
Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

Chinese have been supplementing calcium since I was a child: drinking milk, boiling bone broth, eating calcium tablets, drinking calcium... The various operations are as fierce as a tiger.

Chinese is also a general calcium deficiency. From 2010 to 2013, the nutrition and health status of Chinese residents were monitored, and 96.6% of the Chinese people had insufficient calcium intake[1].

Why do you keep making up for the lack of it? What went wrong?

Many people don't know: the 7 things we often do, like 7 "thieves", have been quietly stealing the body's calcium.

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

Anti-theft cheats:

(1) Buy a salt control spoon and put less salt (adults should not exceed 6 grams per person per day).

(2) Guard against cunning "hidden salts", which will be hidden in chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, chili sauce, shrimp skin, plum, potato chips and other foods, and eat less.

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

(1) Between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., sun your arms and legs for 5 to 30 minutes twice a week.

(2) It can be in the shade of a tree, but it is not recommended to apply sunscreen through the glass, which will cause the skin to synthesize vitamin D poorly [5].

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

Adults eat 40 to 75 grams of aquatic products, 40 to 75 grams of livestock and poultry meat, and 40 to 50 grams of eggs per day[7].

It is basically equivalent to a piece of fish in the palm of a hand, a piece of meat in the palm of a palm, and an egg.

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

Adults engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 5 days per week, accumulating more than 150 minutes; preferably 6,000 steps per day [7].

Moderate-intensity physical activity, which requires some force, but can easily speak and feel slightly tired, such as brisk walking, dancing, playing tennis, cleaning windows, mopping the floor, hand washing large clothes, etc.

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

(1) Drink more boiled water instead of carbonated drinks.

(2) If you do not like boiled water, you can add a little lemon, lime, etc. to the water.

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

The most straightforward thing is to quit it directly. Drinking a drop of wine and taking a puff of a cigarette is also harmful to the body.

Bone soup does not supplement calcium, shrimp skin is not reliable, the real calcium supplement is these 3 types of food!

For example, bone broth, although there is more calcium in the bones, is relatively stable, and the amount that can be dissolved into the soup is not much, only a few milligrams per 100 ml [9-10], less than one-tenth of milk [11].

The calcium in the shrimp skin is very high [11], but only a few grams of shrimp skin are eaten at a time, and the calcium in the form of a complex inside the shrimp skin is difficult to absorb, so it is really unreliable.

If you want to supplement calcium, you can still really supplement calcium food.

It is recommended to choose milk and its products (such as yogurt, cheese), soybeans and their products (such as north tofu, south tofu), some dark green vegetables (such as: Chinese cabbage, green vegetables) and so on.

Some dark green vegetables (such as: small rape, kale) calcium supplementation is more effective than milk, it is best to eat half a catty a day!

Special Author: Liu Pingping

Registered Dietitian


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Editors: Zhao Yanan, Zhang Li, Zhang Liang

Painter: Leng Chunmiao | Proofreading: Wu Yihe | Typesetting: Li Yongmin

Operation: Han Ningning | Coordinator: Wu Wei

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