
Jianghan District: Digital Empowerment Leads the Way for Dynamic Change

author:Chu Tian style
Jianghan District: Digital Empowerment Leads the Way for Dynamic Change

Jianghan anchors the new track of digital economy

Jianghan District: Digital Empowerment Leads the Way for Dynamic Change

Yunqi Smart Technology Co., Ltd. receives consultation.

Jianghan District: Digital Empowerment Leads the Way for Dynamic Change

Busy scene of "Wuhan Cloud" operation management center

Jianghan District: Digital Empowerment Leads the Way for Dynamic Change

A number of leading information and communication enterprises of "national brand name" gathered in Jianghan District.

The digital economy is becoming a key force in reorganizing global factor resources, reshaping the global economic structure, and changing the global competitive landscape. In recent years, the Party Central Committee has attached great importance to the development of the digital economy and elevated it to a national strategy.

In the face of the new opportunities brought by the digital economy to the city to "change lanes and overtake", Wuhan has taken advantage of the momentum to achieve a key leap towards the goal of a first-tier city in the digital economy by building a solid "base" for the digital economy, promoting the development of digital industry clusters, and empowering the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

Science and technology return to the city, and the digital industry in the central urban area set sail. The 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Jianghan District of Wuhan City proposed that to actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern and build a prosperous, vibrant, beautiful and happy socialist modern and outstanding urban area, we must innovate and empower, lead the dynamic change, and promote the factor-driven to innovation-driven.

28.29 square kilometers, the smallest in the city, 647,900 people, the largest density. Under the guidance of the development concept of "smart growth" and "compact city", the digital economy is regarded by Jianghan District as the only way to promote urban transformation and industrial upgrading in the new era.

"First-mover advantage" turned into "leading strength" Initially formed the fourth pole of the leading industry of the digital economy

Among the new landmarks of Wuhan's industry that will rise in 2021, "Wuhan Cloud" is undoubtedly a bright representative.

"Wuhan Cloud" is the country's first "city cloud" jointly built by Wuhan and Huawei, as the digital "base" of Wuhan, helping to accelerate the construction of a new smart city, promote the modernization of social governance and develop the digital economy.

Since its launch on September 4, 2021, Wuhan Cloud has connected 24 Wuhan government departments and urban areas, and 166 application systems. Among them, the cloud migration rate of Wuhan municipal departments is more than half, and the relevant services of various cities in the Wuhan city circle are accelerating the "unlocking".

Why was this important project of Wuhan accelerating the construction of a new smart city born in Jianghan?

Counting the development process of Jianghan District in recent years, it is not difficult to find that Jianghan District, which has long been dominated by finance, trade circulation, communication and information, etc., is rising as the "fourth growth pole" of the digital economy.

For more than 20 years, Jianghan District has actively sought development and transformation, and has become a gathering place for a number of "national brand" information and communication leading enterprises such as China Mobile, China Telecom, China Post, China Tongfu, and China Tower.

In January 2019, China Mobile Hubei Company signed a 5G strategic cooperation agreement with the Jianghan District Government. Jianghan District has become the first batch of 5G global application pilot areas in China and the first in the province, and has taken the lead in achieving full 5G network coverage in Wuhan.

In April 2020, China Unicom Smart Education Headquarters and Yunqi Smart Technology Co., Ltd. settled in Jianghan, planning to leverage about 5 billion yuan of social capital to form a 100-billion-level education information industry ecology.

In September of the same year, the Wuhan Blockchain Industry Innovation and Development Demonstration Zone and the Central China Blockchain Technology Integration innovation center were unveiled in the Jianghan Economic Development Zone, planning to build a blockchain industry cluster, talent cluster and innovation application demonstration zone.

In October 2021, AI "unicorn" Shenzhen UBTECH Technology Co., Ltd. signed a contract with Jianghan District to officially settle in the UBTECH Artificial Intelligence Education Innovation Headquarters Project to create an artificial intelligence education innovation highland.

The layout of functional projects such as regional headquarters of the digital industry is releasing its own "multiplier" effect. Up to now, there are 19 "double creation" platforms at or above the municipal level in Jianghan District to build efficiency, and the added value of high-tech industries has increased by 284% compared with 2016.

The breakthrough development of the digital economy has become an important chapter in the 14th Five-Year Plan of Jianghan District. The plan proposes to innovate and develop the digital economy and initially form the "fourth pole" of the leading industry. Give full play to the advantages of Jianghan's intelligence and information resource enrichment, based on and supported by communication information and scientific and technological services, forward-looking layout of emerging fields of digital economy such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, promote the deep integration of emerging technologies in the digital economy and advantageous service industries, and step up the construction of new advantages in the development of the digital economy.

Drive digital industry innovation with scenario applications and accelerate the empowerment of the real economy

The bustling appearance of the central urban area has a natural attraction for traffic. The return of science and technology to cities and central urban areas is becoming a new wave in the world today.

