
Grandma's 10-yuan hand-poured coffee is popular: the Nestle brand is dominant, and quality and feelings coexist

author:Show Classroom
Grandma's 10-yuan hand-poured coffee is popular: the Nestle brand is dominant, and quality and feelings coexist

A cup of ten-yuan coffee, the integrity and brand choice behind it

Recently, a grandmother opened a "hand-poured" Nescafe coffee in a small street shop in Nanjing, and the price was only 10 yuan a cup. Such a low price is very rare in today's coffee market, but this grandmother's coffee quickly became popular because of such a price, attracting many consumers to taste it, and even lined up for a long time.

For such a situation, many people are very curious, thinking that how such a price is achieved and whether there will be any problems. The grandmother's answer surprised everyone, she said that there was nothing wrong with such a price, just because she wanted to let more people taste their beloved coffee in this way.

Grandma's 10-yuan hand-poured coffee is popular: the Nestle brand is dominant, and quality and feelings coexist

1. 10 yuan for a cup of "hand-poured" Nescafe

This grandmother's name is Han Suzhen, and she is already old, but she still maintains her black hair and looks very energetic. Her coffee shop is not big, with only a table and a few chairs, but she always sees a lot of customers from all ages.

The coffee beans used by the grandmother are from Nestlé and are made by "hand pouring", which is slower, but it can better retain the aroma and taste of the coffee beans, so that coffee drinkers can better taste the deliciousness.

After learning about this situation, many people were very surprised, thinking that it was not easy for the grandmother to make such delicious coffee, not to mention that the price of her coffee was only ten yuan a cup, which is very rare in today's market.

Because this price is too low, and in the market, many coffee shops sell very expensive, sometimes even up to fifty or sixty yuan a cup, so many people feel that there may be some problems with the price of grandma's coffee.

Grandma's 10-yuan hand-poured coffee is popular: the Nestle brand is dominant, and quality and feelings coexist

Second, the story behind it

In the face of everyone's doubts, the grandmother did not get angry, but explained to everyone very patiently, she said that there is no problem with such a price, just because she wants to let more people taste their beloved coffee in this way.

It turned out that the grandmother hadn't changed her coffee beans for nearly 30 years, and she had been using coffee beans from Nestlé all these years, and she felt that the coffee was very mellow and reliable.

Therefore, when she decided to open a small shop of her own, she chose Nestle's coffee beans as soon as possible, and she still had to use the "hand poured" method to make them, just hoping that through this way, more people could feel the yearning for a better life in their hearts.

For this explanation, many people feel very moved, and feel that the original intention of the grandmother is so good, so she will choose this way to run her own small shop, and the coffee beans she uses are indeed not good, and it is completely worth such a low price.

Grandma's 10-yuan hand-poured coffee is popular: the Nestle brand is dominant, and quality and feelings coexist

3. Provoke thinking

The grandmother's persistence and integrity eventually won the love of many consumers, so in front of her small shop, you can often see a long queue, and there is an endless stream of people who come to taste coffee, and some even make new friends because of it.

In the face of everyone's doubts and curiosity, the grandmother did not explain too much, she felt that as long as she could stick to her original intention and treat every cup of coffee with heart, she would definitely be able to win everyone's recognition, because people who really know how to appreciate life will be able to feel infinite beauty from her coffee.

Through such a thing, it has also triggered many people to think about brand selection and product quality, they feel that the so-called good things are not necessarily very expensive, as long as you look for them carefully, you will be able to find the one that suits you, and the trust and quality assurance represented by the brand are also very important.

IV. Conclusion

Through such things, I believe that many people are full of respect for the grandmother, and feel that her story is like a cup of coffee, although it is only a few minutes, it can leave a very strong taste in the heart, making people feel the infinite beauty of life.

For us, perhaps we should have more persistence and integrity like a grandmother, believing that as long as we treat everything in life with our hearts, no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges, we will be able to face them bravely and meet everything that belongs to us.

In this era of material abundance, perhaps what we do not lack is a variety of material comforts, but the deep yearning for a better life in our hearts, and such beauty may only need a cup of coffee that exudes sincerity and persistence to be found.

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