
Excited to be used to play? As soon as the US military came, the Taiwan authorities dared to arrogantly arrest mainland fishermen

author:Times Highlights

It is extremely exciting to be used by other countries

On January 17, Slovenian Prime Minister Jansa was interviewed by All India's state media, All India Television. It is worth noting that in the interview of about 30 minutes, the anchors of the All India Television Station frequently threw out China-related issues, and Yang Sha mentioned China 15 times, making a big fuss about the Taiwan issue, neutral relations and Sino-European relations. Among them, he revealed that Slovenia is negotiating with Taiwan to set up a representative office and other pro-Taiwan remarks, which have aroused great concern from the Taiwan authorities and taiwan media.

Indian media asked Jansa if he was considering "improving relations with Taiwan in the future, like Lithuania?" Jansa said the country was in talks about sending representatives to each other. "Of course, this will not be the level of embassies, but the same level as in many EU countries," he said. Frankly speaking, if we had had a strong cooperative relationship with Taiwan in the early years, we would have set up economic and trade representative offices with each other a long time ago, which is a reciprocal thing. ”

Excited to be used to play? As soon as the US military came, the Taiwan authorities dared to arrogantly arrest mainland fishermen

Yang Sha's interview immediately attracted the attention of the Taiwanese media. "Diplomacy breaks through again!" On the 18th, Taiwan media immediately speculated about Yang Sha's Taiwan-related statements.

On January 18, representatives of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) exchanged views with former Japanese Vice Defense Minister Yasuhide Nakayama, and current Vice Minister of General Affairs Hiroaki Tabata, among others, on such topics as the so-called "security guarantees for the Taiwan-Japan dialogue." Zhao Tianlin, a "legislator" of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party who attended the video conference, said that in the past, the United States caught Taiwan off guard by "breaking diplomatic relations," the United States temporarily established the "Taiwan Relations Act," which is unilateral legislation, and Taiwan has not responded to the law; if Taiwan and Japan want to strengthen exchanges, Japan will push forward the "Taiwan Relations Law," and Taiwan will also promote the "Japan Relations Law," enhance bilateral relations, strengthen cooperation in various fields, establish a daily communication platform, and elevate the level of dialogue between the ministries.

The constant temptation to touch the mainland's red line is a red flag. Taking decisive measures has become an inevitable choice for the mainland, and "the PLA has long carried out cruise training and exercise operations on the island of Taiwan and the surrounding areas of Japan, releasing a clear message."

Take the initiative to cooperate with the US military to capture mainland fishermen

According to Taipei's "Central News Agency," a mainland fishing boat sailed to the waters of Huayu Island in Penghu on January 15, and the Taiwan Strait Patrol stopped the boat with a searchlight warning and a radio cheer order. At first, the mainland fishing boat refused to stop the boat, but the other side forcibly boarded the boat to inspect and control the fishing boat. After the mainland fishermen took out brooms and dustpans for self-defense, all 4,000 kilograms of fish on board were thrown at sea, and the fishing boat and 14 crew members were detained.

Excited to be used to play? As soon as the US military came, the Taiwan authorities dared to arrogantly arrest mainland fishermen

"Cross-border" fishing has always been a common phrase used by the Taiwan authorities to detain mainland vessels. In recent years, the seizure of mainland vessels has occurred from time to time, and there have even been cases of excessive gun movement. What makes people feel chilling is that the Taiwan authorities only dare to "nest and run amok" and are so rude to their mainland compatriots, but they are extremely weak in the face of Japan. The Japanese Security Agency not only detained Taiwan fishermen, but even directly forced the fishing boats to stop by impact in the process of law enforcement, but the Taiwan authorities did not dare to ask the Japanese side for explanations, and they simply expelled the Japanese cross-border fishing boats.

The reason why the Taiwan authorities dared to jump out and arrest mainland fishermen was related to the dual strategic signal of the United States to protect its allies and deter its opponents. It is reported that at present, the US Navy has as many as 5 "aircraft carrier-class strike groups" deployed in the waters around China, including 3 real aircraft carrier battle groups and two "quasi-aircraft carrier battle groups" composed of 2-amphibious assault ships. In addition, there is a resting aircraft carrier battle group, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier battle group stationed at Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan.

Three carrier battle groups plus two amphibious combat alert groups are enough to handle a high-intensity, medium-scale naval battle. In addition, as aircraft carriers gather in the waters surrounding China, the Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine, another major killer of the US Navy, also appeared at the Guam military base.

Analysts pointed out that as soon as the US military came to Taiwan, the DPP authorities were extremely arrogant, arresting mainland fishermen, betraying national interests, currying favor with the United States and Japan, constantly colluding with external forces to create trouble, and willingly acting as pawns in "using Taiwan to control China." We must face this kind of behavior head-on.

