
Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched

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In order to implement the "Shenyang Municipal Primary and Secondary School Famous Principal Workshop, Famous Teacher Studio Management Measures", give play to the demonstration and leading role of the workshop, and establish a talent training mechanism for cooperation and interaction between the city's principal leading teams, on January 17, the launching meeting of the Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was held in Shenyang Experimental School. Zhang Xinyue, director of the Cadre Training Research Office of Shenyang Education Research Institute, Cao Shujun, president of the Municipal Education Experts Association, honorary principal of the Seventh Middle School and principal of Shenyang Zhongke Experimental School, attended the kick-off meeting, and all members of Tong Yan's Famous Principal Workshop attended. The meeting was presided over by Zhou Hongcheng, vice principal of the secondary school of the experimental school.

At the scene, 10 workshop members from Shenhe District, Shenbei New District, Yuhong District and Kangping County spoke in turn. The principals spoke freely, from their own growth process to the overall development of the school, from their own professional expertise to school management, from the recognition of the principal's position to the workshop work suggestions in all aspects of the exchange, and said that they would closely focus on the side of President Tong Yan to adhere to active learning and research, understand the advanced educational concepts and scientific management methods of the famous principals, and grow into thoughtful research-oriented, expert-type and cultural principals as soon as possible.

Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched
Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched

Next, the moderator of the workshop, President Tong Yan, made ideological mobilization and work planning and deployment to the members. She welcomed the joining of the members, pointing out that around the research theme of the workshop, a series of activities such as theoretical study, expert lectures, and visits to famous universities will be carried out, leading the members to practice in learning, research in practice, and grow in research, and finally drive the members and principals to continuously improve their business level and promote the continuous expansion of the popularity and influence of member schools in the region.

Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched

In order to effectively improve the research level of the workshop and create a high-end principal development platform, the workshop specially hired President Cao Shujun as the "Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop Guidance Expert". At the meeting, President Cao congratulated tong yan on the establishment of the workshop of famous principals, and hoped that all members would strengthen theoretical learning, enhance school management ability, and become excellent principals, famous principals and education experts under the cultivation of the workshop, so that the school would become a happy school and a school satisfied with society.

Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched

At the meeting, Director Zhang Xinyue put forward guidance to the workshop, emphasizing that each member and principal should enhance their work understanding, give play to the role of the leading goose of the principal team and the incubator of the leading team; while strengthening their own development, they should also play a demonstration radiation role, take on the heavy responsibility of cultivating the cadre and teacher team in the school, and improve the level of school running.

Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched

Beat the drums of war and embark on the journey, condensing wisdom to paint a new chapter. Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop will fully implement the party's education policy, in the practical work of "revitalization of new breakthroughs, I want to be a pioneer", solidly carry out the training of educational talents, focus on giving play to the leading and radiating role of famous principals, strengthen educational practice, refine good experience and good methods, and contribute new strength to building Shenyang happiness education.

Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched
Contribute new strength to happiness education! Shenyang Tong Yan Famous Principal Workshop was officially launched

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