
2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

author:China Jiangxi Net
2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

At the time of the two sessions of the year again, the group of talents was full of development. In order to better display the performance of duties by deputies and members, convey to the outside world the good image of the two sessions of Jiangxi Province as open, transparent and confident, and create a better atmosphere for the meeting, our province opened the "representative channel", "member channel" and "director channel" for the first time.

The opening of these three "channels" is the will of the people and the will of the people. The opening of these three "channels" is undoubtedly an important channel to respond to the people's livelihood demands and the concerns of the people, and it is also a window to show the opening up of Jiangxi, and to convey the voice of Jiangxi to the whole country and the world.

Focus on "Rich Jiangxi"! The first "Hall Director's Channel" was opened

On the morning of January 17, the Sixth Session of the 13th People's Congress of Jiangxi Province was grandly opened in Nanchang. Before the opening meeting, the first "director channel" in our province was officially opened, and Zhang Heping, director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Yang Guiping, director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and Xie Yiping, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, successively stepped into the "director channel" to face the live camera and respond to social concerns.

Zhang Heping: Grasping employment as the "foundation of people's livelihood"

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

The 15th Provincial Party Congress made a decision and deployment to comprehensively build the "six Jiangxis", and Zhang Heping, director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, answered reporters' questions on how to promote the construction of a comprehensively prosperous Jiangxi.

Zhang Heping introduced that the Provincial Development and Reform Commission will work with all localities and departments to make due contributions to the comprehensive construction of a prosperous Jiangxi. The first is to strengthen the "main backbone" of the industry, and continuously optimize the modern industrial system of the coordinated development and integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries with greater determination and more practical measures; the second is to seize the "main variable" of innovation, deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerate the construction of innovative provinces, and lead the transformation and upgrading with innovation; the third is to twist the "ballast stone" of investment, always adhere to the "project is king", accurately and effectively expand effective investment, and take multiple measures to release the potential of domestic demand such as investment and consumption; the fourth is to grasp the "foundation of people's livelihood" such as employment. Adhere to the employment in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" at the top, do everything possible to stabilize employment, benefit the people's livelihood; the fifth is to give full play to the "biggest advantage" of ecology, with higher standards to create a beautiful China "Jiangxi model", so that green becomes a clear background for high-quality development.

Yang Guiping: Provide strong material support for the construction of "rich Jiangxi"

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Yang Guiping, director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, said that on January 11, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology held a provincial industrial and information work conference and made a comprehensive deployment for this year's work. Generally speaking, it is necessary to consolidate the foundation of "stability", accumulate the kinetic energy of "entering", accelerate the pace of "integration", do a good job in projects, fight the "project conference battle" in the industrial field, and make overall plans for the implementation of industrial projects of more than 3,000 billion yuan and complete industrial investment of more than 500 billion yuan throughout the year; to make enterprises stronger, strive to add a batch of tens of billions of enterprises, introduce a list of practical things for "specialized and specialized" small and medium-sized enterprises, and carry out third-party assessment of the development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises. Strive to add more than 1,000 new industrial enterprises above designated size throughout the year; optimize the industry, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, cultivate new digital momentum, and make every effort to promote the high-quality leapfrog development of industry and provide strong material support for the construction of a prosperous Jiangxi.

Xie Yiping: The core of building a "rich Jiangxi" is to develop the economy, and the key is to make a strong industry

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Xie Yiping, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said that the core of building a "rich Jiangxi" is to develop the economy, and the key is to strengthen the industry. The Provincial Department of Commerce will deeply implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, promote high-level opening up, boost high-quality leapfrog economic development, and strive to "set an example and bravely compete for the lead" in the construction of "rich Jiangxi". The first is to promote consumption to expand domestic demand and enhance the initiative of economic development; the second is to introduce projects to strengthen industries, consolidate and expand the main channels of investment, grasp the introduction of projects on the one hand, and grasp the construction of projects on the other; the third is to help stabilize foreign trade and strengthen the main force of international competition; the fourth is to cultivate a strong platform for cultivating the main body and consolidating the main support for industrial development.

It is understood that during this conference, two "director channels" will be held, and the main responsible persons of the relevant departments of the provincial government will accept questions from on-site reporters and online video interviews, interpret policy measures, respond to social concerns, and comprehensively display the new image of the director of the department in the new era.

