
Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

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Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

When we take the bus, we often see the act of "giving up the seat", which is because of our traditional Chinese virtues, which are innate qualities of kindness. On japanese buses, there are few people who give up their seats, and everyone looks down at their mobile phones, even women holding children, and can only stand. According to 2009 survey data, the incidence of voluntary seat concessions on Chinese buses is 98%, and in a 2013 questionnaire in Japan, statistics showed that only 11.90% of people were willing to give up their seats.

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan
Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

Japan's social atmosphere is very depressing, many people live in various pressures, there are many people with mental illness, three days and two ends of the rail suicide news emerges in an endless stream, jumping off buildings, charcoal burning suicide incidents occur repeatedly, many Japanese people are not surprised. The Reason for Suicide for the Japanese is definitely not material scarcity, but more of a mental repression, and the final vent is to end life. Overwork, academic stress and social isolation are all causes of suicide.

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

Japan is a major suicide country, with 18.5 people per 100,000 Japanese choosing suicide, according to WHO data in 2016. From April to October 2020, in just six months, a total of 246 elementary school students committed suicide. In 2014, an average of 70 Japanese committed suicide every day, mostly men.

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

The indifference of the Japanese, as we all know, in China, after you are suppressed, the people around you will encourage and comfort you, let you fight bravely. In Japan, I was taught from an early age that "don't cause trouble for others, it's a shame." ”

Japanese society is basically a masculine society, when working, very depressed, do not go home after work, first go to the izakaya to release themselves, whether really drunk or fake drunk, the probability of these Japanese idiots harassing women is very high, the most puzzling thing is that these harassed women are actually the attitude of refusing to return. Not only blatant harassment, secretly but also secretly shooting, when the Japanese mobile phone is designed, it cannot be muted when taking photos, which is a good design, but the endless new secretive shooting equipment is endless, making people defenseless.

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

When it comes to the topic of women, the status of Women in Japan is really frighteningly low. According to the survey report released by the World Economic Forum in 2021, according to the data, Japanese women ranked 120th. Japanese women are largely absent from government officials and are rare in corporate management. The Japanese Olympic Committee wants to increase the number of female directors, according to the regulations, female directors should be about 40%, but of the 35 people, only 5 women. This system was openly opposed by the president of the Olympic Committee, who believed that "when there are more women, meetings are very noisy." The words spoken by such a public figure show that Japanese women have no right to speak at all.

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

Women in Japan earn 24 percent less than men, and half of the 30 million women employed are part-time. The average Japanese woman is doing housework 4 hours a day, while men have only 39 minutes.

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

Japan's economy in the past 20 years, can be said to be a nightmare, even in this case, S love industry has never stopped, business failure, stock market downturn, a large number of people to support S love industry, every large and medium-sized city has a "red light district", open and legal economic benefits of up to 60 billion US dollars, November survey report, human rights organizations clearly said that "in Japan's sex industry, women are bought and bought like slaves."

Step into "Japan" and see the real situation in Japan

Some Japanese people are like frogs at the bottom of the well, with a superficial sense of national pride, but most of them are inferior and unwilling in their hearts.

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