
Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

author:Tani Hihei

Recently, China's National Bureau of Statistics released China's 2021 GDP, a total of 114.367 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year, an average growth of 5.1% in two years; per capita GDP according to the average annual exchange rate, has exceeded 12,000 US dollars. This data has aroused heated discussion from the outside world, and how to view China's economic data has become a topic of discussion for many people, of which the comparison with the United States is always hot.

Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

(China's economic data in 2021 is quite impressive)

China's GDP in 2021, converted into US dollars, will reach 17.7 trillion US dollars, which has reached 77.3% of the United States. It can be said that this is the first time since the Cold War that a country has reached this level, and more importantly, the development momentum of China's economy shows no signs of stopping, and many institutions predict that around 2030, the total economic volume of China and the United States will appear "death cross": that is, China's economy will surpass the United States and become the world's largest economy.

Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

It was in this context that the United States launched a "new Cold War" against China. Although Washington does not recognize this as a "Cold War" and the mainland does not want to get involved in this "new Cold War," we all know that the goal of the United States is very clear, that is, to prevent China's revival and rise.

After being elected president of the United States, Biden once said that "China will never be allowed to surpass the United States during his term of office", so he continued the tough stance of previous President Trump on China, and launched a more crazy containment and containment of China: not only retained the tariff barriers built by Trump, but also included more Chinese companies in the blacklist and imposed sanctions, at the same time, the activities of US warships and aircraft around China were more frequent, and the interference in the Taiwan Strait issue was deeper. In a word: what the United States did was a complete repetition of the Cold War behavior against the Soviet Union.

Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

(US politicians say that they will not fight a "new Cold War", but they have been using Cold War thinking and means against China.)

In fact, China is not willing to engage in a cold war with the United States, because the lesson of the US-Soviet hegemony can be described as not far away: the Soviet Union collapsed, in fact, the United States was not much better at that time, and the economy was hovering on the verge of collapse; so China would not follow the United States to jump the so-called "Thucydides Trap", after all, development is the last word.

But the problem is that the goal of the United States is very clear, and it must stop China's rejuvenation and rise; China is helplessly too large to hide in the forest, and can only stand up to meet the containment of the United States.

In fact, China has never had the idea of comparing itself with the United States, which is a developed country and China is still a developing country, and this tone will not change in the short term. Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng recently said publicly that China's total economic output exceeds that of the United States, and we are not interested in it, nor is it our pursuit. Let the 1.4 billion Chinese live a good life and meet the people's yearning for a better life, which is our goal!

He also pointed out that there is still a big gap between China's economy and that of the United States; compared with whether GDP is super-American, China attaches more importance to catching up with and surpassing ideological concepts, governance capabilities, and contributions to the world, and strives to be more advanced, more in line with the expectations of the people, and more in line with the trend of the times.

Look, this is China's mind!

Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

(China now pays attention not only to quantity, but also to quality!) )

In fact, in the long run, China will certainly be able to thwart the US containment attempt. The economic development of the United States relies on shearing the world's wool, and China is sharing the development dividend; Washington holds a zero-sum game mentality, believing that only by maintaining the weakness of other countries can it ensure its own strength, but as the trend of global cooperation continues to be obvious, the international division of labor becomes clearer, and the economic ties between countries become closer and closer, the United States can only hurt its own foundation in the end - this has been very obvious in the trade war launched by the United States against China.

Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

In recent times, China has made remarkable achievements in promoting multilateralism and global cooperation: the RCEP has entered into force at the beginning of the year, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has recently made a smooth trip to many Countries in Asia and Africa, invited the six middle Eastern countries and the Secretary-General of the GCC to visit China and discuss free trade agreements – the world has seen China's efforts in this regard, while also clearly recognizing the harm of the US model to the world economy.

Since the beginning of this year, in order to alleviate the pressure of the economic crisis, the United States has irresponsibly printed dollars, resulting in a global inflation crisis, and many poor and weak countries have fallen into difficulties, such as Sri Lanka, which has fallen into a foreign exchange crisis. In this context, China's importance has become even more prominent, and more and more countries have realized that if they want to get out of the economic difficulties in the post-epidemic era, they must work closely with China.

Why China? The United States shears the world's wool, and China shares the dividends of economic development

(China's sharing of development dividends with the world is to conform to the trend of historical development)

There is an old Chinese saying that those who have gained the truth have more help and those who have lost the way have little help, and Washington's way of doing things has increasingly lost the moral bottom line, and eventually it is bound to get a painful lesson!

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