High standard ecology, high-value environment, high-quality development... The three directors talked about the construction of "beautiful Jiangxi"

On the afternoon of January 18, the Sixth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress opened the second "Director's Channel", and Xu Yanbin, Director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, Li Xiaobao, Director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and Qiu Hydrology, Director of the Provincial Forestry Bureau, successively entered the "Director's Channel" and answered reporters' questions around the theme of building "Beautiful Jiangxi".

Xu Yanbin: "Beautiful Jiangxi" should have a high standard of ecology, a high-value environment and high-quality development

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Xu Yanbin, director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, believes that "beautiful Jiangxi" must at least achieve more superior environmental quality, more beautiful urban and rural appearance, and more green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. In the final analysis, the beautiful Jiangxi must have a high standard of ecology, a high-value environment and high-quality development. To this end, the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will deeply fight the battle against pollution, strengthen ecological protection and restoration, effectively strengthen the rectification of ecological and environmental problems, orderly promote carbon neutrality, and promote the construction of beautiful Jiangxi, and hope that through the solid work of the three stages of "14th Five-Year Plan", "15th Five-Year Plan" and "16th Five-Year Plan", we will strive to take the lead in achieving the goal of building a beautiful China and realize the "demonstration and courage to be the first" of the ecological environment.

Li Xiaobao: Contribute to the construction of "beautiful Jiangxi"

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Li Xiaobao, director of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, said that green ecology is the biggest wealth, the biggest advantage and the biggest brand in Jiangxi. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism has deeply implemented the new development concept, dug deep into the potential of "green water and green mountains", and made enough articles on "showing mountains and dew water", contributing to the construction of "beautiful Jiangxi". In the next step, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will focus on the goal of "being a demonstration and bravely competing for the first", and fully promote the construction of "Beautiful Jiangxi" with "first-class work", so as to provide "green kinetic energy", inject "red power" and consolidate "cultural support" for the construction of "Beautiful Jiangxi".

Qiu Shuiwen: Contribute forestry strength to the comprehensive construction of "beautiful Jiangxi"

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Qiu Shuiwen, director of the Provincial Forestry Bureau, said that the Forestry Bureau of Jiangxi Province will combine the actual situation of forestry work, continuously consolidate Jiangxi's green ecological advantages, continue to do a good job in ecological protection and restoration system, improve the ecological civilization system system, and strive to build a natural protected area system with national parks as the main body; continuously enhance Jiangxi's green brand advantages, let the colorful forest tourism destinations go out of Jiangxi and go to the whole country, and help the construction of a strong tourism province in our province; continuously expand Jiangxi's green development advantages, so that green waters and green mountains become the people's golden mountains and silver mountains. Help rural revitalization, contribute more forestry strength to promoting the high-quality development of forestry and the construction of a strong forestry province, and comprehensively building a "beautiful Jiangxi".

"Double reduction", transportation, epidemic prevention... The third "Director's Channel" responded to these social concerns...

On the morning of January 20, the Sixth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress opened the third "Director Channel", and Guo Jiezhong, Director of the Provincial Department of Education, Wang Aihe, Director of the Provincial Department of Transportation, and Wang Pingping, Director of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, successively entered the "Director Channel" and were interviewed by reporters around the three hot topics of "double reduction" policy, strong transportation province and healthy Jiangxi.

Guo Jiezhong: Reducing work and burdens is the people's worries

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Guo Jiezhong, director of the Provincial Department of Education, said that as of January 14, the number of compulsory education discipline training institutions in our province has been reduced from 3,082 in June last year to 116, with a reduction rate of 96.24%, and two-thirds of the 123 counties and districts in the province have achieved zero discipline institutions. He said that the Provincial Department of Education should reshape the education ecology through the "double reduction" reform and create a comprehensive development of students' morality, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work. At the same time, it is necessary to manage the teaching order, the evaluation orientation, and the behavior of teachers, strictly manage the time, content, fees, and off-campus training advertising, improve the quality of classroom teaching, the quality of after-school services, the level of homework management, the level of music and sports beauty, the level of home-school co-education, and the level of linkage education, promote the construction of a home-school community for collaborative education, and create a good educational ecology, so that students are happy and parents can rest assured.

