
"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

It is a pity to say that you have not been pregnant for a long time

After she got pregnant, she didn't keep it

It is also a "double heaven of joy and sorrow"

It is traumatic to women's bodies and minds

There may also be an impact on family relationships

In recent years, due to work pressure, lifestyle and environmental changes, fertility has shown a downward trend, especially after the country liberalized the "three-child" policy, the number of elderly pregnancy preparation and IVF fertility has increased, and "fetal protection" is particularly important and special. The integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and one-stop fetal protection management in Changsha Jiangwan Hospital has become a hot spot of social concern.

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

Pregnancy is a complex physiological process involving both spouses and is associated with a variety of factors such as ovarian function, uterine environment, embryo implantation and development, endocrine and immune regulation.

Professor You Zhaoling, chief professor of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in Changsha Jiangwan Hospital and a national-level famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor, believes that the reproductive chain terminal has countless known, unknown and constantly updated factors on the Internet, all of which affect the implantation, growth and development of embryos. Professor You Zhaoling's team has been committed to female reproduction and health for many years, with the goal of "conceiving, keeping, growing well, being born smoothly, and regenerating" as the goal of protecting female reproductive ability, under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine organs and meridian theory, attaching importance to the connection between the uterus and the internal organs and meridians, and using medicinal food; and combined with the meridian injection theory, "wait for the time, the disease can be in the same period", when the seed is conceived, it is precisely adjusted, promote implantation, and raise the fetus. The "Nativity Theory" and the "Meridian Flow Theory" complement each other and weave together into a vibrant duo of pregnancy and fetal preservation.

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

Professor You Zhaoling and his team of disciples sat in Changsha Jiangwan Hospital

Case Sharing:

Patient Ms. Zhan (pseudonym), 33 years old, has a history of polycystic ovary syndrome, has been married for 7 years, and has had 3 adverse pregnancies, including 1 biochemical and 2 fetal stops. Professor You Zhaoling of Changsha Jiangwan Hospital visited the specialist clinic and found uterine cavity adhesions.

After the gynecological expert team of Changsha Jiangwan Hospital implemented hysteroscopic hysteroscopic adhesion cold knife separation surgery, the operation recovery stage, Professor You Zhaoling carefully adjusted the inner membrane for her with the no. 1 formula of uterine sticky, the formula of traditional Chinese medicine, the pot of therapeutic membrane, and the cream of the membrane. After the operation, she entered the pregnancy trial stage, and ms. Zhan was implanted on the 6th day after ovulation, taken according to the meridian injection plan, and successfully conceived after the first pregnancy test; after confirming the pregnancy, she was hospitalized in the integrated fetal protection ward of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in Changsha Jiangwan Hospital, took Chinese medicine and fetal pot according to the meridian injection plan, and was discharged from the hospital at 9 weeks of pregnancy, passing through the dangerous period and waiting for the birth news!

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

Meridian flow graph

As the world knows, without a woman's uterus, menstruation cannot be produced, and the function of conceiving a fetus cannot be completed. The normal function of the uterus is closely related to the internal organs. The kidney lord is innate, hiding the essence and the main reproduction, "Fu Qing's main female department": "If the uterus is full, the uterus is easy to sperm, and the blood foot is easy for the uterus to contain things, which is also the way to have children." "The day after tomorrow of the spleen lord, the metaplasia system takes the blood and nourishes it, "Ji Yin Gangmu": "The mother eats and the child eats, the outside is full of form, and the inside is nourished by fetal qi." "The location of the female cell is between the heart and kidneys, and it is connected to the heart and kidneys through the meridians.

This shows that the uterus is closely related to the spleen and kidneys, and the organs must play a special physiological function of women, and finally must rely on the uterus to complete.

Professor You Zhaoling believes that implantation and pregnancy are closely related, but they are two completely different stages, and there is no good pregnancy without good implantation. The two stages are compared to the "camping" and "village" of the embryo in the uterus, that is, "the spleen is mainly camped in front, and the kidney is in the back".

The first step is "fetal acceptance", that is, the implantation period, during which the uterus completes the fetus-regent, and the embryo is implanted. The spleen is mainly supplemented by kidneys, the spleen is mainly healthy, and the kidney supplement is supplemented, and the emphasis is on support and photography.

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

The spleen "five elements belong to the soil, all things are born in the soil", which means that the spleen soil has biochemical, bearing, acceptance and other functions, can incarnate all things, is the foundation of all things, has a strong temper, has a positive biochemical source of sperm and blood, is full of blood sea, and has good nutrition in the cell uterus, so as to have a suitable environment for implantation and gestation. In addition, the kidneys are full of essence, and if they are nourished, the fetus is self-consolidating. If the spleen and soil are unlucky, the qi and blood biochemistry are insufficient, the kidney qi is damaged, and the rush is not solid, it is easy to cause the embryo implantation failure.

Therefore, in this period, Professor You specially created implantation formula and implantation pot, and first attached importance to the healthy spleen and blood camp membrane, so that the spleen and soil are healthy, the qi and blood biochemistry are active, and at the same time, do not forget to supplement the kidneys and improve the sperm, the function can be played normally, and the effect of the healthy spleen nourishing membrane and the fetal fetus is promoted, so as to promote the implantation of the embryo, so as to successfully conceive. Help self-conceived or IVF patients have a good implantation environment, and increase the ability of the lining to accept embryos when implanting, ensuring that patients are "pregnant".

The second step is "fixed tire", that is, the fetal period, which is the process of fetal fixation, and the embryo is solid. The kidney is the main spleen auxiliary, the kidney is the main supplement, the healthy spleen is supplemented, and the emphasis is on the system and solidity.

