
Domestic high school students build self-driving bicycles and the level of automatic assisted driving is second only to Tesla

There is no doubt that autonomous driving will be the big trend of the future, but have you ever thought that two wheels can also drive autonomously? Recently, Shi Moumou, a senior high school student from Hangzhou No. 9 Middle School, won the computer winner of the finals and the first prize in the Chinese division with the "assisted driving self-balancing bicycle" project.

Domestic high school students build self-driving bicycles and the level of automatic assisted driving is second only to Tesla

In the nearly one year of building the car, the high school student wrote code, did simulation experiments, and constantly debugged the system, and finally successfully completed the entire bicycle project at the end of March 2021, with a driving level between L2 and L3, second only to the automatic assisted driving level of Tesla Model3.

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