Wang Aihe: Strive to be the pioneer of jiangxi in comprehensively building socialist modernization

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Wang Aihe, director of the Provincial Department of Transportation, said that the Provincial Department of Transport will speed up the construction of the "four reforms and eight" projects of the Shanghai-Kunming and Beijing-Jiujiangjiang west sections of the expressway, accelerate the formation of the main "big cross" main passage and the expressway network around the city and the city; speed up the construction of ports, docks, and collection and transportation systems, and actively promote the combined transportation of public railways and iron and water; focus on promoting the widening and transformation of narrow road surfaces, the construction of township and town three-level highways and the construction of established villages, and promote the continuous network of rural roads and trunk roads; and create a number of unique Ganpo style. Modern comprehensive service areas with local characteristics, create a number of new stations for beautiful travel, new corridors for the road economy, and new windows for Jiangxi culture, build model organs that reassure the party and satisfy the people, and strive to be the pioneers in the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Jiangxi.

Wang Level: Healthy Jiangxi is the most powerful support for happiness in Jiangxi

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Wang Pingping, director of the Provincial Health Commission, introduced that health is the most important indicator of a happy life, and healthy Jiangxi is the most powerful support for a happy Jiangxi. In recent years, the Provincial Health Commission has always adhered to the realization, maintenance and development of the people's health interests as the starting point and foothold of all work, and has made every effort to promote the continuous improvement of the health level of the people in the province. During the Spring Festival, in order to implement the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on allowing the people of the province to have a happy, healthy and peaceful Spring Festival, the Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters specially established a special class for epidemic prevention and control during the Spring Festival and a 24-hour duty system. Closed-loop management is implemented for those who return from overseas and those who return from medium- and high-risk areas outside the province to strictly prevent the risk of importation; the orderly flow of personnel who have been working and living in the province is allowed, and a free nucleic acid test is carried out within 24 hours for those who come to Andang from low-risk areas outside the province, and the test results are negative, and the personnel can flow in an orderly manner under the premise of personal protection. Taking this opportunity, I also ask the general public to consciously abide by various epidemic prevention regulations, maintain good hygiene habits, minimize unnecessary gathering activities, and jointly build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control.

The first "representative channel" is coming! Delegates responded to these hot-button issues...

On the morning of January 17, the Sixth Session of the 13th People's Congress of Jiangxi Province was grandly opened in Nanchang. Before the opening meeting, the first "representative channel" in our province was officially opened, and three deputies to the national people's congress, Qiu Tiangao, Yang Lishan, and Kang Hua, appeared to answer reporters' questions on the three aspects of the automobile industry, red gene inheritance, and literary and artistic creation.

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Qiu Tiangao: Let every car be a "Gan" out of the boutique

Qiu Tiangao, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Jiangling Motors Group Co., Ltd., said that in the past year, he has repeatedly promoted the optimization and improvement of the province's automobile marketing environment, and the Provincial Automobile Industry Association alone has organized three car activities in the province, more than 20 automobile brands in the province have actively participated, and thousands of citizens have enjoyed benefits for the people. In addition, he also hopes that the media in the province will increase the positive publicity of automobile enterprises in the province, guide public opinion to care for brands in the province, and advocate automotive peers to strengthen the construction of quality brands to ensure that each car is a "Gan" boutique.

Yang Lishan: Support the red exhibition and red stories to enter colleges and universities, and become an important course of ideological and political education in colleges and universities

Yang Lishan, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and director of the Ruijin Central Revolutionary Base Museum History Museum, answered on "how to promote the inheritance of red genes in Jiangxi". Yang Lishan proposed to support the red exhibition and red story into colleges and universities, and become an important course of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It is hoped to establish a long-term mechanism of government support, co-construction of museums and schools, and social participation, promote red exhibitions and red stories into colleges and universities, and let revolutionary cultural relics and red history become "gas stations" and "incubators" for students to inherit red genes.

Kang Hua: Sing songs for the times with the melody of true feelings

How to combine life and art to create works worthy of the times? Kang Hua, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and vice president of the School of Arts of Pingxiang University, said that excellent musical works can play a role in inspiring people's hearts, condensing strength, and carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, especially songs, which play a major role in literary and artistic propaganda, which can reflect social changes and changes of the times, can reflect the people's spiritual outlook, and become the mark of the times. In the face of a beautiful new era, in the face of the people's expectations, in the face of a happy homeland, in the face of sudden disasters, she can't help but want to use melody to express her heart and convey the power of music.

It is understood that during this conference, two "representative channels" will also be held, and the deputies will mainly focus on their own work, focusing on telling the stories of performing their duties, their feelings, the key suggestions and opinions they intend to bring, and so on, and will "face to face" with reporters, talk about their duties, feelings, and plans.

