
Sixty Years of Covenant (I) - The seventh-level monster descends on Future City

author:Phi Phi Hero Growth

This big man was a seventh-level monster.

The first thing the monster did when it landed was to keep drinking the water in the fountain, and this water did not make its stomach bigger and bigger, but on the contrary, it made his body grow stronger and stronger, and his three eyes were radiant and extremely excited, while the water reaction index continued to soar, and other indices also increased in tandem. If left unchecked, it could soon be raised to level eight or even higher.

At the Future City Military Command Center, Thomas, Jiayue and other high-ranking commanders all arrived at the scene and watched the pictures transmitted from the scene. Seeing the monster's reaction, he immediately ordered to cut off the fountain's pump, but the monster's level eventually reached the eighth level. After the water supply stopped, the monster was very manic and kept destroying the facilities in the square, fortunately, the crowd had been evacuated in advance, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Where are the Air Force and the Mech Unit?" Thomas calmly synchronized the situation on the spot, and soon the field operator quickly reported the relevant data.

"Report sir, has reached the edge of the square. Still 60% of the city's residents have not entered the safe area and the evacuation is expected to be completed in 5 minutes. ”

"All the defense systems are in place, all the ground troops have reached their positions and are ready for battle."

"The security forces have completed the deployment adjustment and organized the evacuation of the remaining 60% of the residents. All the speeding cars are running at full capacity and are currently expected to be evacuated in 4 minutes and 30 seconds. "On the big screen, the percentage of people evacuated is constantly changing.

"Schools, hospitals, the disabled, the elderly and weak, have all withdrawn to the predetermined locations."

"The Air Force has built a defensive line at an altitude of 2,000 meters to monitor the movements of the T32-Man spacecraft."

Sixty Years of Covenant (I) - The seventh-level monster descends on Future City

"The anti-aircraft weapons are all loaded, and at an altitude of 1800 meters, they can carry out full-load precision strikes, 15,000 rounds per second, and last until 12 o'clock in the night." Night Combat Auxiliary Equipment is all in place. ”

"All weapons, ammunition, spare guns are expected to be in place by 18:00, and the standby transport team is on standby at the predetermined location."

"The fuel is sufficient to guarantee full use for 3 months, and the spare fuel has been shipped and is expected to arrive at 18:00 tomorrow and can be distributed within 24 hours."

"The food reserves are sufficient to be supplied in parallel with the fuel, and the spare food has been shipped and arrived at the same time as the fuel."

"Are maintenance personnel in place after the destruction of the city?" Thomas asked again.

"Report chief, only 70% of the maintenance personnel are currently in place, the other personnel will be in place with the fuel, and the standby maintenance personnel are being recruited and are expected to be in place within 48 hours."

"What?" Thomas was surprised.

Soon the big screen showed Wang Han mobilizing security and military forces to cooperate with the search report, which shocked Thomas. "Originally, the hunters in the yellow area were used as a backup maintenance and armed force, but a large number of deaths and the chain reaction caused by the implementation of the operating procedures led to a decline in the proportion of maintenance personnel." Jia Yue explained the situation to Thomas.

"Is it possible to temporarily requisition a group of maintenance personnel in the city?" Thomas asked.

"The reporting officer can recruit a group of mechanical maintenance personnel from the Future City Engineering College, but the security personnel cannot be mobilized." Good monthly feedback.

"Send my guards to an escort mission, execute it immediately." Thomas ordered without hesitation.

At the same time as the Futurgy City Command Center was closely mobilized, 4 huge mech robots jumped out of the ruins of the statues in the square, moving smoothly and slowly, without the slightest slow movement because of the huge size of the body.

At this time, the seventh-level monster had changed, it was nearly 30 meters tall, and its appearance was more like a huge creature similar to an ancient dinosaur, but its appearance was more strange. It has three giant balls of flesh, similar to the eyes of earth creatures, irregularly distributed at the top and sides of the body, similar to arm-like limbs, and there are also three, one protruding from the back, one protruding from the front, and one coiled in the middle of its body. The three limbs were soft but stout and powerful, with several limbs as thick as adult arms at the front, protruding from the ends of the three stout limbs, with sharp endings, firmly embedded in the stone slabs of the square.

