
2022 Anhui Two Sessions | Anhui will build 700 street community canteens for the elderly in 2022 (meal assistance)

author:Anhui net

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Net Dawan News Civil affairs work is related to the people's livelihood, connects with the people's hearts, and is a fundamental and basic work for social construction. "The province's civil affairs system has done a solid job in the most basic people's livelihood guarantees, the most basic social governance, and the most basic social services, so that all kinds of civil affairs service recipients such as 'one old and one small' and 'one cruel and one weak' are full of trust in the party and full of confidence in society." On January 20, Zhang Dongyun, secretary of the party group and director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, revealed at the press conference of the "Two Sessions" in Anhui Province that this year, the province will purchase 300,000 copies of hospital care insurance for the extremely poor, build 700 street community canteens for the elderly (meal assistance), renovate 800 rural nursing examination mutual aid compounds, and carry out the aging transformation of 10,000 families of the elderly in difficulty.

2022 Anhui Two Sessions | Anhui will build 700 street community canteens for the elderly in 2022 (meal assistance)

Raise the urban and rural minimum guarantee standards at an increase of not less than 4.5% last year

"We will hold on to the bottom line of people's livelihood and let the 4.2 million people in need always have hope and confidence in life." Zhang Dongyun said that efforts will be made to improve the active discovery mechanism, do a good job in the dynamic monitoring, active early warning and timely rescue of the 2.8 million low-income population monitored by the low-income platform, ensure that the low-income population does not return to poverty due to a sudden increase in income, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no large-scale return to poverty. We will earnestly do a good job in ensuring the basic livelihood of 4.2 million difficult groups such as the minimum guarantee, the extremely poor, the orphans and disabled children, and the disabled, dynamically adjust the guarantee standards according to the annual per capita consumption expenditure and the increase in per capita disposable income, raise the urban and rural minimum guarantee standards according to the increase of not less than 4.5% last year, and encourage qualified prefectures and cities to appropriately raise bids and expand the coverage, so that the fruits of reform and development can better and more widely benefit the difficult groups.

Construction of 700 street community canteens for the elderly (meal assistance)

"We will do a good job in guaranteeing old-age services, so that 12 million elderly people will have a more dignified and happier life in their later years, and they will respond more effectively to the anxiety of social old-age care." Zhang Dongyun said that the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs will highlight the demand-oriented, implement the new three-year action of old-age services, accelerate the construction of a basic old-age service system, build a guaranteed, mid-end market, high-end selective old-age service supply system; highlight the problem-oriented, solve the problem of "one bed is difficult to find" and the low occupancy rate of some old-age institutions; highlight the daily sense, small incisions to benefit the people's livelihood, annual purchase of 300,000 copies of hospital care insurance for the extremely poor, and the construction of 700 street community canteens for the elderly (meal assistance). Renovate 800 rural nursing examination mutual aid compounds, carry out the aging transformation of 10,000 families of the elderly in difficulty, and actively cultivate the rehabilitation assistive device industry and promote the pilot of long-term care insurance.

200 township (street) workstations for the protection of minors were added

Zhang Dongyun said that our province will strengthen child welfare and the protection of minors, so that orphans and disabled children and all minors can thrive carefree under the same blue sky of the motherland, so that 13.85 million children will become the pillars of the great rejuvenation of the nation. "We will do a solid job in providing precise guarantees for 26,000 orphans and disabled children, 200,000 children in distress, and 420,000 left-behind children, so that they can enjoy a blue sky and look forward to the future; we will pay close attention to improving the provincial, municipal, and county-level institutions for the protection of minors, perform well the duties entrusted by the Civil Code, and resolutely fight against acts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of minors; and we will implement a program for 1,000 orphans and disabled children every year, and add 200 township (street) workstations for the protection of minors."

This year, 100 new rural public welfare cemeteries will be added

In terms of improving the service capacity in the field of marriage and funeral, our province will do an average of 700,000 marriage registration and 1.8 million funeral services per year. Before the end of this year, our province will realize the "city-wide general office" throughout the province, set up foreign-related marriage registration offices in hefei, Wuhu, Bengbu, fuyang 4 cities, carry out pilot marriage customs reform in 6 places such as Baohe District and Hexian County of Hefei City, increase marriage and family counseling, and make marriage the starting point for the happy life of all newlyweds. We will adhere to the public welfare attribute of funeral services without wavering, implement the increase, bid increase, and expansion of the scope of the funeral for the benefit of the people, and add 100 rural public welfare cemeteries every year, so that the deceased can complete the "last journey" of life with dignity.

Zhang Dongyun said that our province will make a big charity cake and make "good deeds in Anhui" a new trend actively pursued by 61 million sons and daughters of Jianghuai. Last year, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs contacted the Love Hospital to help a de facto unsupported child in Wangjiaba County, Funan County, undergo facial plastic surgery three times to regain confidence in life; received a letter of thanks from the de facto unsupported child in our province who was admitted to the 211 University (Yanbian University), recounting his inspirational story of healthy growth and self-improvement with the help of grass-roots civil affairs departments and charitable organizations. All of this makes us feel warm and deeply feel the value of charity. Zhang Dongyun said that our province will better play the role of the Provincial Charity Federation, set up 100 community charity funds, achieve full coverage of township (street) social work stations in 30 counties, build a charity platform, cultivate a charitable atmosphere, promote charity to play a greater role in the third distribution, and let warm hearts and goodwill warm all people in difficulty.

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Network Dawan News reporter Xu Qiqi Yu Kangsheng Ye Xiao Jiang Zhenhuan photo report

Edited by Wang Cui

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