
74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

author:The world of small and micro-emotional


We all know that many of us parents, in the treatment of their children's problems, in more often, it is really to pay too much hard work and fatigue, etc., and even in some cases, many of our parents "poor life", are living for their children, perhaps in the eyes of many of our parents, children are their own everything, for their children, even if they pay more, it is worth it, then parents for their children of all kinds of love, not only with words but also expressed, Moreover, the various kinds of love of parents for their children are not easy for children to pay off.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

It is reasonable to say that in this case, once the parents encounter any difficulties, or when they are in danger, our children should actively lend their own help at the first time, but the reality now is that even if many of us parents dedicate their whole hearts to their children, but when they are really old and need the help of their children, the various performances of our children make many of our parents sigh, and the 74-year-old Uncle Qin in the community said bluntly: When I can't take care of myself in my later years, I would rather pay a high salary for a nanny than look at the faces of my children! "So what happened to Uncle Qin?" Let's look down together.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

Private prosecutor: 74-year-old Uncle Qin

I am already 74 years old, retired from a state-owned enterprise at the age of 60, and now have a pension of nearly 6,000 yuan a month, while at the same time, I have a son and a daughter and two children, and for a long time, I have also had great expectations for my two children, especially in my old age.

Because my wife and I have cared for these two children since childhood, and at the same time we treat them both equally, to say no exaggeration, the warmth that the two of them have enjoyed since childhood will only be more than their peers, and they will definitely not be smaller than their peers.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

Not only that, when the two children grow up and talk about marriage, like the son's bride price, the wedding room and the wedding car, my wife and I really give everything they have and have no reservations, and when the daughter marries, we both also give the daughter a very rich dowry, it can be said that no matter what, neither of us owes two children.

Because of this, my wife and I have both, after the old age, the two children will definitely be very good to the two of us, but what we never expected is that when we are really old, the two children in the attitude towards both of us, but really make us heartbroken.

Originally, after I retired, like the homes of other elderly people around me, I could always see their children coming and going from time to time, and at the same time I could hear the laughter of my children from their rooms, but in my home with my wife, I couldn't see the figure of two children all year round, and more often in our family, there were only two lonely old people like me and my wife.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

But I didn't complain too much about my two children at that time, I just thought that maybe the two children were busy at work, or there was something to deal with at home, otherwise, the two of them would definitely come home to visit us every three or five minutes, and they were filial to us everywhere, but four years ago, an incident happened, so that I finally understood the true face of the two children.

Four years ago, because my wife had passed away, so at this time, I was the only one living alone in the family, originally when my wife was alive, no matter what I did, we could still have a mutual care and help between each other, but since my wife died, everything in the family needed me to complete alone.

One day the bedroom light suddenly did not come on, from the outside to buy the bulb I, I stood alone on the ladder to change the bulb, then I did not know what was going on, I suddenly fell from the ladder heavy, originally there was an old injury to my waist, since then, I can only be with the wheelchair as a companion.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

And suddenly lost the ability to take care of myself, immediately need people to take care of, so I immediately called my two children at the first time, the two children said very good, let me go to their home in the future, by them to take turns to take care of me, the attitude of the two children at that time, is to make me feel very pleased, but then the development of things is not so.

I first went to my son's house, and at the beginning, my son was taking care of my problems, although I could not say that I was particularly dedicated, but at least I could say it, at least I felt very satisfied, but after a few months, I gradually felt that something was wrong.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

Sometimes I need my son's help for some things, although my voice is fierce, even the next-door neighbor can hear it, but my son either pretends not to hear, or when he helps me to do things, either perfunctory to me, or cold to me, in short, at this time, his heart is a hundred unwilling.

To this day I still clearly remember that one night I wanted to go to the toilet, but no matter how I called my son, he did not answer, and then I really couldn't hold back, I was convenient in bed, and the next day, my son had a gloomy face, and it was a countdown for me, and I was almost about to cry.

