
You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

author:Home to scholars
You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

If you walk into the village of Xishang, you can smell a pickle smell, it must be blind, the air on the creek is fresh, from the dense mountain forest, the smell is particularly good, come, take a deep breath. If you say that every household in Xishang Village makes pickles, it is true, but they manage pickles, called "sour twisters".

"Five tones are deaf, five colors are blind", live in color, chase the mirror image of reality every day, if so, life will be lackluster.

Sour twister is not a net red beauty, it will not scratch its head, there is no flower appearance, because it does not understand marketing, and no one chases, but it is particularly flavorful, but it has become the favorite of people on the creek!

You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

"The people take food as the sky", deeply taught by the saints, the villagers who have lived in the mountains for a long time believe in "for the belly and not for the eyes", here, you can not be beautiful, but not tasteless.

All year round with the mountains, in order to avoid boredom and boredom, so the people on the creek use high-quality vegetables and clear spring water to make the most delicious pickles - sour twisters, so that they can live a tasteful and eat with relish.

You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

During the New Year's Day holiday, the scholar returned to Xishang, a place where he had been stationed in the village for three years, and photographed the thoughts in his heart. When stationed in the village, there is no self-media, it is extremely difficult to record and share, now it is convenient, the villagers have mobile phones, as long as the scenery and life on the creek are recorded and sent to the platform, no matter where they go, everyone can see and reminisce.

Around New Year's Day, when the March vegetables in the field, one furrow after another, grow tall and neat, the villagers begin to harvest, which are used to make "sour twisters", dried, soaked in water, rubbed salt, put into urns, and then wait quietly...

You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

Living in the mountains, nearly twenty kilometers away from the city, it is difficult to buy vegetables, after winter, the village has made a "vegetable shortage", at this time, the village working group and villagers, the most commonly eaten vegetables are March vegetables, of course, accompany us, more or sour twisters, it, resistant to storage, easy to use, and very under the rice, unique taste.

Xishang Village, Xihe Town, Dapu County, was originally a professional village for planting flue-cured tobacco, every family has flue-cured tobacco rooms, tobacco planting, red fire for quite a long time, but now no one has planted, the reason is not to make money, and later planted grapefruit, the beginning is fine, but in 2021 the market is sluggish, the purchase price per kilogram is only 5, 6 mao, even the pickers are not enough, many villagers are too lazy to pick, let the grapefruit hang on the tree.

You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

Back on the creek, listening to the villagers tell their stories, watching them make sour twisters, compared to each other, I feel that life is like this sour twister, let fate rub, twist, the days have passed, in the heart slightly pantothenic acid...

At the beginning of reform and opening up, many people in Xishang went to developed areas to start a business, and after they became rich, they also took their parents over, relocated their families, and the memories left on the creek may be many, all kinds, but common, it seems that there is only sour twisters, which are written with nostalgia on the creek.

You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

Although the overall hat has been removed from poverty, but this time in the creek, or encounter some villagers, because of various reasons to return to poverty, so poverty alleviation is an eternal topic, according to local conditions to develop characteristic industries, can provide villagers with stable and considerable income, poverty alleviation on the road, hematopoiesis is more important than blood transfusion.

Of course, nostalgia can also be an industry, the pickles on the creek, high-quality materials, refreshing, appetizing, if you make a fuss about packaging and processing, it is still quite potential, and the investment is not large.

You can not be beautiful, but you must have a taste

For scholars, Xishang Village is like a sour twister, not beautiful, but there is a taste, friends, if you have been here, tasted sour twist, you will say so...

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