
The Taiwan authorities have stirred up the "two-state theory" and have also taken retaliatory economic measures against the mainland, and reunification cannot be postponed


Since the beginning of 2022, the Taiwan authorities have continued to test on the road of "seeking independence," and cross-strait reunification cannot be delayed.

According to a report from the Global Network on 19 January, a few days ago, politicians of the Taiwan authorities once again issued a so-called "remark that the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other." The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council pointed out that the Remarks of the Taiwan Authorities are selling the "two-state theory," the Taiwan region has always been a part of China, cross-strait reunification is the trend of the times, and the act of "Taiwan independence" is bound to lead to failure.

In recent days, it has been exposed that the Taiwan Coast Guard has brutally treated mainland fishermen on the grounds of so-called "crossing the border." The Taiwan region is a part of China's territory, and the so-called "crossing the border" rhetoric of the Taiwan authorities highlights their obsession with "seeking independence." The Taiwan authorities' flattery of the United States and Japan on the one hand, their rudeness to the mainland fishermen on the other, and their wanton deception of The Taiwan compatriots on the other hand are attracting the opposition of more and more people of insight on both sides of the strait.

The Taiwan authorities have stirred up the "two-state theory" and have also taken retaliatory economic measures against the mainland, and reunification cannot be postponed

The Taiwan Human Rights Association recently pointed out that the Taiwan authorities should not put political self-interest above the well-being of Taiwan compatriots. Japan, which has decided to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea by 2023, does not have any attitude of responsibility for the surrounding region. Japan's nuclear contaminated food does not have any authoritative scientific results to show that it can be safe to eat, and it is not credulous for Japan. The Taiwan Human Rights Association asked the Taiwan authorities why they are now vigorously welcoming the taiwan authorities in calling out nuclear hazards when abandoning nuclear power, and why are they now vigorously welcoming the lifting of the ban on nuclear-contaminated food in Japan.

This precisely shows that "Taiwan independence" is for its own selfish interests and betrays the villainous face of all Taiwan compatriots. Eating nuclear-contaminated food is bound to cause harm to the human body, and "Fukushima nuclear-contaminated food" is a major scourge for Taiwan compatriots, but it seems to be the "blessing food" of "Taiwan independence."

Has "Taiwan independence" lost anything in the process of lifting the ban on "Lai food" and "nuclear food"? On the contrary, "Taiwan independence" is still gaining praise and recognition from the United States and Japan, while Taiwan compatriots who have been betrayed by "Taiwan independence" are panicking about the increasingly serious food safety issue.

The Taiwan authorities have stirred up the "two-state theory" and have also taken retaliatory economic measures against the mainland, and reunification cannot be postponed

On the road to cross-strait reunification and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, "Taiwan independence" plays an extremely disgraceful role; it frequently colludes with various external forces, on the one hand, conveying the interests of the Taiwan region to the outside world, and on the other hand implementing the will of external forces and committing acts of splitting China. This nature of "Taiwan independence" determines that the people's livelihood in the Taiwan region seems to be only a chip to show "loyalty" to external forces in its eyes.

At the same time, "Taiwan independence" politicians are clamoring for banning the export of some mainland fruits to Taiwan. According to reports, the Taiwan authorities recently banned the mainland's frozen cherimoya from entering the Taiwan market, claiming that this was a retaliatory measure against the mainland. The Taiwan authorities slandered and claimed that the mainland has no reason to prohibit the export of fruits from some Taiwan regions to the mainland, but in fact, the mainland has repeatedly reminded the Taiwan authorities of the problem of relevant diseases and reported on the existence of relevant disease problems, but they have all been ignored by the Taiwan authorities. It is precisely the Taiwan authorities themselves that have caused taiwan fruit farmers to suffer losses.

The Taiwan authorities have stirred up the "two-state theory" and have also taken retaliatory economic measures against the mainland, and reunification cannot be postponed

As the Taiwan authorities have rebelled against the interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait and gone against the historical cycle of the people's aspirations, the so-called "countries with diplomatic relations" of the Taiwan authorities will only accelerate the liquidation of zero, which is the general trend of history. The trade issue concerns the people's livelihood and well-being and the basic quality of life of Taiwan compatriots, and the mainland is willing to open its arms and provide the vast number of Taiwan compatriots with the opportunity to share the fruits of the mainland's development. On the other hand, the Taiwan authorities seem to be separated from or even opposed to the Taiwan compatriots.

The Taiwan authorities recently spent another NT$25 million to "fund" Guatemala in developing relations with the United States. The Taiwan authorities, which have made no achievements in the field of people's livelihood and blindly delivered the dividends of the mainland's development to the United States and Japan, are difficult to bear the expectations of Taiwan compatriots. Taiwan compatriots should work together with mainland compatriots to say no to "Taiwan independence" with selfish desires and jointly promote the harmonious progress of the two sides of the strait.

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