
Interview with Xie Tao, county magistrate of Fenyi County, | the two sessions of Dajiang: It is recommended to open a fast track from Fengyi to the main urban area of Xinyu

author:China Jiangxi Net
Interview with Xie Tao, county magistrate of Fenyi County, | the two sessions of Dajiang: It is recommended to open a fast track from Fengyi to the main urban area of Xinyu

Xie Tao, deputy to the People's Congress of Jiangxi Province, deputy secretary of the Fengyi County CPC Committee and county magistrate

Reporter Xie Mengli reported: On January 18, Xie Tao, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, deputy secretary of the Fengyi County CPC Committee and county magistrate, was interviewed by reporters from Dajiang Net and Dajiang News Client, combined with local realities, put forward suggestions such as opening up a fast track from Fenyi to xinyu main urban area and setting up a station on the "Xianxiuji" railway, which is related to the well-being of the people.

Talk about feelings

The content of the benchmark report will be planned for the local high-quality development path

Reporter: After listening to the government work report, how do you feel?

Xie Tao: The report has a high standing and solid content, and is a good report with clear ideas, innovative ideas and powerful measures. As a cadre born and raised in the red land, I am deeply moved and inspired. I will benchmark the provincial government work report and plan the future high-quality development path of Fengyi County.

Last year's results

The total investment in newly signed projects reached 23.57 billion yuan

Reporter: What achievements has Been Made in the past year?

Xie Tao: In 2021, Fengyi County is expected to grow its GDP by about 10% for the whole year, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will increase by about 7.5% and 8.3% respectively, and the momentum of economic and social development is positive.

Last year, 110 county key projects and 60 listed city key projects completed 100.9% and 121% of the annual investment plan respectively, and the construction of key projects continued to lead the city. In the whole year, 74 new projects were signed, with a total investment of 23.57 billion yuan. Formulate the spatial planning of Judong New Town, invest 1.5 billion yuan to implement the basic and public service facilities projects in 24 cities such as Songyang Road and Zhuangtang Middle School, upgrade and transform 4 county roads such as Yangfu Line, 3 shed transformation projects, and 19 old residential area transformation projects.

Work this year

Strive to reduce the burden of enterprises by more than 500 million yuan throughout the year

Reporter: Focusing on the path of high-quality development, what measures will be taken in 2022?

Xie Tao: We will strengthen the real economy, continue to promote the special action of "reducing costs and optimizing the environment", strive to reduce the burden of enterprises by more than 500 million yuan throughout the year, attack and attract 30 billion yuan of investment, and strive to create an advanced county in the province's open economic development.

At the same time, we should vigorously promote the integration of urban and rural areas. The main project of the high-level sub-line should be completed before the end of the year, and the secondary highway from Jinjibu to Xiashi section of provincial highway S222 was completed and opened to traffic within the year. Carry out the three-year action of creating a "Rongyi Office" government service brand, optimize the reengineering of government service processes, promote more online offices, handheld offices, and one-time offices for enterprises and convenience services, and strive to be the first-class county and district in the province's government service satisfaction.

Comments and suggestions

Creating a convenient transportation network is essential

Reporter: What suggestions did you bring to the provincial two sessions?

Xie Tao: The construction of Yuju Avenue is conducive to the industrial layout of the city, realizing the "half-hour" access between the central urban area of Xinyu and the counties and districts, further releasing the dividend of cooperation, and playing the role of the "industrial corridor" of the high-scoring line, ensuring the development needs of the Huze industrial platform, and will also greatly shorten the distance from the Xinyu high-speed rail station and the xinyu central urban area to facilitate the travel of the masses along the line.

Fengyi urgently needs a north-south rapid passenger channel, it is very important to create a convenient transportation network, it is recommended that the planned Xianning to Ji'an railway can pass through Fenyi and set up a station, which will bring a strong impetus to the economic and social development of Fengyi and even the entire six counties of New Yiji Transformation and Cooperation Demonstration Zone. At the same time, it is recommended that the Fengyi County Digital Building Materials Industrial Park be included in the planning of the Fengyi Industrial Park to lay a solid foundation for the "industrial strong county".

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