
CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

author:Stay King Xixi

Wen 丨 Xixi

I don't know if the audience who pay attention to CCTV programs has found a situation, CCTV recently likes the "sea of people tactics" in program production, winning through the number of hosts, the "Summer of Yang Young" that has ended, the "Warm Central Young in Winter" so, and the upcoming "Every Year there is a drama" is also the same.

If the production of "Summer of Yangyoung" is an attempt by CCTV for this type of program, then the continued use of a large number of hosts in "Every Year with Drama" is obviously a recognition of this way, of course, not only the CCTV producer affirms, the market and the audience also recognize the presentation of this type of program.

The so-called "many people have great power", and the more hosts of a program, the more it will naturally present a "lively" atmosphere.

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

The producers of "Every Year have dramas" obviously want to continue the production direction and give full play to the excellence of "CCTV hosts can choose more items" to help the program gain a higher market share.

In fact, judging from the name of the program, we can know what type of program "Every Year there is drama", either "drama" or "opera", in the production of CCTV, "Every Year there is drama" refers to the latter.

I believe that the audience will also wonder, opera programs are not popular in the variety market, why would CCTV choose to produce this type of program?

In fact, in addition to CCTV, I am afraid that no TV station wants to produce this type of program, as a representative of domestic television media, CCTV still needs to play a leading role: at least in the production of television programs, should not only focus on ratings.

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show
Opera itself is the essence of the country, but for young audiences, life is gradually attracted by foreign new things, but let the national essence gradually be forgotten, CCTV is through its own influence, and constantly improve the presence of opera in the minds of young audiences.

The façade host appeared in a pile

In the case that the direction of program production is not optimistic, by selecting hot guests is one of the ways to help a program gain attention, compared to inviting traffic stars, it is obvious that CCTV hosts are a better choice for the program group of "Every Year there is drama".

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

Ren Luyu, Zhu Xun, Ju Ping, Li Sisi, Xu Li, Zhang Lei, Yang Fan and other familiar faces of the audience appeared at the recording site of the program "Every Year there is a drama", and in terms of the depth and neatness of the lineup, it can be appointed as the host lineup of a large-scale evening.

CCTV chooses so many façade hosts to participate in the recording of "Every Year there is a drama", which can also be seen in the importance attached to this program.

From another direction, inviting so many facade hosts can attract market attention, which is enough to prove that the share of opera culture in the young audience group is "pitifully low".

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

In the case of the appearance of the façade hosts, Zhu Xun, Dong Yi, Long Yang and several hosts need special attention.

Zhu Xun's words are themselves opera lovers, so for her, "Every Year there is drama" is a stage to show her self-ability, aside from the program recording, "ticket friend" Zhu Xun will take time to practice opera performances after work, and this program recording stage has so many master artists, Zhu Xun's inner excitement can be imagined.

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

Dong Yi herself is the program host of CCTV Xiqu Channel, participating in the hosting of many opera programs, and at the same time serving as the director of the CCTV Opera Spring Festival Gala, "Every Year there is a drama" will also be a stage for her to display her talents.

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

As for Long Yang, as a young host, it seems that there is not much to do with opera, but on the performance stage of "Winter Warm Yang Young", Long Yang cooperated with Zhang Tao's "Peony Pavilion" out of the circle, and the program broadcast quickly became popular, triggering heated discussion among market audiences.

Long Yang and Zhang Tao's opera appearances made the audience shine, but the recognition of the two programs has now been converted into the regret of Zhang Tao's absence from "Every Year there is a play".

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

Of course, Zhang Lei, Yang Fan and other CCTV mesozoic hosts can get more appearance opportunities, and can also play a certain role in helping their career development.

Sabine became a variety show

Where Sabine appears, the audience's attention can always be attracted to him, the CCTV host performs on the stage, and the same is true for the recording scene of the program "Every Year there is a drama".

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

It can be said that Sabine alone changed the "inherent view" of most viewers on the CCTV host, when Sabine "splashed and played" in front of the camera, in a posture that did not resemble the CCTV host, the sense of surprise generated by the contrast was likable.

Sabine has excellent hosting ability, otherwise he would not have been able to get the opportunity to join CCTV.

At the same time, Sabine's variety talent is also constantly showing, and even the label of "CCTV host" can no longer bind it.

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

At the recording site of the "Every Year There Is Drama" program, the interaction between Sabine and Wang Guan, and the interaction between Wang Peiyu, triggered discussion among the audience before the program began broadcasting.

Sabine in the camera still shows a naughty side, and the show has more laughter with Sabine's appearance, the guest recording stage is more relaxed, and the audience watches the show more happily.

CCTV created a new opera program, the façade hosts appeared in a pile, and Sabine became a variety show

I have to admire Sabine's sense of variety, under his mobilization, the hosts who participate in the recording of the "Drama Every Year" program will be more relaxed, and the state presented by the whole person will be more relaxed, whether it is for opera learning or program recording.

Let's look forward to the broadcast of "Every Year there is a drama"! Especially on the basis that the market is not optimistic about opera programs.

Proofreader 丨 Wang Xixi

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