
No room for words! Posted insults to Dong Cunrui and sentenced him

Source: Xinhua News Agency

On October 12, 2021, the Dongcheng District People's Court of Beijing Municipality rendered a first-instance judgment on defendant Xu X's case of infringing on the honor and honor of heroes and martyrs, sentencing Xu X to seven months' imprisonment in accordance with law; within 10 days of the effective date of the judgment, the main domestic portal and national media publicly apologized and eliminated the impact.

It was ascertained that defendant Xu used his Weibo account to publish 2 messages containing insults to the hero and martyr Dong Cunrui, which were read more than 90,000 times, triggering strong indignation among the broad masses of the people and causing a bad social impact. During the trial, Xu voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment.

The court held that heroes and martyrs are the backbone of the Chinese nation, and the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs are an important embodiment of the common historical memory and core values of socialism of the Chinese nation, and an important part of the public interests of society. Defendant Xu's conduct insulted the reputation and honor of the hero and martyr, harmed the public interest, and the circumstances were serious, and it has constituted the crime of infringing on the honor and honor of the hero and martyr, and should be punished with criminal punishment in accordance with law, and bear corresponding civil liability.

Source: Beijing Dongcheng Court Weibo

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