
(YW) D.H.APP_Horoscope of January 21, 2022


If you don't stop immediately, a feeling of restlessness can take over your entire morning. Aries: Just because you feel something is wrong doesn't mean it's destined to go down this path. In fact, this feeling is just your intuition, reminding you that you need to take some action to get things on track. The key here is not to wallow in melancholy as you try to figure out what requires your attention. This is a good thing. Assess what's going on and the problems you need to solve, and everything will be fine.


Taurus, it looks as if the people you care about have humiliated you. They may do this through their actions, what they say to you, or the way they treat you. But others can't embarrass you because they don't have that kind of power. Honor is built on your own, and only you can shame yourself. Once you have established this in your mind, it is easy to see your situation from a different perspective. How others treat you is their reaction, not you.


A lot of people have had the experience of being at a drive-thru fast food restaurant where the person sitting in the car in front of you pays for your meal, or someone buys you a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop — or really any kind of little kindness. Although these behaviors are not expensive, they can bring smiles to others and make a big difference in their day. Gemini, if you're desperate to give kindness, today is a good time to do so. You will not only make someone else's day better, but also make your day and your own spirit better.


Now, Cancer, a puzzle seems insoluble. You may feel like you're yelling at someone on a high cliff while the other side is on a high cliff opposite you, and there's a deep chasm between you. Saying the wrong thing makes people feel uncomfortable, and you're unlikely to find a good way to communicate. But maybe today you can do it. Lay out the facts and get the other person to respond – or not. If they respond, you'll know where you stand. If they don't, you'll know where you stand too.


Lions, you may see dramatic changes that take place in your life. But you need to start thinking in a very different way. Try to see this sort of thing as a hopeful shift rather than an unwanted change. You're returning to a lifestyle you want, albeit one bit differently – in a way that will ultimately benefit you. Once you start to recognize this, you'll be able to make better decisions and choices. It's a new chapter, but if you can ignite some enthusiasm for it, it will be satisfying and exciting.


Being kind to those who are not friendly to you will have amazing effects. That person may be so deluded by your behavior towards them that they start treating you in a friendly way. The same thing happens with respect and care. But when someone treats you badly or someone else, you have a knee-jerk reaction, mostly out of self-defense. If you're in a tough period with someone, stop and think before you react. You may be able to change that.


It's a well-known fact in a way that men usually marry women who are similar to their mothers and vice versa. Our hypothesis is that these sons/mothers and daughters/fathers have a good relationship. While some may question this theory, we all know that there is something comforting in what is familiar. We like what we know because we know what we can expect from it. But that's not always the case, Libra. Some people or something may prove to be quite different from what it reminds us. Be careful today, don't let an emotional attraction shake you, and look more deeply.


The same torrential rain washed away the garden wedding and brought the trees in the orchard to life. Most things in life may be considered negative in the eyes of some people, but there are also positive sides to it. Scorpio, this is the way you have to think right now, because plans are disrupted, or hopes are dashed. If you look closely enough, you'll find that there's also a benefit or a bright side to it. You may even find that this change – disappointing now – will take you in a whole new, absolutely wonderful direction. Don't judge it based on what you see on the surface.


You may see someone you have to deal with who is grumpy and completely unable to get along with this person, and you've tried everything – maybe only one that works. Instead of trying to change their behavior, try to accept it. Once you've done that, Sagittarius, you're likely to see a kinder, gentler, more amiable person emerge. When this happens, compromise will be possible, making your situation more tolerant. What's more, you may actually start to like each other.


James Earl Jones' voice is so rich and loud that when he recites the dictionary, he can get the audience excited. Some people have such a powerful force in their being—their voices, their body language, their facial expressions, or their body movements—that they fascinate us. It can be a great thing, but it can also be a dangerous thing when they're selling something we shouldn't be buying. Capricorn, be careful with people who have gifts today. Don't sign a contract just because the pitch is perfect.


Aquarius, current or ongoing conflicts can be quite confusing for you. You may have thought you shared the same desires and values as a party, but now it seems like things have changed. But it may not be about having different values; You may want the same thing, but you may assign different schedules or ways of doing things for the same tasks. The only way to determine the answer is to say it thoroughly while listening carefully.


Don't accept a new task or project today because it's the only thing you can do, or because you don't have anything else to do. If you're involved it can last a long time, and taking on this thing may prevent you from taking on the important things that are coming. Of course, it's up to your judgment, Pisces, but think about it ahead. You can even see something interesting floating on your horizon. If you don't have the patience, you may never get the chance to wait for the right thing to happen.

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