
Promoting the "stability" of the economy with the "excellence" of the business environment and the "advancement" of development

author:China Jilin Net

Focus on the most desired, most urgent and most worrying problems of market players, and formulate and implement 224 tough plans, 210 improvement measures and "1210" special actions to optimize the business environment. In the past year, Changchun has strived to create a high-quality business environment with smooth system, active mechanism, good policies, few approvals, simple procedures, low cost, excellent service, smooth work and high efficiency, and the total number of market entities has reached 1.291 million. In the latest China Business Environment Assessment, Changchun became one of the 10 cities with the fastest improvement in the country's business environment.

In the new year, how will Changchun promote the "stability" of the economic market and seek the "progress" of development quality and efficiency with a high-quality business environment? In early January, Zhang Zhijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, said in an interview with the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Central Radio and Television Corporation and other media that to achieve steady progress, we must put the optimization of the business environment in a prominent position and pay attention to the sense of gain of enterprises.

Deepen reform and improve efficiency

Reduce the comprehensive business cost of enterprises

Enterprises are the main body of the market, but also the driving force of urban development. Changchun has always regarded the development of service enterprises as the fundamental starting point and foothold of the construction of the business environment, deepened reform and improved efficiency, and focused on solving the "pain points", "difficulties" and "blockages" of enterprises, helping enterprises to improve confidence, solve problems and increase stamina.

On the day of land harvesting, you can get the start permit, the next day you can enter the construction site, the "standard land + commitment system" reform, greatly improving the construction speed of Changchun Zhiwei Food Co., Ltd., saving time and cost. Behind this is changchun city's initiative to serve the main body of the market to resume work and production, and timely launched a highly innovative, targeted, operable and strong sense of gain to benefit enterprises bailout policy measures. Focusing on the whole chain, multi-directional and one-stop service, Changchun City has established working mechanisms such as "multi-planning integration", "multi-trial integration", "multi-test integration", "multi-certificate integration", "standard + commitment system", "tolerance acceptance, tolerance approval" and other working mechanisms to promote the online approval of the whole process of engineering construction projects. The maximum approval time limit for 8 types of projects from project establishment to completion acceptance is 81 working days, the shortest 13 working days, the urban areas and development zones social investment low-risk industrial projects to achieve "land to start", new commercial housing projects to achieve "delivery of housing is to handle the certificate"; in order to solve the problem of enterprise start-up, Changchun City innovatively carried out the "one-code license" reform, to achieve multi-departmental data sharing, "one-stop" license processing. Enterprise registration, engraving of official seals, application for tax UKEY and invoices, unit insurance registration, housing provident fund enterprise deposit registration and bank account opening and other business to achieve "one form filling, one link, one network communication office, one day to complete".

Door-to-door service changes style

Focus on solving the problems of enterprises

Seeking practical strategies, making good moves, doing practical things, solving problems, focusing on what enterprises think and need, what they want and expect, Changchun City through the launch of the "ten thousand people to help ten thousand enterprises" action, give play to the role of cadres to serve enterprises "liaison", policy spirit "propagandists", enterprise difficulties "resolver", to help enterprises boost development confidence, grasp the development trend, resolve development problems, enhance development stamina, and strive to create a pro-business, business- business, safe business, rich business business environment and pro-Qing government-business relations.

In the past three years, Changchun City has strengthened the service concept of "the government revolves around the enterprise, and the enterprise does something immediately", implements the work operation mechanism of group guarantee, regular research and judgment, hierarchical resolution, and sales number management, and establishes a "1+9+17" three-level WeChat service group (that is, a weChat service group for key enterprises at the municipal level, a WeChat service group for key enterprises in 9 industries, and a WeChat service group for key enterprises at the county and district levels), and has intensively introduced and implemented more than 200 policy measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, assistance to enterprises and stable posts. Continuously improve the sense of acquisition and satisfaction of the enterprise. Up to now, the problem of receiving and solving the problems of enterprises in the city has achieved "double over 10,000", and the problem resolution rate and enterprise satisfaction have reached 99.9% and 99.1% respectively.

In the process of service, Changchun City also promotes "big services" with "small WeChat", establishes and operates the "Changchun pro-Qing government-enterprise relationship" WeChat service group, creates an upgraded version of the digital transformation of "10,000 people helping 10,000 enterprises" digital transformation 2021, timely and efficiently accepts and solves enterprise problems, and solves 1,200 problems raised by enterprises in just over two months.

Practice internal strength and strong ability

Improve service and improve the guarantee system

"Planting a good plane tree, attracting a phoenix", a good business environment is productivity, competitiveness, and even more attractiveness. Changchun City has continuously strengthened the cultivation of internal strength, improved service efficiency and improved the guarantee system, and taken solid steps in optimizing the business environment.

In order to strengthen the guarantee of enterprise production factors, Changchun City actively promotes employment services to ensure the employment of enterprises, as of the end of October 2021, the development of 158,300 jobs, urban new jobs of 97,000 people, unemployed people reemployed 13,000 people, rural labor transfer employment of 1,046,500 people, the issuance of entrepreneurial guarantee loans of 504 million yuan; in order to ensure the use of water for enterprises, Changchun City carried out the "no application is access, the installation is water" service, to achieve users to apply for plugs that are connected to water; in order to ensure the use of gas for enterprises, Changchun City relies on the provincial engineering construction project approval management system, the gas pipeline is laid in place, the user applies for gas installation, the same day will be door-to-door ventilation, to achieve "installation is ventilation"; in order to ensure the use of electricity for enterprises, Changchun City will be small and micro enterprises to do electricity time compressed to 15 working days, 30 commonly used business of electricity "do not run once", vigorously carry out non-blackout operations, through the installation of integrated isolation devices, regular maintenance, inspection and other measures, reduce the risk of voltage flash drop; in order to protect the land for enterprises, Changchun City issued a land supply plan of 53.99 million square meters in 2021 to ensure the orderly supply of industrial land and the stable supply of real estate land.

When reform and innovation are not completed, only when they are carried out, the business environment is not the best, only better. In the next step, Changchun City will lock in the national first square array goal, further deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", deepen the action of "ten thousand people helping ten thousand enterprises", promote "one network communication office, inter-provincial communication office" and "one thing at a time", promote innovative measures such as "standard land + commitment system", "land is started", "delivery is certificate", and strive to create a first-class, domestic advanced and international standard business environment in northeast China.

Changchun Daily reporter Sun Jiaoyang

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