
Wei County Express | Gao Wei, county magistrate of the government, presided over the 9th executive meeting of the county government

author:Heqing News Network Handan News
Wei County Express | Gao Wei, county magistrate of the government, presided over the 9th executive meeting of the county government

On the afternoon of 18 January, Gao Wei, county magistrate of the government, presided over the 9th executive meeting of the county government; county government leaders Ran Delong, Feng Weilin, Qiao Xinguang, Zhang Jungang, Yang Fan, Wang Yong, and Zhang Xiaojing attended the meeting; the city sent Duan Junping, head of the Ninth Supervision Group, Li Qingmin, deputy director of the county people's congress, Qi Baoping, vice chairman of the county CPPCC committee, and the principal responsible comrades of relevant departments directly under the county government and relevant township secretaries to attend the meeting as observers.

Wei County Express | Gao Wei, county magistrate of the government, presided over the 9th executive meeting of the county government

The meeting conveyed and studied the "Implementation Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on Deepening the Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control". The meeting stressed: First, it is necessary to enhance ideological understanding. Deeply understand the great significance of strengthening ecological environmental protection and fighting the battle against pollution, consciously arm the mind with Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, guide practice, and promote work, comprehensively strengthen ecological environmental protection to the height of stressing politics, and continuously improve the level of ecological civilization construction. Second, we must do a good job in implementing the work. In accordance with the "Implementation Opinions", combined with the actual situation of our county, adhere to green and low-carbon development, deeply fight the battle to defend blue sky, clear water and pure land, effectively maintain the safety of the ecological environment, improve the modernization level of ecological environment governance, and ensure that the ecological environment continues to improve. Third, we must strengthen assessment and accountability. Strictly implement the same responsibility of the party and government for pollution prevention and control, and the double responsibility of one post, and truly achieve the responsibility of guarding the soil, the responsibility of guarding the soil, and the responsibility of guarding the soil. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection, adhere to strict assessment, and strictly pursue responsibility and accountability for units and individuals who do not act, act slowly, and act indiscriminately in pollution prevention and control, and ensure the implementation of work and responsibility.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Tenth Committee of the Communist Party of China in Handan City. The meeting demanded: First, we should boost the morale of development in the course of deepening study. Take the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the plenary session of the municipal party committee as an important political task at present and in the coming period, effectively unify thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, further enhance the determination and confidence to do a good job in the work in 2022, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility for accelerating development, and strive to make Wei County contributions in the development of Handan. Second, it is necessary to clarify development goals in in-depth research. Carefully study the goals and tasks set by the plenary session, combine with the actual conditions of our county, further improve the thinking, clarify the goals, and ensure that the same frequency resonance with the city in economic and social development. Third, it is necessary to show the results of development in a profound understanding. It is necessary to deeply understand the rich connotation of the "Resolution", vigorously inherit and carry forward the historical experience of the party's century-old struggle, take history as a mirror, create the future, and comprehensively accelerate the pace of construction of a sub-central city in Handan City.

The meeting studied and deliberated the "Work Report of the People's Government of Wei County." The meeting demanded, first, to enhance ideological understanding. All deputy county chiefs and principal responsible comrades of various departments should earnestly enhance their awareness of the overall situation, think in an all-round way, be highly responsible and attentive, and in connection with the work they are in charge of, re-dispatch, re-study, and re-plan, and strive to make the report more in line with wei county's actual conditions and better respond to the concerns of the masses of the people. Second, it is necessary to comprehensively sum up the work. It is necessary to conscientiously sum up all work throughout the year and comprehensively display the achievements and highlights of the work of all fronts, units, and departments. It is necessary to sort out the unfinished matters in 2021 one by one, explain the progress and reasons for the unfinished matters, and ensure that the report results are real, the tasks are clear, and the figures are accurate. Third, it is necessary to meticulously revise and improve it. It is necessary to solicit the opinions of all parties, absorb the wisdom of all parties, and strive to make the words of the report more appropriate, more accurate, more in line with the spirit of the new era, more morale- and more inspiring.

The meeting studied and deliberated the "Report on the Completion of the 2021 National Economic and Social Development Plan of Wei County and the Draft National Economic and Social Development Plan for 2022". The meeting demanded that we should adhere to the people-centered approach, further improve the content of the report, adhere to the principle of being steady, seek progress in stability, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and hold the bottom line of people's livelihood. It is necessary to strictly follow the arrangements of the county party committee and the county government, adhere to the result-oriented and goal-oriented, use the results to push back the task and reverse the time, take the initiative to increase pressure, refine the responsibility, increase the intensity of work, have the courage to overcome difficulties, and strive to promote new progress in all work.

The meeting studied and deliberated the "Report on the Completion of the 2021 County Government People's Livelihood Practical Projects" and the "Report on the Screening of The Candidate Projects for the People's Livelihood of the County Government in 2022". The meeting demanded that the Development and Reform Bureau, in conjunction with all relevant departments, further sort out in accordance with the requirements of clearer goals, more accurate measures, and more standardized expressions, ensure that a number of real people's livelihood projects that warm people's hearts, are grounded, and high-quality are screened and planned, and that the masses' "urgent, difficult, and anxious expectations" problems in education, medical care, transportation, etc. are effectively solved. At the same time, it is necessary to sort out the completed and unfinished matters in 2021 one by one, further explain the progress and reasons for the unfinished matters, find ways, overcome difficulties, accelerate advancement, complete the work tasks determined to the letter, and fulfill the government's commitments to the people of the county.