After that, I went to my daughter's house again, because I knew very early on that my daughter was a person who loved cleanliness, and even she was a little bit of a cleanliness fetish, so usually when I was at my daughter's house, I was "careful" about everything I did, but even so, my daughter still picked bones in my eggs. ”

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

Once after going to the toilet, I obviously had flushed the water, but my daughter had a somber face, not to say that I did not flush, and even once, when my daughter passed by me, she not only pinched her nose, but also took out air freshener and sprayed it on my body a few times, although I was old, but I was a person who wanted a face after all, and my daughter's various practices really made me very faceless.

Later, I took the initiative to say goodbye to my son and daughter, and then returned to my home, and after returning home, I still needed someone to take care of me, so I decided to spend a high salary to hire a nanny to take care of me, at that time I offered this nanny a salary of 6500 yuan per month, although I offered the other party a high salary, but the other party in the care of me, but let me feel very satisfied.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

This nanny will make me my favorite meals every day according to my requirements and tastes, sometimes the other party will change the pattern, make me some meals that I have never eaten, to be honest, the meals made by this nanny are really delicious, and even sometimes the other party will make me some fruit salad for me to eat, saying that it can effectively supplement the nutrition needed by my body.

When the weather is bad, the nanny will help me recover at home, and when the weather is good, the nanny will push me outside to breathe fresh air, or for physical rehabilitation training, sometimes where I am uncomfortable, the nanny will go out in time to buy me medicine after learning about this situation.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

And the most critical problem is that when taking care of me, an old man who can't take care of myself, although it will be very difficult, but this nanny has never given me an ugly face, but every time she is smiling, and even sometimes in some things, I feel very embarrassed, but the nanny not only does not blame me a little, but also comforts me vigorously, so that I don't go to my heart.

In the blink of an eye, this nanny has been taking care of me for more than three years, and in these three years, I have spent almost every day in laughter and laughter, and others have envied me, saying that I am blessed in my old age, but my heart is very clear, all this is due to the fact that I hired this very "reliable" nanny, and in my own personal experience, I personally feel that when I can't take care of myself in my later years, I would rather spend a high salary to ask a nanny to take care of the service, rather than look at the face of my children!

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

Small micro-conclusions

When Uncle Qin was faced with the difficult and dangerous situation of not being able to take care of himself in life, he informed his two children to take care of him at the first time, originally in his opinion, because he had been treating the problem of two children for a long time, he had done a very good job and in place, so he was very confident that in the future, the two children would definitely take good care of him and treat him well, but the reality made him have to choose to give up relying on the care of his two children, and instead spend a high salary to hire a nanny to take care of himself. Then Uncle Qin's desire to rely on his children to take care of the service in his later years will be disappointed, I personally think the reason is mainly: even if the old man has great kindness to his children, but if the children do not know how to be grateful, or do not understand it, all these efforts will be in vain; after all, serving and taking care of people is not a good job, plus the children do not often contact these things, after a long time, the children will inevitably be bored; the original children also have their own families and life needs to take care of, They simply don't have the extra energy to serve the elderly who take care of us.

74-year-old: When he can't take care of himself in his later years, he would rather hire a nanny with a high salary than look at the face of his children

So why is it that hiring a nanny is so much better than having your children take care of them? First of all: although there is no deep friendship between the nanny and the old man, and even the relationship between the nanny and the old man is just a stranger, but since the nanny chooses to take the old man's money, then the nanny should serve and take care of the old man well, which is called "taking people's money, loyal to people." Secondly: the professional characteristics of nannies determine that for a long time, because nannies often serve and take care of the elderly, they will have rich work experience in caring for the elderly, and at the same time, they will serve and take care of the elderly for a long time, which also makes them accustomed to such work. Finally: after all, the nanny is the old man himself to pay for the hire to take care of himself, then the old man no longer has the kind of "only promise" in the child's home, or what he owes to the other party, on the contrary, when the old man usually needs or helps, he will promptly put forward like the nanny, which to a certain extent, can greatly improve the quality of life of our elderly in their old age.

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