In Jianghan District, a solid foundation of modern service industry, perfect urban supporting facilities, diversified innovation elements and rich market application scenarios are becoming industrial accelerators, innovation incubators and scene testing grounds for the development of the digital economy.

The financial industry can provide capital support for the development of the digital economy and build scenario applications. Up to now, there are more than 300 financial institutions in Jianghan District, including 7 national headquarters and 65 regional headquarters, and the added value of the financial industry has exceeded 33 billion yuan, ranking first in the concentration of the financial industry in Wuhan.

Financial institutions represented by Hankou Bank regard science and technology finance as an important characteristic business, rely on their own strong strength, dig deep into the development potential of science and technology enterprises in Jianghan District, and irrigate the fertile field of science and technology with financial living water.

Based on the traditional advantages of commerce and trade, communication information, creative design and so on, Jianghan District has continuously increased the application of digital technology in key areas such as smart government, transportation, and cities, and built a "smart" ecosystem based on digital technology.

In October 2019, the central China regional headquarters of Shenlan Technology fell to Jianghan District. The following year, Shenlan Technology obtained the commercial license issued by Wuhan City and landed the first unmanned commercial operation route in China in the Wuhan Central Business District.

After the transformation of Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street, under the empowerment of a series of special applications such as digital twin blocks, AI intelligent analysis applications, intelligent robots and self-service convenience services, it has become a national demonstration-level "smart block" that combines culture, tourism and business.

In order to give full play to the advantages of massive data, market scale and rich application scenarios, in 2021, Jianghan District also took the lead in collecting blockchain application scenarios in Wuhan with the "unveiling system", released more than 30 digital economy application scenario demonstration projects throughout the year, and promoted the landing of a number of key projects in the fields of logistics, medical care, consumption, finance, judicial depository, and grass-roots governance.

In the top ten excellent application cases of 5G, industrial software, artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain in Hubei Province in 2021 released by the Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, 6 application scenarios from a number of digital economy enterprises in Jianghan District were successfully shortlisted.

Nowadays, Jianghan District is aiming at building a 5G smart demonstration zone, a national intelligent network vehicle test demonstration zone, and a national blockchain pilot demonstration zone, accelerating the development of digital finance, supply chain finance, online economy, live e-commerce and other new digital economy formats, adhering to the principle of "developing a scene, spawning a business format, cultivating a market, and driving an industry".

Continue to recruit strong and introduce new talents and continuously improve the display of the digital economy

From top-level design, suggestions and suggestions, and then to specific implementation, the development of the digital economy in Jianghan District has both the thinking and decision-making power of planning and moving, and the execution and action of planning and fast action.

Since 2016, the Jianghan District People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have paid attention to digital economy industries such as 5G and artificial intelligence, based on the advantages of the communication and information industry in the district, planned a series of practical topics, useful explorations, and seized development opportunities.

In the past two years, Jianghan District has closely followed the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Digital Economy in Hubei Province" and the "Implementation Plan for the Breakthrough Development of Digital Economy in Wuhan", accelerated the construction of innovation bases, innovation platforms, industrial agglomerations, application scenarios, etc., and made every effort to create a highland for the innovative development of the digital economy.

Taking blockchain as an example, Jianghan District took the lead in setting up a blockchain industry development leading group in the city, and took the lead in promulgating the "Jianghan District to Promote the Innovative Development of the Blockchain Industry" and "Jianghan District on Promoting the Innovative Development of the Blockchain Industry", and quickly launched the declaration of the National Blockchain Industry Innovation and Development Demonstration Zone.

At the 13th Congress of the CPC Jianghan District, the main person in charge of the Jianghan District Committee proposed that it is necessary to comprehensively promote the digital transformation of urban areas as a compulsory course for building an excellent urban area, and the basic skills of party members and cadres to promote high-quality development, systematic planning, continuous promotion, and overall advancement.

In the next five years, Jianghan District will comprehensively promote the digital transformation of urban areas. With the "digital wisdom jianghan" as the starting point, we will make overall plans to promote the development of the digital economy and the construction of digital government. Promote digital industrialization, lay out emerging digital industries such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, big data and 5G, build a digital asset evaluation and trading center in Wuhan, and by 2026, achieve a doubling of the added value of the digital economy in the proportion of regional GDP. Take the lead in carrying out the pilot application of digital yuan in the city, and accelerate the application of artificial intelligence in the fields of people's livelihood such as education and pension. Create a digital "base" in urban areas, promote the "one network communication office" for government services, and the "one network unified management" for urban operation, and realize the full-time online of "digital wisdom Jianghan".

Planner: Propaganda Department of The CPC Wuhan Jianghan District Committee

Author: Wu Han, Zhu Sufang, Pan Yuxiang

Courtesy photo: Jiang Xuan

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