
The Inversion of Entrepreneurial Anxiety Six: The Last Mohicans

author:Listen to the snow at night
The Inversion of Entrepreneurial Anxiety Six: The Last Mohicans

The music of "The Last of the Mohicans" gives people a very desolate and tragic feeling, watching the scene of being slaughtered by guns on the video, I immediately understand what is called extermination. The Mohicans faced a strong enemy with stubborn ideas and old-fashioned backward weapons, and were ruthlessly eliminated.

The backwardness of weapons is not terrible, the most terrible thing is the stubborn mode of thinking.

In the face of a strong enemy without flexible tactics and superb strategies, these are tragic helplessness, no changeable coping methods, the results are obvious. This is very similar to most of the people we entrepreneurs are currently, not very flexible.

Uncertainty is becoming increasingly prominent in the current social environment, which is inevitably related to our entry into the information age. The information age has made everyone in society more closely connected, and everyone's thinking changes very quickly.

Entrepreneurs face people who cooperate with all parties, and what they want is a certainty of things, such as signing agreements, receiving payments on schedule, and so on. However, the existence of uncertainty makes us spend most of our time struggling to cope with unexpected situations, which directly leads to the difficulty of starting a business.

The best way to deal with uncertainty is uncertainty.

If you can't be flexible, you're kicked out of history like the Mohicans. People's thinking is generally divided into four types: river mode you do not move outside moving. Monkey mode you don't move outside of the constant jumps. Doctor mode is moving outside and you are also adjusting your response. Outside the meditation mode moves with your mind.

How can you respond flexibly to your entrepreneurial development? That is, you have to constantly grasp and analyze what you have, and constantly combine multiple achievable goals to achieve the most appropriate match with various changes outside, which is the application of the doctor model.

The definition of a goal in "Driven Marketing Thinking" is not a goal that comes to mind by patting one's head, but a goal that is seen after continuously combining existing resources. The popular understanding is that the goal is in the advantage you have, and you just see the real thing, not the imagination.

Authenticity has always been the realm we want to pursue in entrepreneurship. You can only do things easily, simply, safely, and efficiently if you are infinitely close to reality. It is also that you can only use it flexibly on the basis of reality, otherwise, it is flashy.

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