
Report of Taiwan Institutions: Leaders of Taiwan enterprises attach great importance to the mainland market

author:China News Network

Taipei, January 19 (China News Service) -- Taiwan's Capital & Partners United Accounting Firm released the "2022 Taiwan Business Leaders Survey Report" on the 19th, which shows that Taiwan business leaders' attention to the mainland market has increased by 6 percentage points to 66% compared with the previous year's survey.

Venture Capital & Partners is PwC's affiliate in Taiwan. Based on the institute's report and media reports such as the Economic Daily, the survey found that as many as 79% of Taiwan enterprise leaders are optimistic that the global economic growth rate will continue to increase in 2022, hitting a record high since the 2012 survey, an increase of 23 percentage points from 56% in 2021.

However, in the context of the continued global ravages of the new coronavirus variant, the leaders of Taiwan companies surveyed still listed "health threats" as the primary threat, followed by geopolitical conflicts and climate change.

Zhou Jianhong, director of Zicheng United Accounting Firm, pointed out that surveys in the past decade have shown that the mainland and the United States have always been the top two important markets or production bases that Taiwan businessmen attach the most importance to, but in the previous survey, due to the impact of the global epidemic, Taiwan businessmen's emphasis on the two major markets has declined. In this survey, the proportion of Taiwan businessmen interviewed who expressed their attention to the mainland market increased from 60% to 66%, indicating that Taiwan businessmen are still committed to continuing to operate the mainland market. Those who expressed their appreciation for the United States also increased from 54% to 62%.

Other markets in which Taiwanese business leaders value Japan (26 percent), Vietnam (21 percent), Germany (12 percent) and Thailand (8 percent).

Zhou Jianhong analyzed that Taiwan's technology, media and telecommunications industries are highly dependent on the mainland and the United States; in addition to these two major markets, Taiwan's financial services industry also has a tendency to increase its emphasis on the Vietnamese market. (End)

Source: China News Network

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