
Changbai Times: Forging a contingent of cadres who dare to be good at struggle and dare to make self-revolution

author:China Jilin Net

General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China on January 18, profoundly summarizing the successful practice of the party's self-revolution in the new era, profoundly expounding the historic and pioneering achievements and all-round deep-seated impact of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and making strategic arrangements for advancing the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth and welcoming the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

Being good at summing up experience is the fine tradition of the CPC and an important magic weapon for the CPC to continuously grow and grow. Profoundly summarizing the successful practice of the party's self-revolution in the new era is a useful exploration for the party central committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to inherit the party's fine traditions and strengthen the comprehensive and strict management of the party in the new era. The purpose of this move is to always maintain the party's advanced nature and purity, constantly enhance the understanding of practice, experience, and regularity, and forge a contingent of cadres who dare to be good at struggle and dare to make self-revolution.

Dare to be good at struggle is the embodiment of self-revolutionary ability. Dare to struggle embodies the initiative of struggle, and being good at struggle embodies the art of struggle. The cause of the Party and the state was born in the course of struggle, developed in struggle, and strengthened in struggle. In other words, daring to struggle is the distinctive character of the Chinese Communist Party. The establishment of the Communist Party of China, the founding of the People's Republic of China, the implementation of reform and opening up, and the promotion of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era were all realized in the course of struggle. Facing the future and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means something that can be achieved easily by beating a gong and a drum; in the face of major changes in the world that have not occurred in a hundred years, we must also be prepared to overcome various risks and challenges on the way forward. In the final analysis, we must carry forward the spirit of struggle and face difficulties.

The courage to be good at struggle requires that we pay attention to the tactics of struggle. Speaking from the macroscopic level, this tactic of struggle should pay attention to dialectics, persist in enhancing the sense of distress and maintaining the unity of strategic determination, persist in unifying strategic judgment and tactical decision-making, and persist in unifying the process of struggle with the actual results of struggle. From a microscopic level, this tactic of struggle should grasp the main contradictions and the main aspects of contradictions, grasp the heat of the struggle, not give in to any step on issues of principle, and be flexible and flexible on tactical issues. In light of the changes in the situation of the struggle, we should grasp the timing, degree, and effectiveness, and promptly adjust the tactics of struggle. Strive for unity in the struggle, seek cooperation in the struggle, and strive for win-win results in the struggle.

The emphasis on daring to be good at struggle lies in enhancing the ability to struggle. The ability to struggle is an objective reflection of the spirit of struggle and the ability to fight. The spirit of struggle and the ability to struggle are not innate, and we must undergo strict ideological tempering, political experience, and practical tempering, and in the midst of complex and severe struggles, we must withstand wind and rain, see the world, and strengthen our bones and bones, so that we can truly forge into fiery and real gold. To enhance the ability to struggle, we must understand politics, grasp the general direction, make good use of the characteristics and laws of the development of things, enhance patience and patience, and not be in a hurry. It is also necessary to learn from this and the other, to learn from each other, to see the essence through the phenomenon, and to enhance the ability to see the subtle in the accurate identification of changes and scientific responses. At the same time, we must pay attention to ways and methods to unite the majority.

The party's self-revolution has a long way to go, and the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation lies on its shoulders. In the face of the "four major tests" and the victory over the "four dangers," we need a thorough spirit of self-revolution and excellent self-purification characteristics, so that we can build the party stronger and more powerful, and improve the party's overall leadership and long-term ruling ability as a whole. (Kutaihei)

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