
Cold polar yangsheng refuses to make up for it, and the red soup warm yang opens good luck! The last festival of the year, the great cold, is coming, and it is important to protect against the wind and cold

author:Ji Pao investigation

At 10:38 on January 20, the last cold of the year came.

The "Time-Granting Tongkao Tianshi" quotes the "Three Rites and Righteous Sects" to explain: "The great cold is the middle one, and the upper form is in the small cold, so it is called ... The reverse pole of the great cold is called the great cold. ”

Cold polar yangsheng refuses to make up for it, and the red soup warm yang opens good luck! The last festival of the year, the great cold, is coming, and it is important to protect against the wind and cold

The great cold is in the 39th and 49th periods, when the cold wave is frequent southward, which is the coldest period of the year. Folk proverb cloud: "Small cold, big cold, no wind to cool." "Great cold means that the weather is extremely cold. After the great cold, a new cycle of solar terms will be ushered in.

Three days of great cold

Chicken milk

"Chicken milk" on the day of the great cold. Chickens, water animals also, get yang and egg breeding, so cloud milk. In the cold, the main reproductive kidney qi is strong, and the spring qi is perceived in advance, and the hen begins to incubate the chicks.

Birds are fierce

Five days after the great cold, "the birds are fiercely ill". The birds, the genus of the falcon, are extremely murderous, so they are fierce and fast and good at striking. Falcons hover through the air in search of food to replenish the body's energy against the cold.

Mizusawa belly is strong

Five more days "Mizusawa Belly". The Yang Qi has not yet arrived, and the East Wind has not arrived, so the water is knotted and firm. At this time, the cold is extremely cold, and the water of the river freezes straight through the bottom of the water, forming a thick and hard layer of ice. Up and down are frozen thoroughly, cold to the extreme, according to the principle of extreme opposites of things, the deep spring aquatic in the solid ice, frozen to the extreme, will begin to ablation.

The cold reaches its peak, and the days warm up later. This solar term has also entered the "first qi" of the five luck and six qi, which is a key accumulation period before the germination of spring.

The great cold is followed by the spring of the year of Nongyin, so the great cold is a transition period for the human body to change from winter to spring, and this year's transition period with excessive fluctuations is most likely to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Protect against wind and cold, pay attention to warm feet

The old saying has clouds "big cold, big cold, windproof and cold", in addition to paying attention to windproof, you must also be cold, and "cold from the foot", in the cold season, health, pay special attention to the feet to keep warm.

In addition to preventing foot cold, in addition to strengthening the warmth of the feet, the method of soaking feet can also be used. "Cold starts from the feet, cold comes from the legs", people's legs and feet are cold, the whole body is cold, so when soaking feet, you can mix ginger, pepper and other Chinese medicines.

Ginger is hot, sprinkle a few slices of ginger when soaking feet, help to drive away the cold; pepper can warm and relieve pain, dispel dampness and cold. When soaking the feet, you can rub the acupuncture points of the feet, especially the Spring Springs, which can ignite the fire and return to the Yuan, which helps to seal the Yang Qi.

Cold polar yangsheng refuses to make up for it, and the red soup warm yang opens good luck! The last festival of the year, the great cold, is coming, and it is important to protect against the wind and cold

Yang Qi sprouted and refused to make up for it

The great cold is the "end of winter and March", at this time it is the winter when life is lurking and everything is hidden, and the body's yin and yang dissipation and metabolism are also at a fairly slow time, and it is undertaken by Li Chun, in this season of inheriting the past and the future, the natural yin qi is extremely strong, and the yang qi settles to the pole and prepares to grow.

From the beginning of the cold, do not deliberately supplement the special supplement, especially the yang qi is strong, easy to constipation and fire of the people, the diet should be changed to light.

Cold polar yangsheng refuses to make up for it, and the red soup warm yang opens good luck! The last festival of the year, the great cold, is coming, and it is important to protect against the wind and cold

In the cold, the yin qi gradually declines, and the yang qi is just about to sprout. In terms of diet, we should abide by the health principle of protecting yin and latent yang, so as to lay a good foundation for the growth of yang qi in the spring and the regulation of liver qi.

On weekdays, you can eat more foods that nourish the yin and yang and have high calories, such as dates, black beans, walnuts, black sesame seeds, fungus, white fungus, etc.

At the same time, it is appropriate to add some foods with the nature of ascension, such as coriander, mustard greens, white radish, garlic, etc., but do not overeat.

Soothes the mood and adjusts the liver qi

Winter temperature is low, ice and snow, everything is depressed, people pay attention to physical warmth, but it is easy to ignore the spiritual maintenance, prone to depression, low mood and other symptoms.

In daily life, often close your eyes and recuperate, let the brain rest more, listen to some favorite music, watch some interesting TV, chat with like-minded people, share joy, tell about sorrow, and focus on activities that are conducive to physical and mental health, which is helpful for spiritual "warmth".

A bowl of red soup, open good luck

The colder the sky, the more uncomfortable the yang deficiency person is, and the more bloody the person is lacking blood. At such a big turning point in the great cold, we must support our own "yang" and "blood".

Recommend a red soup: 30 grams of red adzuki beans, 15 grams of peanuts, 3-5 red dates, 8 pieces of cinnamon balls, 10 grams of goji berries, 10 grams of mulberry, brown sugar, 1/3 slice of tangerine peel.

Mulberry: Tonify the sperm blood of the liver and kidney deficiency.

Goji berries: Paired with mulberry to support the weakened liver and kidneys, it will be more powerful.

Red adzuki beans: nourish the heart, and supplement estrogen.

Red-skinned peanuts: The red coat of peanuts, replenishing the spleen and stomach.

Red jujube: tonify the blood mechanism of the spleen and stomach, and promote human hematopoiesis.

Cinnamon round meat: It is the best food to nourish the heart and blood, improve the qi and calm the spirit.

Sugarcane brown sugar: Brown sugar is not able to directly replenish the blood, it is like sugarcane juice can quickly replenish the yin liquid, adjust the vitality, nourish the yin and re-pulse.

Tangerine peel: Enhances the transport capacity of the spleen and stomach.

After the cold, it is often boiled in a pot, and the whole family can drink, warm the sun, and enrich the yin blood of the whole body. The good fortune of the year thus opened up from the perception of the body.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planner: Jiang Zhongxiao

Author: Zhuang Zhuang

Editor: Yu Yue

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