
The right coffee time is important!

author:That Man in Oman
The right coffee time is important!
The right coffee time is important!
The right coffee time is important!
The right coffee time is important!
The right coffee time is important!

The aroma of coffee wafts through the Tang Dynasty

In the distant Tang Dynasty, under the prosperity of the times, the culture flourished, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. In this poetic era, there is a young man named Li Xiaobai, who is smart and studious, and is full of curiosity about everything in the world. One day, Li Xiaobai accidentally came into contact with coffee, a magical drink from the Western Regions, during his travels, and since then he has formed an indissoluble bond with coffee.

1. First acquaintance with coffee

It was a sunny afternoon, Li Xiaobai strolled through the streets and alleys of Chang'an City, feeling the prosperity and hustle and bustle of this ancient capital. Suddenly, a strong aroma came to his nose, and he couldn't help but stop and smell it. He followed the aroma to the shop of a merchant from the Western Regions, and saw a black-brown liquid in the shop, and some strange utensils were placed next to it.

"Boss, what kind of drink is this? Why is it so fragrant? Li Xiaobai asked curiously.

The merchant of the Western Regions replied with a smile, "This is coffee from our Western Regions, a magical drink that can refresh the mind. You taste it, and it's guaranteed to refresh you. ”

Li Xiaobai picked up a cup of coffee in disbelief and took a sip gently. Suddenly, a rich aroma spreads in the mouth, with a hint of sweetness in the bitterness, which makes people have an endless aftertaste. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his body, which had been somewhat tired, seemed to be injected with new vitality.

"This coffee is amazing!" Li Xiaobai sighed.

Second, the charm of coffee

Since that coffee tasting, Li Xiaobai has developed a strong interest in coffee. He began to search for materials and books about coffee, hoping to learn more about this amazing drink. Through his efforts, he gradually mastered the skills of growing, picking, roasting, and brewing coffee.

Li Xiaobai found that coffee not only has a unique taste, but also has the effect of refreshing the mind and enhancing memory. He began experimenting with incorporating coffee into his life, waking up every morning to brew a cup of coffee and start his day. He has found that his productivity and creativity have improved dramatically since he started drinking coffee.

In addition, Li Xiaobai also shared the coffee with his relatives and friends. After tasting it, they all agreed, and asked Li Xiaobai for coffee brewing skills. Li Xiaobai patiently answered their questions and told them that the right coffee time is essential to maintain good health and improve work efficiency.

3. The spread of coffee culture

As time passed, Li Xiaobai's understanding of coffee became more and more in-depth. He realized that coffee was not just a drink, it was a cultural symbol. He began to try to integrate coffee culture with the culture of the Tang Dynasty to create a unique coffee culture.

Li Xiaobai opened a café in Chang'an City called "Xiangpiao Tang Dynasty". The café is elegantly decorated, quiet and full of culture. He hand-selects the beans, roasts and brews them carefully to ensure that every cup of coffee tastes its best. In addition, he also invited literati and artists to come to the café to taste coffee, chant poems and paint, and combine coffee culture with literature and art.

The "Fragrant Tang Dynasty" café soon became a cultural attraction in the city of Chang'an. People come to enjoy coffee, exchange ideas and enjoy works of art. Laughter and melodious singing are often heard in the café, which has become a good place for people to relax and cultivate their sentiments.

Fourth, the right coffee time

In the process of running a café, Li Xiaobai found that many people don't know about the time to drink coffee. Some people like to drink coffee in the evening to refresh their minds, but ignore the problems that coffee can affect the quality of sleep. In order to solve this problem, Li Xiaobai decided to popularize the correct coffee time to customers.

He put up posters and flyers about the correct coffee time inside the café and reminded customers to pay attention to the coffee time every time he brewed coffee. He told everyone that it is best to drink coffee in the morning or afternoon to refresh the mind and enhance memory; At night, you should try to avoid drinking coffee to avoid affecting your sleep.

Through Li Xiaobai's unremitting efforts, the customers of the "Xiangpiao Tang Dynasty" café gradually mastered the correct coffee time. They find that they are not only refreshed and productive after drinking coffee, but they are also able to maintain a good night's sleep. They expressed their gratitude and praised Li Xiaobai as a wise and caring person.

Fifth, the inheritance of coffee culture

With the passage of time, the "Xiangpiao Tang Dynasty" café has become a business card in Chang'an City. More and more people are beginning to understand and love coffee culture and integrate it into their lives. Li Xiaobai has also grown and improved in the process, becoming a well-respected expert on coffee culture.

At the end of his life, Li Xiaobai passed on his coffee business to his disciples. He told them to feel and taste the good times and life experiences brought by coffee with their hearts; It is necessary to inherit and carry forward the coffee culture with heart; We must care for and serve every customer with our hearts.

Although Li Xiaobai passed away, his coffee culture will remain in people's hearts forever. Whenever people taste a cup of fragrant coffee, they will think of that smart, studious and intelligent young man - Li Xiaobai and the positive energy and good memories he brought to people.

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