
Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

author:China Youth Daily

Anchor Jun's words

The White Paper on Juvenile Procuratorial Work (2020) released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate revealed that the number of juvenile crimes has declined in 2020, but the proportion of juvenile crimes has rebounded. There is a long way to go in popularizing legal education among young people. In Xingwen County, Yibin City, Wumeng Mountain, Sichuan Province, Peng Yonggui, a member of the party group of the county justice bureau and a volunteer for popularizing the law, used his more than 30 years of volunteer practice to become a "living Lei Feng" in the judicial system, education system, mass organizations, parent groups, and student groups!

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One of the adventures: he was stunned by the legal blindness of the private court in the village

"At that time, the rural masses did not understand the law, and once they caught the thief, they were not sent to the police station, but used the method of setting up a private court to hang or pour cold water for interrogation. They only know that the thief's behavior is illegal, and they do not know that their own behavior is also illegal. ”

Peng Yonggui recalled, "There were many criminal youths in that era, and there were also many legal illiterates. The countryside is a legal blind spot. ”

Peng Yonggui was worried about the various "ignorant" practices of the villagers at that time and the chaotic social situation. "Compliance is a fundamental norm for everyone. Without fundamentally enlightening the peasants' ignorant thinking, the countryside will always mean backwardness. ”

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Peng Yonggui gave a small law popularization class in the village.

"I hope that through the 'rule of law', we can plant the seeds of 'Law' in the young hearts of rural children, so that they can see the original appearance of 'Law'!"

In the fall of 1981, after graduating from high school at the age of 17, Peng Yonggui walked into the Second Primary School of Gaosheng Village and became a substitute teacher in the village.

After working in the village for six years, his process of popularizing the law also began........

At that time, Peng Yonggui used knowledge to help children build dreams on the one hand, and used law to enlighten children on the other hand.

In addition to textbook teaching, Peng Yonggui inspires children with various cases and stories, "I hope that children will not only learn well, but become a person with a sound personality, especially if they can resist and prevent social temptations and be a useful person to society." ”

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Peng Yonggui gave a lecture on the Law on the Protection of Minors to primary school students.

The two words he often hangs on his lips and reminds himself and his students at any time are: "At any time, you must abide by the law; work hard, not to win others, but not to lose to yourself!" ”

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Students scramble to answer questions.

Every lecture is carefully designed. During the lecture, Peng Yonggui will carefully prepare PPT courseware from the aspects of learning gratitude, honesty and trustworthiness, respect for discipline and law, and diligent study, which are closely related to students, and combine the deeds of patriotism, socialist core values and heroic models with the Constitution, the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, the Law on Environmental Protection, the Law on Narcotics Control, the Road Traffic Safety Law, the Knowledge of Preventing Evil Cults, and other laws and regulations that are closely related to teenagers, and educate young people with cases that occur around them. In addition, judgment questions and multiple choice questions are set up in the courseware, and rule of law education is carried out in the form of interaction with students.

Because it fully grasps the learning characteristics and living habits of teenagers in different regions and different ages, it is deeply loved by children.

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

The students gathered around Peng Yonggui to listen to his story.

Adventure two: He and the children "pulled the hook" from an early age to make a vow to abide by the law, but this "hook" not only hooked the children, but also hooked himself

Popularizing the law is an extremely bland and tedious thing, and few people can insist on doing it, especially in the Wumeng Mountains of Sichuan, where "Shu Dao is difficult", and popularizing the law in the countryside all year round is even more "difficult to go to the sky".

Why is it so difficult that Peng Yonggui is still unwilling to put it down?

Peng Yonggui still remembers that thirty years ago, when he said goodbye to the students, he made a "gentleman's agreement" with the students - "You can see the teacher at any time!" But each of you has to play by the rules. If anyone breaks the law in the future, never come to see me! The students respected Peng Yonggui very much, and they also cared about the teacher's attitude towards themselves, and unanimously promised, "I must be a good person who abides by discipline and law." ”

This hook "hooked" him and the simple children!

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Peng Yonggui and the students "pulled the hook".

In every lecture, Peng Yonggui drove his own private car. He said: "This is a public welfare activity, which cannot affect the normal use of office vehicles in the unit, nor can it squeeze out the public funds of the unit." ”

In the activities of The Shimomura Kopo, he never used a unit official car, nor did he ever reimburse the fuel cost once, and all the expenses were at his own expense.

On the rugged mountain road, Peng Yonggui also experienced the test of "life and death". The most dangerous one was when he was forced into a highway ditch by a large truck speeding opposite, and was intercepted by a tree stump, and almost fell into a cliff not far away...

Peng Yonggui's lover Qin Xiaorong began to be very opposed to him going to the village to do rural law popularization work, "this is a bet on life." In the end, he could not help him, and could only silently support him. Every time before going out, Qin Xiaorong would habitually ask, "Which school are you going to go to today?" At the same time, he always did not forget to advise: "For the sake of this home, driving must pay attention to safety!" ”

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Thirty years later, during the Spring Festival, Peng Yonggui's student Peng Min told him: "For 30 years, all of your students are law-abiding!" ”

"Thirty years!" Only then did Peng Yonggui realize that the seed of the "Fa" had grown into a big tree in the hearts of the students.