The United States and Japan are playing the "Taiwan card" wildly

In 2021, the United States has frequently hyped up the Taiwan issue, intensified its efforts to play the "Taiwan card," and constantly impacted the bottom line of the one-China principle. In the final analysis, the purpose is nothing more than to repeat the old trick of "exerting extreme pressure" in an attempt to reap profits by creating tension in the Taiwan Strait.

Excited to be used to play? As soon as the US military came, the Taiwan authorities dared to arrogantly arrest mainland fishermen

I. On October 21, 2021, when asked by the media about "if the mainland attacks Taiwan, will the United States defend Taiwan," he replied that the United States "has this commitment." Later, the White House spokesman clarified: The US Policy on Taiwan has not changed. On October 31, WHEN US Secretary of State Blinken was repeatedly asked by the host whether the United States "defends Taiwan" in an interview with the media, Blinken countered that the US side will ensure that "Taiwan has the ability to defend itself."

On October 26, 2021, Blinken issued a statement saying, "We support Taiwan's meaningful participation in the United Nations system." On the same day, he again threw the remark on social media, claiming that Taiwan was an "important partner" of the United States.

On October 21, 2021, Hua Ziqiang, an official of the US State Department, falsely claimed at an online meeting held by the German Marshall Foundation that China had "mistakenly used" UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 to exclude Taiwan from international organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Health Organization.

Fourth, the US-Taiwan military has made continuous small moves. In the past year, the US side has made frequent moves in selling weapons to Taiwan and strengthening US-Taiwan military ties, including approving the $750 million arms sales plan, us us planes landing in Taiwan, and warships frequently sailing through the Taiwan Strait. In an interview with THE US media, Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the DPP authorities, openly acknowledged that "US servicemen are in Taiwan" and claimed confidence in the United States to "assist in the defense of Taiwan."

Excited to be used to play? As soon as the US military came, the Taiwan authorities dared to arrogantly arrest mainland fishermen

V. Following the visit of the US Deputy Secretary of State, Secretary of Health and other officials to Taiwan in 2020, the US side will continue to encourage officials to visit Taiwan in 2021. In March, the U.S. Ambassador to Palau accompanied President Palau on a visit to Taiwan, and in June and November, a number of U.S. Senators and Representatives visited Taiwan by military plane.

Sixth, concoct all kinds of Taiwan-related bills. In July 2021, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a so-called bill "requiring the U.S. Secretary of State to formulate a strategy to restore Taiwan to observer status in the World Health Assembly"; the U.S. House of Representatives passed a taiwan-related appropriation bill calling for the non-use of a map of China including Taiwan; and some anti-China lawmakers in the U.S. Congress concocted the so-called "Taiwan Partnership Act." In September 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, proposing to invite Taiwan to participate in rimpacific exercises in 2022...

In 2021, Taiwan and Japan will continue to collude. In August and December 2021, the Democratic Progressive Party and Japan's Liberal Democratic Party held two so-called "Taiwan-Japan 2+2 dialogues," and former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe even shouted that "Taiwan's affairs are equivalent to Japan's affairs."

The mainland has dealt a head-on blow to the Taiwan authorities' acts of seeking "independence" to provoke and betray national interests. In 2021, the PLA will have a total of 958 military aircraft patrolling Taiwan, and the number of actual aircraft sorties will only be more than the number of speculations by the DPP authorities. On November 22, 2021, Taiwan's Far East Group was confirmed to have been severely punished by the mainland, triggering heated discussions on the island about the mainland's attack on the mainland to deter "Taiwan independence" financiers.

Excited to be used to play? As soon as the US military came, the Taiwan authorities dared to arrogantly arrest mainland fishermen

Since Tsai Ing-wen came to power in 2016, the Taiwan authorities have lost a total of eight so-called "countries with diplomatic relations" in Sao Tome and Principe, Panama, Dominica, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, and Nicaragua.

The 2022 Macro Situation Annual Forum was held in Beijing on the morning of January 18. Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng said that it is only a matter of time before the "countries with diplomatic relations" (of Taiwan's so-called) countries are cleared. Therefore, engaging in "Taiwan independence" and separatism will only make the road narrower and narrower, and eventually lead to the end of the road and become a lonely person.

Looking back at 2021, the US side playing the "Taiwan card" has not played any role, except for selling weapons to Taiwan, the rest is disgusting. Just as the Taiwan authorities took advantage of the US military's deployment at China's doorstep to arrest mainland fishermen this time, in addition to disgusting people, what awaits them will be a head-on blow from the mainland!

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