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

"Medical Intentions in the Heart of The Western Record": "Kidney Wang can be fertile, kidney qi is strong to make the fetus solid, and there is no fetal leakage fetal restlessness", the nutritional supply of the embryo mainly comes from the mother's kidney essence. The kidney main hides the essence, the sperm and blood are mutually generated, and the essence can be angry, and the essence is full of qi. Kidney qi is strong, the pulse after pregnancy strongly lifts the fetal element, so that the fetus does not have the worry of falling, so the kidney qi is strong and the fetus is solid. The veins are tied to the kidneys, the fetal elements live in the uterus, and the kidney essence transported by the veins is nourished, just as the seed must rely on the root system to obtain the nutrients needed for growth. Therefore, whether the kidney essence is sufficient or not is directly related to the safety of the fetus. At the same time, the development of the fetal element requires the subtle maintenance of the water valley of the spleen transport, the spleen is the source of qi and blood biochemistry, the spleen is the overall right, the fetal element can be nourished, and the temper is mainly raised, and the middle qi is raised strongly, so that the fetus can develop normally.

Professor You often uses the method of fixation in this period, giving the fetal formula, with the fetal pot or the fetal pot, mainly to supplement the kidneys and supplement the spleen, to maintain the stability of the fetal element and help the patient to "stabilize the pregnancy" in the first trimester of pregnancy.

For patients with assisted reproduction and fertility, implantation and implantation pots are given at the transplant stage. For those who have self-conception schemes, they are given implantation pots during implantation, playing a healthy spleen and blood camp membrane, tonifying the kidneys and improving the essence, and the effect of Dana fetal feeding. After successful implantation, the fetal formula and the fetal pot or the fetal pot are given, the kidney is replenished, and the spleen is strengthened to fix the fetus. The two-stage prescription medicine is used in conjunction with the therapeutic pot, and the medicine and food are treated together.

The Criterion of Proof and Governance: "Whoever menstruates once a month, there will be a day of waiting, at one hour... This waiting for... If you go along with it, you will become a fetus." Endometrial window opening is instantaneous, in order to increase the embryo's ability to "camp and set up", combined with the characteristics of the internal organs and meridians, and the understanding of meridian injection by successive generations of doctors, beyond the inherent, integration and innovation, Professor You Zhaoling updated the time limit for taking the drug, targeted time-sharing treatment, in order to improve the clinical efficacy.

"The Ladder of Medicine" "The soup has a citation, like a boat has a boat." "Because the palace itself does not have a large meridian, relying on the internal organ meridians, the qi meridian eight veins and the external connection, the rise and fall of each meridian qi and blood have a fixed time, with the twelve hours as the main line, circulating in the twelve meridians of the human body, the running time of different organs, meridians, and acupuncture points has obvious differences, and the qi and blood are prosperous when they are prosperous, and the obsolescence is decayed, and the treatment effect is better when the meridian function is at its peak.

"Acupuncture Dacheng": "Lung Yin Da Jia Chen Palace, Spleen Heart Noon Small Miss, Shen Bladder Unitary Kidney Heart Pericardium, Hai Jiao Zi Bile Ugly Liver Tong." "Therefore, the flow of the twelve meridians is injected into the spleen meridian when the qi and blood are injected, and the kidney meridian is injected when the unitary time is injected.

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

Professor You Zhaoling applies this to pregnancy treatment, in the self-conception program, monitor ovulation on the 11th day of menstruation, calculate the ovulation day according to the size and shape of the follicle, guide sexual life, and take implantation pot on the 6th day after ovulation, that is, the day when the endometrium "opens the window". In IVF patients, take on the 2/5th day of blastocyst transfer or 2/7 days of frozen embryo transfer to promote embryo implantation.

Combined with the twelve meridian qi and blood injection time, when the meridian qi and blood flow in the spleen meridian, the qi and blood are abundant, the obsolete is decaying, the time is open, the obsolescence is closed, when the meridian function is at its peak, taking medicine enhances the spleen function, encourages the spleen to reach the disease center through the qi, increases the sensitivity of treatment, so the implantation pot is taken at the time of the spleen (9-11 o'clock).

The fetus is tied to the kidneys, the essence of reproduction and the essence of the five internal organs, which are the roots of the innate. Unitary time (17-19 points) is the time when the kidney meridian "opens the menstruation", at this time the kidney meridian is the most vigorous, taking the fetal pot or the fetal pot, which complements the kidney essence when it is strong. It is used for patients with threatened miscarriage, surviving abortion, habitual abortion, etc., to promote the long-term maintenance of embryos and beware of abortion, which can achieve the effect of doubling the results with half the effort.

"Eugenia fetal theory" and "meridian flow theory"

Professor You Zhaoling and his team of disciples sat in Changsha Jiangwan Hospital, adopted professional and safe CTM multidisciplinary joint diagnosis and treatment management, and formed a first-class integrated fetal protection team of traditional Chinese and Western medicine with Jiangwan doctoral guidance experts, with traditional Chinese medicine internal administration, dietary therapy pot cake and other traditional Chinese medicine characteristics throughout the diagnosis and treatment link, scientific assessment, dialectical treatment, significantly improving the probability of female pregnancy and the success rate of fetal protection!

Guidance Expert: Professor You Zhaoling

Chief Physician Level II Professor Doctoral Supervisor

National famous Traditional Chinese medicine

Experts who enjoy special government allowances from the State Council

President of the Gynecology Branch of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine

Tenured professor of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chief Professor of Gynecology of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Jiangwan Hospital

Author: Li Jing

Master's degree candidate of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

He studied under Professor You Zhaoling and Professor Zhang Ye

Practicing TCM physician

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