After each village small lecture, Peng Yonggui would always leave his phone number on the blackboard so that he could answer the children's doubts at any time. At intervals of up to one week at a time, he would always receive such calls from parents reporting on the children's changes after studying the Fa.

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures
Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Teachers, parents and Peng Yonggui gave feedback on the students' progress.

【Achievements of Law Popularization】

Teacher Xiaoxiong Zongqin of Xiaozhai Village sent a message: "The children who used to fight in Xiaozhai have not fought since they hooked up with you.

Zihan of Wuxing Town sent a message: "Uncle, the final results are out, I have scored 674 points." ”

Ding Yanmei's mother, the sixth grade of Duliang Village Primary School in Gusong Town, sent a message: "Teacher Peng, my family's Yanmei test results have broken the historical record, and for the first time in six years, they have scored such a high score, and they have also applied for an innovative class." ”

Qilin Miao Township Yulin sisters called: "Grandpa, I have scored 17 points more this semester than last semester, from 5th to 2nd."

Xiao Ma of Wang Shan, Ling Ling, Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhao of JiuSi City, Xiao Hua and Yu Xin of Qilin and other children have sent WeChat and called to tell them that their academic performance has improved

"Teacher Peng, my grandson has changed when he comes home, and he knows that he is grateful."

"My daughter took the initiative to do some housework."

"My mischievous son began to obey the rules, and often reminded me to be honest and abide by the law, and not to do illegal things."


Adventure No. 3: "Living Lei Feng" did not encounter the real Lei Feng, but met Lei Feng's comrades-in-arms

Why can Peng Yonggui persist for more than thirty years, and the drier it is, the more flavorful it is?

Peng Yonggui said: He has loved to listen to Lei Feng's story since he was a child, and Lei Feng's name and deeds have been deeply engraved in his heart since he was a child.

Peng Yonggui and Lei Feng, the "fate" is as deep as it gets closer. What is even more wonderful is that Peng Yonggui's compatriot, his name is Chen Guofu, is Lei Feng's comrade-in-arms, and it was under the impetus of Chen Guofu that Lei Feng became a soldier of the People's Liberation Army.

Whenever someone asks Peng Yonggui why he is so persistent in popularizing the law among teenagers. He always smiled and said, "Elder Chen taught us to be 'living Lei Feng'. ”

Peng Yonggui, who has been working in the front line of the township for many years, and the humidity of the mountains have made him suffer from "severe rheumatism in both legs + meniscus grade II strain on both knees", which not only causes walking difficulties when the disease occurs, but also sits for more than 1 hour continuously and sometimes walks around.

Whether it was taking a law popularization class in a rural school or preaching law popularization in government organs, enterprises, townships, villages, and communities, he insisted on standing on the field and speaking with inconvenient legs and feet. Sometimes, standing and standing, I find myself talking too much to move.

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Peng Yonggui always stood and gave lessons to the students.

Peng Yonggui has served as the vice principal of the rule of law in three schools so far, and has also been hired by relevant units and schools such as workers and young women as a publicity speaker and legal popularization volunteer.

A friend asked him: "Old Peng, you are all relegated to the second line, almost retired, still suffering from severe rheumatism and meniscal strain, legs and feet are not convenient, still so desperate, so honest, are you tired?" ”

Peng Yonggui always replied, "Tired! But, I am happy! ”

Peng Yonggui: More than 30 years of pufa adventures

Peng Yonggui was surrounded by students.

He had only one belief in his heart: there were no excessively high demands, and he only hoped that one more law-abiding and one less law-breaking peasant among the rural children who had heard the popularization of the law would be satisfied!

In the process of popularizing the law in the countryside, whenever he encountered children with family difficulties, Peng Yonggui always silently gave financial support out of his own pocket. Over time, as an ordinary civil servant, he also felt "powerless".

After that, he began to try his best to mobilize social resources, help children in difficulty find the government, find caring people to help, and solve the worries of children's learning and life.

Over the years, nearly 20 children have been sponsored by him.

While carrying out legal popularization education in rural schools, Peng Yonggui also used new media to expand the coverage of legal popularization publicity - taking the lead in developing the "Rule of Law Xingwen Network", opening a legal consulting service platform, and mobilizing lawyers and legal workers to provide free legal consulting services to the masses.

He created the "Xingwen Fingertip Popularization" WeChat group, insisting on compiling and distributing 1 issue before 7 o'clock every day. Since October 21, 2017, in the past three years, 1489 issues have been compiled. He used the village (residential) affairs open group forwarding to widely carry out legal popularization, so that the masses could receive legal popularization information as soon as they opened their mobile phones in the morning.

At present, the platform of "Xingwen Fingertip Popularization Law" has covered nearly 100,000 cadres and masses in the county.

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Komsomol News Network (ID:gqviewpoint)

Journalist/editor | Chen Fengli, who was surrounded by |

Source: Komsomol News Network

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