
FGA CHAT | Liu Yang: A new energy industrialist who breaks the waves in the new era

FGA CHAT | Liu Yang: A new energy industrialist who breaks the waves in the new era

FGA500 Person in this issue Liu Yang, Chairman of Guohe New Energy Co., Ltd

On October 26, 2021, the State Council issued the "Carbon Peak Action Plan before 2030", which proposes to vigorously promote new energy vehicles and gradually reduce the proportion of traditional fuel vehicles in new car production and sales and car ownership. By 2030, the proportion of new energy and clean energy powered transportation will reach about 40%.

As an important driving force for the low-carbon transformation of transport vehicles, new energy vehicles will enter a period of rapid development. Undoubtedly, in line with it, the public infrastructure supporting facilities that have been included in the "new infrastructure" - electric vehicle charging piles will also usher in a broader market prospect.

According to the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)", the sales volume of new energy vehicles will account for 20% in 2025 and 30% in 2030, and the number of new energy vehicles will reach 16 million in 2025 and 52 million in 2030. At the same time, according to the development status of the charging pile industry and the forecast for the future, according to the vehicle-to-pile ratio to maintain at the level of 3 to 3.5:1, the number of charging piles will reach 4.8 million units in 2025, and the number of charging piles will reach 15 million units in 2030.

Based on the above prediction of the increase in dc charging pile construction, and taking into account the trend of charging pile power improvement and production technology development, it is expected that the total output value of DC piles will exceed 600 billion yuan from 2021 to 2030.

With the proposal of the mainland's major strategy of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", the development process of new energy vehicles will be further accelerated. For the charging pile industry, the development has just begun.

Liu Yang, the protagonist of this FGA CHAT, is the chairman of Guohe New Energy Co., Ltd. Under his leadership, Guohe New Energy always grasps new opportunities, meets new challenges, and breaks the waves on the blue sea in the new era.

FGA CHAT | Liu Yang: A new energy industrialist who breaks the waves in the new era

Mr. Liu Yang, Chairman of Guohe New Energy Co., Ltd


Entrepreneurship: A journey of experience and growth

Entrepreneurship is not only based on the entrepreneur's business talent and outstanding characteristics, but also a test of the comprehensive quality of the entrepreneur. During his college years, Liu Yang started his first venture:

"As a student union cadre of the school, in the process of getting along with my classmates, I found that they will have a certain lack of independent living and economic management, and often because they have not made a good management plan for the cost of living, they will be in a situation of constraints when necessary consumption.

So I made an early offline installment consumption platform, which should be regarded as the first time in my life to start a business, whether it is the formation of the team or the operation of the platform is relatively successful, even after I graduated and left school, the platform continues to operate. This entrepreneurial experience allowed me to learn something beyond books and classrooms, which gave me a deep understanding of the importance of market demand and laid a solid foundation for me to embark on the road of entrepreneurship in the future. ”

This successful entrepreneurial experience also gave Liu Yang the ambition to start a real enterprise. But a recent graduate, neither the experience nor the resources are enough to sustain such ambitions. He calmly realized his shortcomings and chose to enter the Headquarters of Alibaba in Hangzhou, working and learning at the same time, and striving to absorb the essence of a company's success.

During his time at Alibaba, he learned how to correctly establish a systematic operation management system and an efficient management team, and also met a group of like-minded comrades-

At the right time, Liu Yang resigned from the "big factory" job that countless young people yearn for, rejoined the entrepreneurial army, and fulfilled the promise he had made to himself.

"After I left Ali, I did two projects. Although we have achieved some results, I think we can do better.

In 2016, I went to Guangzhou to investigate, and at the auto show, I found that major car companies put electric vehicles on the most prominent booths. I always tell the team that a sense of common sense is the basis for having foresight, and according to the actions of major car companies at the auto show, electric vehicles will surely usher in a wave of wind in the near future and bring about the outbreak of related industries.

In the future, charging stations and charging piles will be as popular as gas stations. So after careful and detailed planning, at the end of 2016, we began to enter the new energy industry and opened up the business of new energy vehicle charging piles.

Compared with previous projects, the high-investment, asset-heavy new energy vehicle charging pile business made us encounter some difficulties at the beginning, but through our efforts and the support of national policies, in 2018 we got several government projects in a row, and the company's business has since begun to be on the right track. ”

From college students starting a business to joining Alibaba, from operating projects to starting a business, Liu Yang has always been on the right path at every stage, and every experience is experience and growth for him.

"The feelings at each stage are still different, when I was in college, I thought more about the business itself, and all products and operations were driven by demand. And after going through so much, it brought me more pressure, more responsibility, and most importantly, growth. ”


Guohe: foresight and efficient action

No business can always be smooth sailing, and every decision needs to be careful. Liu Yang said frankly:

"As a leader, you need to learn to plan ahead, make a layout early, and leave room for strength. Anticipating the future as much as possible is a core responsibility as a team leader and a prerequisite for success. The smoothest time for the enterprise is actually the most dangerous time, and we must think of danger in peace. ”

In the market competition, the first-mover advantage should not be underestimated, but even if you are in the pole position of the track, you cannot be complacent, and if you do not advance, you will retreat. It is precisely because the team led by Liu Yang has a high degree of forward-looking and excellent judgment, and today, when the national policy has gradually improved the industry norms and the industry has encountered technical threshold constraints, Guohe New Energy has rapidly shifted from the initial procurement-oriented operation to independent research and development, and completed the upgrade from "business" to enterprise.