Be a good microphone and be a good intimate person! In the second "representative channel", the three representatives performed their duties with affectionate words

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

On the afternoon of January 18, the Sixth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress opened the second "deputies channel", and Zuo Beiping, Huang Yingyan, and Peng Qinglian, three provincial people's congress deputies, stepped forward to accept questions from reporters.

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Zuo Beiping: Witness the sustained and rapid economic development of Jiangxi

Zuo Beiping, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and chairman of Jiangxi Huaxun Engineering Cost Consulting Co., Ltd., said that in the experience of serving as a deputy for nearly 5 years, he witnessed the sustained and rapid development of Jiangxi's economy, and a large number of major industrial projects of more than 10 billion yuan have been landed, injecting new vitality into the development of Jiangxi's strategic emerging industries; the growth rate of many major economic indicators in Jiangxi has entered the first square of the country and made new breakthroughs. At the same time, he also believes that the industrial base of our province is still not strong, the task of manufacturing transformation and upgrading is still heavy, and there are still shortcomings and weaknesses such as low industrial level, weak innovation ability, and more factor constraints. Therefore, at this conference, he brought the "Three-year Offensive Action on Carrying Out Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading - Suggestions on Boosting the High-quality Development of Our Province", hoping to contribute his professional strength to the high-quality leapfrog development of Jiangxi.

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Huang Yingyan: Do a good job as a microphone for the people, and be a good intimate person for the people

Huang Yingyan, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and chairman of the Wanzai County Green Forest Garden Breeding Cooperative, said that a competent people's congress deputy must do a good job as a microphone for the people and be a good intimate person for the people. In recent years, in her research, she found that rural agricultural development generally has problems such as poor infrastructure, narrow sales channels, high express delivery costs, and low farmers' incomes. The key to rural revitalization is industrial revitalization, therefore, the key suggestion she brought this time is the "Proposal on Vigorously Supporting the Development of Agricultural Business Entities to Help Rural Revitalization", hoping to consolidate the foundation of agriculture in rural areas, help farmers' prosperity with high quality and efficiency of agriculture, and paint a beautiful picture of rural revitalization in the new era.

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Peng Qinglian: The people elected me as a representative, and I should be a representative for the people

Peng Qinglian, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Ji'an County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told reporters: "The people elected me as a deputy, and I should be a representative for the people. The deputies made suggestions, the people's congress has transferred, the government has implemented, and the people love the party; this is my truest inner feeling as a grassroots provincial people's congress deputy! Peng Qinglian said that as a provincial people's congress representative in the medical field, she has always paid attention to people's livelihood and development, actively offered suggestions and suggestions, and written representative suggestions, which involve hot issues such as employee medical insurance, health poverty alleviation, epidemic prevention and control, as well as people's livelihood issues such as the transformation of old communities and campus safety management. Combined with her medical experience, at the end of January 2020, she put forward the "proposal to expand the scope of use of personal accounts for employee medical insurance", which was highly valued and studied by the provincial government and its relevant departments in a timely manner. Not long ago, the implementation opinions have been issued and issued, making it clear that individual medical insurance accounts can be shared by the whole family.

The third "representative channel" opens! 5 provincial people's congress deputies appeared

On the morning of January 20, the Sixth Session of the 13th Provincial People's Congress opened the third "deputies channel", and five provincial people's congress deputies, Xian Jun, Lei Xianggui, Yang Li, Yu Wanglong, and Fan Xiaohua, were interviewed by the media.

Xian Jun: The demand for old-age services for the elderly is very urgent

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Xian Jun, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and president of Jiangxi Futian Company, said that through exchanges with the elderly and inspection of community old-age service facilities and other activities, he learned that the elderly's demand for old-age services is very urgent, but there are still many shortcomings in community old-age services. In this regard, he put forward three suggestions, one is to suggest that the government set up community pension service stations in conditional residential areas by renting and buying residential housing and integrating other public housing, so as to configure and decorate and decorate service functions to provide a place for community pension services. The second is to suggest that the home aging renovation should be uniformly funded by the government in accordance with the age standard, disability level and other conditions, and the investment will be recovered when the house is inherited and transferred. The third is to open up the channel for professional pension institutions to community pension services and home service, and it is recommended that the government sign a long-term agreement with professional institutions and gradually implement the path from government purchase of services to complete socialization.

