
What an important role biological immunotherapy plays in the treatment of malignant tumors

author:Dr. Wu Changsheng

The accumulation of long-term clinical experience proves that it is difficult for a single discipline and a single treatment method to cover the treatment of malignant tumors, and the radical treatment of malignant tumors requires multidisciplinary and multi-means comprehensive treatment.

The three conventional methods of treating cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which can act on tumors more quickly than biological therapies, causing tumors to shrink or disappear in a short period of time. If biological immunotherapy is combined at this time, it is possible to completely remove those "residual", "latent" and "shocked" cancer cells to prevent the recurrence and metastasis of cancer; and can increase the immune function of patients and reduce the physical damage caused by side effects such as surgery and radiotherapy.

What an important role biological immunotherapy plays in the treatment of malignant tumors

Biological immunotherapy is to improve the immunogenicity of cancer with the help of molecular biology foundations and cell engineering techniques, supplement the body with a sufficient number of functional immune cells and related molecules, stimulate and enhance the body's anti-tumor immune response, improve the sensitivity of cancer to the body's anti-cancer immune effect, and induce cancer-specific and non-specific effector cells and molecules in vivo and outside the body to achieve the purpose of finally eliminating cancer.

Biological immunotherapy, its role is not to kill all cancer cells, but to use when the cancer cell load is significantly reduced, the body's immune function is restored, by removing tiny residual lesions or significantly inhibiting the proliferation of residual cancer cells to achieve the purpose of cancer. After the primary cancer is surgically removed or ablated by minimally invasive surgery such as argon ammonia knife, immunotherapy can kill the remaining cancer cells, eliminate the factors of recurrence and metastasis, increase the possibility of cure, prolong survival time, and improve quality of life.

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