
The three ways to drink coffee can accelerate drowsiness! Two effective refreshments! People who work overtime want to collect
The three ways to drink coffee can accelerate drowsiness! Two effective refreshments! People who work overtime want to collect

Drink coffee when you're sleepy? If you want to drive away the "sleepiness" that seriously drags down the progress during overtime, in addition to drinking coffee, there are two ways.

There's a trick to a quick refreshment

Tip 1: Open the window

In winter, in order to keep warm, everyone usually rarely opens windows, which leads to indoor carbon dioxide concentrations tend to be high.

In this environment, high concentrations of carbon dioxide stimulate the nerves that control breathing in the body, making people's breathing faster and deeper to obtain more oxygen.

However, high-frequency breathing will consume a lot of energy in the human body, and when the energy supply is insufficient, people are naturally tired and have no energy.

Therefore, when you are sleepy, open the window or go out for a walk, breathe some fresh air, and people will be spiritual.

Tip 2: Sleep for a while

For people who are sleep-deprived, whether you drink coffee or strong tea, it is difficult to get rid of exhaustion and drowsiness.

After all, you are really sleepy.

At this time, what you need is not to refresh, but to get a good night's sleep.

If conditions permit, taking a lunch break of about 20 minutes a day can also make your overtime nights less difficult.

Coffee refreshes? A few misunderstandings to avoid!

Many people think that drinking coffee can be refreshing, but some people get more and more sleepy the more they drink. It could be that you drank your coffee wrong!

Especially these 3 mistakes will make you more and more sleepy the more you drink:

1, drink too late

The role of caffeine is to prevent drowsiness, but if caffeine enters the body too late, the human body has already produced drowsiness, then caffeine can play a very limited role.

Therefore, if you want to maximize the effect of caffeine, it is best to drink it in advance, so as to occupy a favorable opportunity.

If you want to wake up in the afternoon, it is best to drink in the morning, if you want to be awake at night, it is best to drink in the afternoon.

2, drink too much

Long-term drinking of large amounts of coffee, the body will become adapted to caffeine, thereby producing tolerance, coffee refreshing effect will be less and less.

Moreover, caffeine has a very obvious diuretic effect, which will cause people to go to the toilet frequently, and when the human body is not hydrated, it will also feel weak and tired.

Therefore, when refreshing with coffee, don't forget to drink some white water to replenish your body.

3, too much sugar

The flavored coffee we drink every day, in addition to caffeine, there is also a lot of sugar.

Short-term intake of a large amount of sugar, will be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, the rapid rise in blood sugar will make the body insulin will come out in time to help the body lower blood sugar, insulin can cause people to sleep.

Editor: Li Chenyan

Comprehensive: health China, science popularization China

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