FGA CHAT | Liu Yang: A new energy industrialist who breaks the waves in the new era

Image credit: pixabay

Since the second half of 2019, Guohe has begun to lay out R&D production bases in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions, and cooperates with universities and research institutes to form R&D project teams to carry out innovation and research of core components. Guohe New Energy pays special attention to keeping up with the general trend of technological change, and constantly tries to promote the means of continuous incentives to maintain the continuous innovation momentum of the team.

"Technology is the foundation of life for production-oriented enterprises, and now Guohe can design and produce charging piles completely independently, and our investment and construction in technology, patents, safety supervision and even transportation logistics can achieve a high degree of customization of charging stations and charging piles, which also brings us great advantages."

Regarding the cultivation and management of talents, Liu Yang said:

"Analyze the macro situation, choose a good time, and then pay attention to the elements of the team's action and the continuous iteration of talents." If a company wants to run well, it needs excellent scientific research talents, operational talents, financial talents and so on. A complete talent composition coupled with a suitable performance system can ensure that the company's operation does not deviate from the direction. ”

Guohe New Energy has introduced mechanisms such as rating, guidance, survival of the fittest, etc., to manage the team and employees to ensure efficient action.

"In order to train and reserve composite management cadres, we began to implement a cadre rotation system." Liu Yang said: "We attach great importance to and practice the talent management mechanism, so as to stimulate the ability of organizational innovation and improve the efficiency of collaboration. ”


Industry: Undercurrent in the great blue ocean

The smooth development of Guohe is inseparable from the accurate grasp of the industry. Although the rise of new energy vehicles has brought a huge outlet to the charging pile industry, the problems in it cannot be ignored, and Liu Yang has his own summary and views on this. In his view, in order to understand the pain points in the charging pile industry, we must first understand why the electric vehicle industry is developed:

"It's actually very simple, just to prevent the problem of oil card neck. In addition, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the development of new energy vehicles is the only way for the mainland to move from an automobile power to an automobile power. During the '13th Five-Year Plan' period, the mainland's new energy automobile industry developed rapidly and gradually grew into an innovative highland in the field of new energy vehicles in the world. Industrial development has also entered the development period from the cultivation period, becoming an important force leading the transformation of the global automobile industry. Therefore, in the aspect of new energy vehicles, to achieve leapfrog development, we can achieve overtaking in curves. ”

FGA CHAT | Liu Yang: A new energy industrialist who breaks the waves in the new era

With the vigorous rise of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, the rapid development of the new energy automobile industry, the corresponding supporting equipment and facilities should also be strongly supported. For the pain points in the field of new energy vehicle charging piles, Liu Yang boiled it down to three points:

The first is technology upgrades.

From the perspective of the industry, the barriers to charging pile technology are not high, and it is usually modular basic logic. However, due to the large number of new energy vehicle brands and complex communication protocols, it is a problem how to cooperate with new energy automobile companies under the existing specifications to improve battery charging technology from energy, efficiency, storage and other aspects.

In addition, on the basis of the existing battery technology with slow development, with 5G, photovoltaic and other new infrastructure categories, these technologies are deeply integrated, so that the charging equipment becomes a human-computer interaction, continuous iterative upgrading of intelligent terminals, is also a relatively new proposition.

The second is to promote popularization.

The growth rate of new energy vehicles is higher than the growth rate of charging piles, and the vehicle-to-pile ratio is not good, so there will always be problems with queuing at charging pile sites, affecting the user experience of new energy vehicle owners and causing mileage anxiety. Between the current battery technology and the reasons for safe charging, the only way to solve the problem of "charging difficulties" is to increase the number of charging piles and charging stations, and optimize the policy environment for the construction of charging and replacing infrastructure.

We also hope that the government can introduce more preferential policies for parking, charging and other use links, optimize the construction measures of charging piles, and create a good environment for the development of new energy vehicles.

The third is future development.

Science and technology are constantly advancing, the construction of new energy charging piles and charging stations belongs to infrastructure construction, which costs high, and there are still many problems in site migration, maintenance and replacement, and update iteration. For example, the public slow charging equipment built in the early stage is currently in a very "chicken rib" situation.

If in the near future, we break the technical barriers of high-power charging and solve the corresponding safety problems, then the current STAGE of DC fast charging equipment will also face update elimination. At present, According to this possible future situation, Guohe has put forward a proposition to the joint scientific research team, giving them a little time and believing that they can give a good solution.

In his 2022 New Year's message, President Xi Jinping said, "Only by working hard and doing hard can we live up to history, the times, and the people." ”

On the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we need young forces and enterprises like Liu Yang and Guohe New Energy to continuously enrich their knowledge, refine their skills, and make greater contributions in their own industries. Down-to-earth, step by step to do a good job in the industry, let us hope that Liu Yang and his Guohe New Energy can not forget the original intention, practice the mission, and embark on the magnificent journey of "going to the future together".

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