Sixty Years of Covenant (I) - The seventh-level monster descends on Future City

Three mech robots surround the level eight monsters in the middle, while the other maneuvers around the perimeter. The meat ball at the top of the eighth-level monster kept turning, as if sensing the position of several mechs. Then, the three huge limbs all stretched out, pointing in the direction of the three mechs, and the lower half of the eighth-level monster was three thicker columns of flesh, and the ends were covered with fine balls of meat like a child's arm, squirming flexibly and rapidly, but making the eighth-level monster move faster.

The mech's hands each held a sharp blade, and the heat weapons all over the body were fully opened, confronting the eighth-level monster. At this moment, a large number of 3-5 meters long flying monsters flew out of the huge spaceship, visually inspected nearly hundreds of thousands, and began to scatter to the future city and around. When the flying monster descended to an altitude of 2,000 meters, the Air Force fighter machine guns were fully fired, trying to shoot the monster down. But more flying monsters poured out of the spaceship again, swooping down on the Air Force fighters, interfering with the fighters' firing by committing suicide, thus covering the other monsters to fly to the ground.

At an altitude of 1800 meters, the anti-aircraft weapons were in full swing, the rate of fire was 15,000 rounds per second, the monsters fell in response, and the number of monsters was amazing and the speed was fast, causing some flying monsters to pass through the air defense line and fly to the ground.

Holograms of the Future City Command Center showed groups of flying monsters crossing the defensive line, some skimming towards the city buildings to attack the crowds that would have time to evacuate in the future; some flying towards the surrounding forest, attacking the creatures, hunters, and monsters flying into no man's land, trying to evade the city's air defenses.

So the ground troops had to follow the whereabouts of the flying monsters, and hunted and killed the flying monsters in divisions, but the ground troops were still insufficiently prepared, even if the spare combatants were filled in, they were still stretched, and sometimes the monsters swept to the ground, biting, bumping, and even tearing the residents who had time to escape in the future, sucking blood. There are also flying monsters that fly to the water source in the city, and the water sucked up will raise its abdomen, and when it reaches its limit, it will fly towards the monsters in the square. Monsters that fly outside the city, find hunters, fruits, and even water sources, will do the same, and when their abdomen rises, they will fly low to the square.

The air defenses of Future City were almost instantaneously dismantled, ground forces were exhausted, and hundreds of residents were wounded or killed. The pressure of the command center doubled, and this time the monster launch broke the previous hundreds of large and large delivery methods, and changed to the delivery mode of a large number of small and medium-sized flying monsters, which made it difficult for the original air defense strategy and strength to play a defensive role, and at the same time made the entire command and operation of the future city chaotic.

Sixty Years of Covenant (I) - The seventh-level monster descends on Future City

Just as Thomas was trying to reverse the decline, the spaceship in the air once again threw a large number of level six monsters into the ground, numbering nearly 10,000, of which 30% were thrown into the Future City. Reluctantly, Thomas accelerated the evacuation of the residents while firing high-yield anti-aircraft missiles intensively, trying to eliminate the sixth-level monsters in the air. Although the sixth-level monsters were killed in the air, the ammunition consumption rate poured out like water, and the shrapnel fell, which also caused damage to the houses, casualties, and the defense of the entire Future City was on the verge of collapse.

The time was close to 4 minutes and 30 seconds, and 0.1% of the unvacated people plus the casualties of the residents were still 0.1% and 100,000 people were not evacuated.

The big screen of the Future City Command Center showed: "The air force lost 40%, the anti-aircraft weapons lost 20%, the ground troops suffered 15% casualties, the security forces suffered 25% casualties, the ammunition was less than 40%, it was expected to run out at 22 o'clock, and the spare ammunition was consumed by 30%... 1,000 mecha robots are on standby, and 100 are expected to be online in 5 hours..."

Future City, what challenges will it face next?

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