
Former dignitaries of various countries have called on China and the United States to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in three major areas

author:China News Network

Beijing, January 20 (China News Service) -- Against the backdrop of the continued severe global epidemic, from the 19th to the 21st, former political leaders of various countries gathered on the cloud to call on China and the United States to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in three major areas, including climate change, economic recovery and trade.

From the 19th to the 21st, the "Hong Kong-China Forum" jointly sponsored by the China-US Exchange Foundation and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges was held online, with the theme of "Transcending Differences and Focusing on Cooperation", focusing on the current situation, future direction and global impact of Sino-US relations.

Feng Guojing, vice chairman of the China-US Exchange Foundation and chairman of the Fung Group, said in his opening speech that China and the United States are highly interdependent economically, and the United States remains China's largest export market and one of its largest trading partners. There are two imperatives for U.S.-China bilateral cooperation, namely, a global economic recovery and an improvement in the trade and investment system.

Former Irish President Mary Robinson pointed out that China and the United States have an important role in addressing climate change, and China and the United States should strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the field of climate change, which is crucial for the full implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Former Prime Minister Wu Zuodong, Singapore's Honorary State Counsellor, said that from some recent remarks by the heads of state of China and the United States, it can be seen that while the two countries are trying to resolve outstanding bilateral issues, they are also trying to maintain trust, and China and the United States are still seeking space for cooperation. Many pressing global issues require close cooperation between the two major powers, including free trade, climate change, the global pandemic, and so on. China and the United States should resolve differences, avoid conflicts, embrace healthy competition, and expand cooperation.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien said there are many global issues that need to be addressed, and these problems can be solved through Sino-US cooperation.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda said that China and the United States should focus on solving the problem mainly on trade issues, further make trade between the two countries more balanced, make the economic system flow more smoothly, and promote the resolution of trade frictions.

Steve Orens, president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, said the biggest impact of the setback in the relationship between the two countries is to reduce the cultural exchanges between the two peoples, and the two countries need to continue to carry out business activities and restart scientific cooperation.

Zeng Peiyan, chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, pointed out in his speech that Sino-US relations, as the most important bilateral relationship in the world today, have encountered the most difficult period since the establishment of diplomatic relations in recent years and have deviated from the correct course. Stable U.S.-China relations are important to both countries and are expected by all countries in the world. In the new era, China and the United States should adhere to the three-point principle of getting along: mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. Strengthening cooperation in the fields of fighting the epidemic, responding to climate change, economy and trade, and science and technology is beneficial to both China and the United States. (End)

Source: China News Network

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