
The long-form reportage "Grain, Grain" was published

Recently, He Hong and Shang Weimin co-authored the long-form reportage "Grain, Grain", which focuses on national food security and reflects the butterfly changes in the granaries of the Central Plains, which is published and distributed by Elephant Publishing House.

"Grain, Grain" was selected as a key project of the "Central Plains Literary and Art Creation Project (2018)" in Henan Province, with a total of more than 420,000 words, after more than 3 years of brewing, interviewing and creation.

The long-form reportage "Grain, Grain" was published

"Grain, Grain" from the height of national food security, with the relationship between the history of grain evolution, production history and human development, China's grain policies in various periods, and major events related to grain as the background, with the construction of the mainland's grain core area, production technology progress, and the brilliant achievements in grain production as the main line, starting from the grain problem, based on personal experience, tracing national memory, based on Henan, looking at the whole country, based on the present, focusing on the future, thinking of danger in times of peace, and striving to move from "the granary of the world" to "the kitchen of the people" in Henan. In the description of the transformation, we urge everyone to keep in mind the importance of food security, deeply understand the great progress made by the mainland in the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, highlight the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and thus strengthen the self-confidence in the road, theory, system and culture, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the spring of 2010, Henan took the initiative to make a commitment to the state that the grain production capacity would reach 130 billion kilograms after 10 years, and 60 billion kilograms of grain and its manufactured products would be transferred every year. Today, that promise has long been fulfilled. Grain production is a low-value,low-value-added industry. Henan produces more than 130 billion kilograms of grain a year, and the output value is only 100 billion yuan, which is only equivalent to two or three enterprises in other provinces. But if we don't solve the problem of food production ourselves, we will tie our fate to the waistband of someone else's pants. China must not put its fate in the hands of others, and this responsibility must always be shouldered by someone! Assuming this responsibility means paying and dedicating, and Henan people have taken on this responsibility without hesitation.

As the author wrote in his preface: "Doing a good job in grain production is the basic guarantee for winning the battle to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way; ensuring food security is a solid foundation for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." In this sense, reflecting the problem of grain production in a literary way is the concrete practice and literary undertaking of literary workers to win the all-round well-off and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. ”

He Hong has long been engaged in the work of literary and art criticism and literary and art theory research, written a large number of theoretical and critical articles, authored a number of theoretical monographs and long-form documentary literature "Lifeline", etc., won many national and Henan Provincial Literary and Art Awards, and served as a judge of various important literary awards, including the Mao Dun Literature Award, Lu Xun Literature Award, etc. There are strong advantages in depth.

Shang Weimin is a contracted writer of The Henan Provincial Academy of Letters, who has published and published many long, medium, and short stories and reportage works under the pseudonym of August Day, and has won many literary awards. He has been engaged in journalism for a long time, has many years of experience as an agricultural science and technology journalist, has accumulated a large amount of information on henan grain production, has won many national and provincial news awards, is very familiar with grain production and scientific research, and is good at in-depth interviews and data collection, providing fresh basic information for this book.

(Guangming Daily all-media reporter Ding Yan)

Source: Guangming Daily client

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