Lei Xianggui: Green water and green mountains are a huge wealth leading the revitalization of rural areas

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Lei Xianggui, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and secretary of the party branch of Zhangping She's Nationality Village, Zhangping She's Nationality Township, Guixi City, took Zhangping She's Nationality Village as an example to introduce the Zhangping She's Nationality Village, which is tailored to local conditions, and on the basis of developing cultural tourism for ethnic minorities, guide villagers to carry out special planting, form local brand advantages, and make full use of local mountain water resources and cultural resources to develop rural tourism. Lei Xianggui said that green water and green mountains are a huge wealth leading rural revitalization, in order to practice the concept of green development, the suggestions he brought at this conference are mainly focused on rural sewage treatment, so that people can drink safe and secure water.

Yang Li: We must carve the feelings of home and country into the bones and bones and into the blood

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Yang Li, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, deputy secretary general of the China Buddhist Association, and president of the Caodong Buddhist College, said that people without spirit cannot stand, and the country without spirit is not strong. Whether it is an individual, a group or even a nation, it is necessary to carve the feelings of home and country into the bones and bones, into the blood, internalized in the heart, and externalized in the deeds. Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, Yangli has participated in the anti-epidemic work throughout the process, and has made concerted efforts in collecting materials, formulating treatment plans, research and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and clinical treatment. Yang Li believes that traditional Chinese medicine has played an important role in the fight against the epidemic. In the post-epidemic era, she suggested that we should further strengthen our understanding of the value of traditional Chinese medicine at the national level, and vigorously build a medical and health system in which traditional Chinese and Western medicine are both at the same time, pay equal attention to and run at the same time; at the same time, we should further strengthen the development of grass-roots medical and health undertakings, attach great importance to the establishment and improvement of the gene bank of traditional Chinese medicine seeds, and continue to protect biodiversity, so as to facilitate the sustainable development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Yu Wanglong: Do a good job in Chinese ceramics And tell the story of ceramics

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Yu Wanglong, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and general manager of Jingdezhen Wanglong Ceramics Co., Ltd., said that Jingdezhen is a city that has been using lowercase "china" porcelain all the time for thousands of years to tell the story of "CHINA" in uppercase. Today's Jingdezhen has taken over the baton of history and stood at a new starting point for development. He feels that when the enterprise reaches a certain degree of development, it can no longer focus on the advantages of resources, policies and labor, and must take the road of innovation and find its own fist products, so that in order to have its own side of the world today, around the development of Chinese ceramics to internationalization, in order to better tell the World's Chinese story to the world and make a series of strategic layouts.

Fan Xiaohua: Contribute to the cause of rural revitalization

2022 Jiangxi two sessions good voice, you care about here

Fan Xiaohua, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and an egg breeder in Xialian Village, Liangshan Town, Yushui District, Xinyu City, introduced the rural construction of Xinyu, such as the Elderly Care Home, Xiaokang Clinic, Xiaohe Project, and Splash Action, all of which have effectively helped the people improve their quality of life and enhance their sense of happiness. As a grassroots representative, Fan Xiaohua also often goes to the town's representative workstation and among the villagers to solve some practical difficulties of the empty nest elderly and left-behind children, and to help them as much as possible. She said that in the future, we will also strengthen study, strive to improve our performance level, take the initiative to participate in rural revitalization, make our agriculture stronger, the countryside more beautiful, and the farmers richer, and make our due contributions to "loving my work and small beauty, five years more brilliant."

Cohesion and common development, full of hope to set sail. The main expected goals of our province's economic and social development this year are: to increase the regional GDP by more than 7 percent, and to strive for better results in practical work as much as possible; the general public budget revenue increases by 5 percent, the added value of industries above designated size increases by more than 8 percent, the investment in fixed assets increases by more than 8 percent, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increase by more than 10 percent, the actual utilization of foreign capital increases by about 6 percent, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increases by about 7.5 percent and 8 percent, and the total level of consumer prices increases by about 3 percent. The unemployment rate in urban surveys should be controlled within 5.5%, and energy conservation and emission reduction would complete the tasks issued by the state.

Only by aiming high can we never slacken off, and only by stepping through the ups and downs can we achieve brilliance. The new goal has been established, the two sessions are a new departure, let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, raise the benchmark, perseverance, courage to strive for the first place, cohesively write a wonderful chapter in the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Jiangxi, and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with excellent results.

Source: Comprehensive Jiangxi Daily, Jiangxi News Client

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