
3000 yuan to buy bangs iPhone SE3 real machine model exposure

It is said that the iPhone SE3, which will be released in March this year, has a new news, according to xleaks7 and Pigtou shared a set of iPhone SE 3 real machine model photos, from the model photos we can see the final form of the iPhone SE 3 more realistically.

3000 yuan to buy bangs iPhone SE3 real machine model exposure

Judging from the exposed photos, the iPhone SE 3 and iPhone XR are more similar, retaining the bangs screen on the front, the back is a single camera, it is reported that it will be upgraded to an A15 processor, 4GB RAM, and support 5G network.

3000 yuan to buy bangs iPhone SE3 real machine model exposure
3000 yuan to buy bangs iPhone SE3 real machine model exposure

In terms of pricing, considering that this product is mainly in the low-end market, the starting price is expected to enter within 3K, which can be called one of Apple's most cost-effective models.


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