
Only 1/4 of normal newborns were born with 900 grams, saving ultra-low birth weight babies, and the Fudan pediatric multidisciplinary team created a miracle of life
Only 1/4 of normal newborns were born with 900 grams, saving ultra-low birth weight babies, and the Fudan pediatric multidisciplinary team created a miracle of life

On the morning of January 18, the warm winter sun sprinkled in the family ward of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, xiao Jiannan, who was one year and five months old, snuggled in her mother's arms, smiling quietly, her small hands constantly waving, as if cheering for being able to go home, embracing the first time in her life out of the ward and the new journey that was about to begin, and also seemed to be thanking and saying goodbye to the doctors and nurses who took care of her day and night.

In the morning, Xiao Jiannan, who has experienced several life challenges and created miracles, was discharged from the hospital, looking back on the difficult days and nights of the past, and everyone rejoiced in the rebirth of fragile life.

Only 900 grams were born, and one after another life difficulties followed

On August 14, 2020, the "palm" big little Cana was born, and came to this world early only at the gestational age of 29+ 1 week, with a birth weight of only 900 grams, equivalent to 1/4 of a normal newborn, which is an ultra-low birth weight.

Thin skin, delicate organs, fragile life, Xiao Jiannan was treated in the local hospital as soon as she was born, surviving the difficulties of the life of premature babies, and still unable to get rid of invasive ventilator treatment for more than 6 months after birth. On February 24, 2021, Xiao Jiannan was urgently transferred from Nanchang, Jiangxi To the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the Children's Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University in Shanghai for treatment.

Cao Yun, director of the Department of Neonatology of the Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, introduced that Xiao Jiannan needed very high ventilator parameters when she was admitted to the hospital, and was diagnosed with severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), combined with pulmonary hypertension and serious infection. Xiao Jiannan's disease is a common respiratory complication in premature babies, which cannot breathe spontaneously and requires ventilator assistance to breathe, which is difficult to treat.

Since Xiao Jiannan was admitted to the hospital, the BPD multidisciplinary team of Fudan Pediatrics has worked hard and devoted herself to her treatment, through the use of bedside lung ultrasound, cardiac ultrasound, fiber bronchoscopy, percutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure, oxygen saturation histogram and other non-invasive monitoring methods, combined with pathogen macrogenes, second-generation sequencing and other laboratory testing methods, dynamic optimization of respiratory management strategies, and through special care, to achieve individualized fine nursing, while giving gastrostomy to ensure nutritional support, actively fight infection, strengthen rehabilitation exercises, Gradually change from invasive respiratory support to noninvasive respiratory support.

Spend many "firsts" in your life in a pediatric ward

Cheng Guoqiang, chief physician and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Neonatology, introduced that Xiao Jiannan's treatment process is full of hardships and has encountered many difficulties, such as failure to withdraw from the machine, gastrointestinal bleeding, repeated infections, pulmonary hypertension, etc. Every time it has experienced a difficult time, the medical team will discuss in depth and actively seek effective solutions.

In addition, children with BPD have a higher risk of neurodevelopmental dysplasia, and when they can tolerate it, the rehabilitation doctor intervenes early and carries out early rehabilitation treatment measures such as oral intervention and physical therapy to promote neurological development.

During the 328 days of hospitalization in NICU, Department of Neonatology, Children's Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Xiao Jiannan spent her 1st birthday and many "firsts" in her life, the first time she turned over, the first time she sat in a small chair, the first time she took a small toy, the first time she listened to ancient poems... With the full cooperation of the family, with the joint efforts and help of caring people from all walks of life and charity funds, the strong Little Jiannan "fights monsters and upgrades" all the way, overcomes the heavy barriers such as breathing, digestion, circulation, infection, etc., and has survived one difficult challenge after another, and her condition has improved day by day.

Xiao Jiannan, who was 1 year old and 5 months old, had grown to nearly 10 kg, breathed smoothly under high-flow nasal cannabial oxygen, fed smoothly, and met the discharge criteria. In order to better complete the connection between the hospital and the family, the hospital also specially invited parents to come to the family ward of the neonatal department one week earlier, learn the relevant knowledge and skills of family oxygen therapy, nursing, first aid and rehabilitation, participate in the care of the children, and escort Xiao Jiannan's discharge life.

It is reported that the Department of Neonatology of Pediatric Hospital, as the largest treatment and transfer center for critically ill newborns in East China, receives critically ill and difficult cases from all over the country. This year, the Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Clinic was established, which will continue to provide comprehensive follow-up medical protection services for post-discharge management of children and further promote the long-term health of children.

Author: Li Chenyan Xi Xiaolei

Editor: Li Chenyan

Image source: Courtesy of the hospital

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