The meeting studied and deliberated wei county's 2022 government investment plan at the same level. The meeting pointed out that the first is to be accurate in terms of objectives. Attach great importance to the planning of government investment plans and projects, with overall thinking and overall concepts, keep an eye on the needs of people's livelihood and development, and seek depth, reality and far-reaching government investment projects at the same level in 2022. Second, we must advance faster. Adhere to not waiting and not relying, further consolidate responsibilities, accelerate the improvement of preliminary procedures, increase supervision, track accounts according to the project construction time node, and strive to complete the project as soon as possible and achieve results as soon as possible. Third, the quality should be high. Adhere to the imperfect procedures and do not start the work, do not bid and do not start the work, strictly allocate funds for use, comprehensively strengthen project supervision, and ensure that the procedures for government investment projects are compliant, the funds are standardized, and the quality is excellent.

The meeting studied and deliberated the "Report on the Implementation of the 2021 Financial Budget of Wei County and the Draft Financial Budget for 2022". The meeting demanded, first, that a budget be drawn up scientifically. Based on the overall situation of the county's work, we will further improve the seriousness, scientificity and accuracy of budget preparation. According to the financial situation of the whole county and the actual expenditure needs of various departments, it is necessary to scientifically and rationally draw up the annual budget to ensure that the budget formulation is compatible with the level of economic and social development of the whole county and is linked to the fiscal policy. Second, we must persist in intensive economy. We should further strengthen the government's thinking of "living a tight life" and the masses "living a good life," and persist in practicing strict economy, meticulous calculation, and diligence and thrift. It is necessary to use money on the cutting edge, support the construction of major projects determined by the county party committee and the county government, and strive to achieve "reducing money without reducing things." Third, it is necessary to strengthen fiscal revenue and expenditure. Relevant departments should deepen the reform of the financial management system and mechanism, strengthen risk awareness, strengthen performance management, adhere to "no budget, no expenditure", and improve the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds. At the same time, it is necessary to make overall plans for tax organization, financial resource cultivation, and financial fund management, and enhance the ability of financial guarantees.

The meeting also made arrangements for various key tasks before and after the Spring Festival. The meeting demanded that, first, we must do a solid job in epidemic prevention and control. Resolutely overcome the paralyzing thinking and luck mentality, seriously examine, check and fill in the gaps, and carefully organize actual combat exercises for epidemic prevention and control. The "two offices" inspection office and the discipline inspection commission should strengthen the promotion and use of the "place code" to ensure the implementation of various measures for epidemic prevention and control. Second, we must do a good job in security and stability. Earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility, urgency, and mission in the areas of petitioning and maintaining stability, public order, and safe production, make meticulous arrangements and make careful arrangements, pay close attention to all aspects of security and stability, and make every effort to maintain a good situation of social stability. Third, we must do a good job in urban management. Coordinate and do a good job in various urban management work, prevent personnel from gathering, do a good job in emergency handling, and strive to create a happy and peaceful holiday atmosphere. Fourth, we must do a good job in air management. Make every effort to control fireworks and firecrackers, and ban the burning of scattered coal, increase the intensity of investigation, and ensure that new achievements are achieved in atmospheric governance. Fifth, we must do a good job in market supply. In accordance with the overall requirements of "ensuring supply, ensuring safety, and stabilizing prices", we should strengthen the guarantee of water and electricity, actively organize the supply of commodities, resolutely crack down on illegal acts, do a good job in monitoring and managing the commodity market, and ensure adequate supply and stable prices. Sixth, we must do a solid job in caring for the masses. Go deep into the frontline to visit the people in need and help solve practical difficulties. It is necessary to continue to carry out in-depth winter special actions to eradicate wage arrears and make every effort to solve the problem of arrears of wages to migrant workers. Seventh, we must do a good job in the rural environment. Further improve work standards, increase supervision, and increase the time and frequency of garbage cleaning operations in a timely manner to ensure that the masses are clean for the New Year. Eighth, we must do a good job in economic operation. All deputy county chiefs should pay close attention to the front line in charge, and in the state of "the beginning is a decisive battle, and the starting point is a sprint," strengthen analysis and judgment, work scheduling, and promotion of implementation, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the economy and steady growth. Ninth, we must do a good job in attracting business and investment. Aiming at the "2116" investment target, we will make real moves, use real strength and seek practical results, strengthen docking and active exchanges, and ensure that new breakthroughs are made in attracting investment and investment. Tenth, we must do a good job in project construction. Solidly carry out project planning and storage season, pre-promotion season, construction and implementation quarter activities, regularly look at progress, progress, dynamically update the project reserve library, and ensure the project construction effect. Eleventh, we must do a solid job of duty duty. Strictly implement the system of first-in-command leaders leading shifts and 24-hour duty preparation, conscientiously implement the relevant provisions on emergency duty, and scientifically and effectively handle emergencies and major matters. Twelfth, we must do a good job in honesty and self-discipline. Leading cadres at all levels persist in setting an example by example, consciously shoulder the "two responsibilities," give full play to their exemplary and leading role, conscientiously implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities, strictly abide by the regulations on honesty and self-discipline, and ensure a happy, civilized, and clean Spring Festival.

The meeting also studied and deliberated other matters and concentrated on studying the Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China.

Wei County Express | Gao Wei, county magistrate of the government, presided over the 9th executive meeting of the county government

Source: Micro Wei County

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