
Chinese and English bilingual "pressure mountain", where is the happiness?

author:Plum Garden Lee

"Pressure mountain", where is happiness?

With Mounting Stress, Where Is Happiness?

Yuan Hao

Translated by Li Yunxing

Chinese and English bilingual "pressure mountain", where is the happiness?

"'Pressure mountain', where is happiness?" It is a hot topic discussed by netizens at present.

A hot topic among netizens these days is: With mounting stress, where is happiness?

According to a survey, among the 16,000 professionals in 80 countries and regions around the world, those who believe that stress is higher than last year, Chinese mainland account for 75%, ranking first.

A survey of 16,000 workers in 80 countries and regions has found that seventy-five percent of mainland Chinese workers experience more stress than in the previous year –which is the highest percentage among the regions polled.

Many people have even developed the habit of "interdependence" with stress, believing that "I feel tired when I am stressed, and I feel terrible when I am not stressed."

Many have even become inextricably entangled with stress, leading to a perception that while stress wears you out, you'd feel dreadful without it.

Many people feel that the happiness index of life is far inferior to that of farmers who live idyllic lives, and the reason for all this is that the word "pressure" is not managed well.

It occurs to many of us that if measured on a happiness scale, today's life is far less satisfying than a single agrarian lifestyle, and the culprit is no other than the failure at stress management.

Where does the pressure come from?

Where does stress come from?

Pressure comes from work, from money, from houses, cars, from the mission of marriage and children, from the soaring prices,

It could be work-related, money-induced, compounded by the thirst to own or the burden of owning a home and a car, driven by the mission to get married and have offspring, and exacerbated by soaring consumer prices.

It is more from the embarrassment of not being high or low, from the anger of hating iron and steel, and from the luxury of pursuing perfection in everything.

Moreover, it could stem from an uneasiness that belies our stubborn refusal to settle for less when our goal proves unrealistic, or from the exasperation at our kids' failure to live up to expectations, or from our relentless pursuit of perfection that is taking us nowhere.

Therefore, we work with high intensity every day, have to deal with complex interpersonal relationships in the workplace, and have to understand the way of being a person and the principle of doing things.

As a result, we find ourselves consumed by hectic schedules day in and day out, navigating gingerly the labyrinth of office politics, executing one balancing act after another in search of elusive solutions satisfactory to all.

We are always full of pressure inside,

At no time are we free from stress.

In this way, you chase after me, do not want to fall behind, worry about poverty, worry about injury, resulting in physical and mental exhaustion, health overdraft disease upper body.

Locked in a vicious circle of competition, we are in constant fear of being outpaced, out-earned, or outwitted, a fear that gives rise to chronicle fatigue, both physically and mentally, taking a toll on our health.

In addition to the pressure of work and life, there is also the pressure from social injustice.

In addition to workplace pressures and worries in life, another source of stress is social injustice,

According to surveys, more than 40% of people believe that social injustice is the most important cause of stress on their lives.

which over 40 percent of those polled in a survey regard as a primary contributor to stress.

People feel that the pressure of life comes not only from bad emotional problems, poor eating and living conditions, comparison between peers, support for parents, poor relationships, but also from a variety of indescribable hardships.

As we all know, stress arises not only from soured relationships, poor living conditions, peer pressure, the obligation to care for aging parents, or lack of interpersonally harmony, but also from myriad dilemmas that inflict unspeakable misery on us.

For example, the unfairness of enjoying education, labor and employment, participation in competition, getting rich, social welfare, etc., makes us feel heavy pressure.

Injustices such as inequality in education and employment, unfair competition, unequal business opportunities, and disparities in social welfare weigh heavily on our minds.

This kind of pressure we can neither discharge, nor can we change it, we can only swallow our anger and swallow our voices, and become the pain of our hearts and the death of the times in our forbearance.

Unable to escape from its clutch, much less alter its driving forces, we endure in silence this kind of stress, which has become a gnawing pain at heart and a malady of our time.

Some people say that happiness is a feeling. That's right.

Some say happiness is but a feeling, and nothing could be truer.

In the agrarian society, the wind and rain are smooth, and the harvest is happy, and the prosperity of the people and the prosperity of the six animals are even happier;

In a bygone agricultural society, favorable weather and bumper harvests would bring happiness to a whole community, and a feeling of being doubly blessed would prevail if there was also a baby boom accompanied by thriving livestock populations.

Cultivating the family of heirlooms, there are people with gold list titles, and the whole family is happy and gloriously happy.

For a clan that valued farming and letters, all its members would be feeling on top of the world if one of them was successful in an imperial exam.

And in today's era of rampant materialism, everyone is chasing fame and profit, if you suddenly ask: Are you happy?

However, in today's materialistic world where everyone seems to be in a hot pursuit of fame and wealth, people would be at a loss if asked “Are you happy?”

I believe that many people will not be able to return to God. Because too much stress has eroded our sense of well-being.

Indeed, too much stress has eroded our sense of happiness.

No wonder CCTV in the "Are You Happy" column survey, there will be the same as the migrant worker "my surname Zeng" answer, and more like Mo Yan "I don't know" answer -

No wonder when some migrant workers were asked if they were happy in a CCTV happiness survey, their answer was “I don’t know”, just like that of Mo Yan, a famed writer.

Whether it is migrant workers or Mo Yan, they all face pressures.

After all, migrant works and folks like Mo Yan are all experiencing stress, albeit in different ways.

Not to let the pressure erode our happiness, on the one hand, we need our government to strive to create a fair and just environment, and constantly improve the security system.

To prevent stress from eroding our sense of happiness, the government for its part has to make constant efforts to build a fair and just social framework and a viable safety net for all,

Improve the ability of individuals to resist various risks, effectively solve the problem of excessive gap between the rich and the poor in society, and prevent the emergence of public collective anxiety.

so as to enhance the ability of individuals to withstand risks and shocks, and take effective measures to narrow the gap between rich and poor, so as to prevent the emergence of collective anxiety among the general public.

On the other hand, it is also necessary for each of us to strive to change the perspective of looking at problems, understand problems from a positive perspective, and consider problems with a positive attitude.

On the other hand, we as individuals should try to look at things from a different perspective, with less attitude and more gratitude.

Timely soothe bad emotions, establish a healthy life mentality, balance the relationship between "expectations" and "reality values", indifferent to Mingzhi, and return to rationality.

It pays to free ourselves from the grips of grievances, and harness the power of positive thinking, always aiming for a right balance between expectations and reality, a departure from blind materialistic pursuit towards a more fulfilling self-reinvention, and a return to reason.

By approaching life with a more peaceful mindset, we can meditate on happiness and truly have happiness.

Only by embracing more equanimity, can we be blessed with happiness, and truly feel blissful.

Resources come from network intrusion and deletion

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