the film, she is the red-faced confidant of the male protagonist Gao Bingcang.

Miao Niang is the owner of Jishan WineRy, the largest winery in Shendu, she is as beautiful as peach and plum, long-sleeved and good at dancing, exquisite in eight sides, and as her name is generally a beautiful and colorful woman.

How nice it would be if that were the case. However, she also has another identity, the Spring and Autumn Road Killer Sixteen Nights.

In her memory, childhood was the distant back of Grandpa, who sold her to Shinto with a bag of rice, and no matter how much she cried, she could not change a turn.

The first task she received was to kill the little friends who practiced martial arts together, and in the end, she was left alone.

Shinto bought her only to cultivate killers and eliminate dissidents, she is a knife in the hands of others, and she cannot have feelings.

At that time, she knew that human life was the least valuable thing in the world. In order to survive, you can kill as many people as you want.

"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself

Later, she met Gao Bingcang, the young hero, who stepped forward when she was surrounded by a splash. He had chased debts for her, beaten troublemakers, and talked about the short love of a lifetime.

On that day, they got together again, and she took out her precious collection of dry and wine to entertain him, and together they talked about the past, about the present, about those who were at fault.

"I envy Wu Siyue, this little lady, she can accompany you to do anything." And I, no matter how much I do, I can't let you know. ”

"Don't mention her, you don't deserve it."

"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself
"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself
"The Wind Rises luoyang" The BE ending I chose for myself

She put on the black dress of Sixteen Nights and ended her life with a trident.

Zhangqiu secretly ordered her to kill Gao Bingcang, and she sacrificed herself to protect him.

Maybe in the dark, they couldn't have been. He was a bad lieutenant in charge of defending Shendu; she was a Shinto killer for sixteen nights, and the value of existence was to disturb the peace of Luoyang.

She killed his brother, causing him to be accused of being displaced. They are no longer possible.

This is the BE ending she chose for herself.

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