
The bipolar disorder behind the "genius translator" who swiped the screen

author:Nine Pai Health

In the past few days, an oral article by an old father, "Our Genius Son", has been screened on the Internet, which has caused great repercussions in society. The author's son, Jin Xiaoyu, is a bipolar who was admitted to a mental hospital because of his illness, but he is a genius with a talent for foreign language translation, and in the past ten years, he has translated 22 books in English, Japanese, and German, read almost all foreign language novels in zhejiang libraries, and carefully cared for his mother with Alzheimer's disease in the last three years of her life.

Jin Xiaoyu's story has let more people know about "bipolar disorder", what kind of psychological disease is bipolar disorder? How does bipolar disorder relate to the birth of "genius"? How to get along with people with bipolar disorder? With doubts, the reporter interviewed relevant experts in the spiritual field.

The bipolar disorder behind the "genius translator" who swiped the screen

"Ice" and "fire" are mixed

Mania and depression can occur simultaneously or alternately

Bipolar disorder generally refers to a type of mood disorder that has both manic or hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes. According to experts, bipolar disorder has a nickname for bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar disorder.

Patients with bipolar disorder have obvious "three highs" symptoms during manic attacks, such as abnormal excitement and happiness, increased interest activities, feeling energetic about themselves, reducing sleep needs, busy all day, lasting at least 1 week, in addition to which there may be a significant increase in spending money, and the daily life and work of individuals are affected. If the above conditions are mild, the duration is short (such as more than 4 days), and the daily life and work of the individual are not significantly affected, it is a hypomanic attack.

In another period of time, these patients will have depressed emotional manifestations, such as bad mood, fatigue in the limbs, listlessness all day, poor self-feeling, such as thinking that their brains have become stupid and have become inflexible. Their activity will be reduced, and even accompanied by negative, pessimistic, and even self-injurious suicidal thoughts, and symptoms lasting for at least 2 weeks can be called a depressive episode.

The bipolar disorder behind the "genius translator" who swiped the screen

In "Our Genius Son", Jin Xiaoyu did not go to school for a period of time, was depressed and depressed, and was manic and restless for a period of time, smashing and destroying at home, which can be described as the double day of "ice and fire". Experts say it is now widely believed that mania and depression can occur simultaneously in one episode or switch quickly, or they can be completely normal for a period of time in between.

Not a "genius disease"

Bipolar disorder can directly affect normal life

What is more remarkable than the "genius translator" Jin Xiaoyu who brushed the screen is that many well-known genius-level figures also have bipolar disorder, such as the painter Van Gogh and the writer Hemingway, so bipolar disorder is also known as "genius disease". American psychologists have counted more than a thousand leaders in various industries such as art, science, and business, and many of them have been plagued by mania.

For this reason, some people believe that people with this disease can have higher achievements in a certain field. Experts say that there is no absolute correlation, bipolar disorder is much heavier than everyone thinks, do not think that bipolar disorder is the exclusive of geniuses. Bipolar disorder is a common disorder in the psychiatric category.

Bipolar disorder is not a "genius disease", but a real disease. When depressed, patients have depressed mood, self-blame anxiety, negative and light emotions, and when they are manic, they will be manifested as impulsive, irritable, energetic, and conceited. Whether mania and depression occur alternately or in a mixed manner at the same time, if the treatment is not dealt with in time, it will directly affect work, study, life, interpersonal communication, and over time, patients may eventually embark on the path of suicide. Jin Xiaoyu swallowed sleeping pills to commit suicide during a bipolar attack, and tried to hang himself, which is an extreme manifestation of bipolar disorder.

Regarding the etiology of bipolar disorder, experts said that at present, there is no conclusion on the exact cause of bipolar disorder in medicine, and it is generally speculated that it may involve genetics, changes in the level of brain neurotransmitters, and psychological factors.

Actively get out of the smog

Patients with bipolar disorder require effective treatment

In the face of bipolar disorder patients, society should tolerate them, encourage them, accompany them, guide them out of the smog, out of the extreme, and become a healthy and optimistic person.

In real life, due to the public's lack of access to bipolar disorder-related knowledge, coupled with the "shame" of mental illness, there are not many bipolar disorder patients who have really been diagnosed and treated regularly and effectively. If you suspect that you are also experiencing changes in bipolar disorder, or even suspect that there are people around you who are experiencing the above changes, you need to seek help or consultation from the relevant professional institutions in time

Experts said that the treatment of bipolar disorder is divided into acute phase treatment, consolidation phase treatment, and maintenance phase treatment. In the acute phase, in addition to drug therapy, there are physical therapy, such as MECT treatment, which can quickly control the manic condition or depressed condition; in the consolidation phase, continue the original drug treatment, there are other physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment, such as transcranial magnetism, biofeedback, rehabilitation training, etc. to alleviate the patient's other related emotional and sleep symptoms; in the maintenance period, the doctor will make appropriate adjustments to the original treatment drug according to the situation, continue some physical therapy and rehabilitation treatment, supplemented by psychotherapy, including individual psychotherapy, Group psychotherapy. Through psychotherapy, patients are delayed, the number of recurrences is reduced, the patient's self-management skills are improved, and the quality of life is improved.

Li Chunfeng, all-media reporter of Huizhou Newspaper

Huang Ruobing in the first instance Lin Haiyan in the second instance Wu Zhiyun in the third instance

【Source: Huizhou Daily Official Client】

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