
Djokovic would rather not play a game than be vaccinated, for what purpose?

author:The world said

Every January, when the northern hemisphere is still immersed in the long night of winter, Melbourne, Australia, located in the southern hemisphere, has used its hot summer to eagerly welcome the world's tennis players. The Australian Open, one of the four Grand Slams, announces another year of a new and fiery tennis season, and has since begun.

However, the men's singles top seed and defending Australian Open champion Djokovic has ended his Australian Open trip this year (and indeed his entire career). Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Xiaode has always adhered to the position of refusing to receive the new crown vaccine, the result is from Entering Australia on January 6 and being detained by customs for violating border inspection and epidemic prevention laws, to January 10, when the Australian court allowed Xiaode to be released to participate in the Australian Open on the grounds that the Australian customs seizure behavior was "incorrect", and then to the Australian Immigration Minister canceled Xiaode's visa for the second time on the 14th, and finally the chief justice of the collegial panel of the Australian Federal Court, Olthorpe, announced that Xiaode lost the lawsuit and did not qualify for the Australian Open. This ended the judicial tug-of-war between the world's number one tennis star and the Australian government.

Under Australian law, entrants whose visas have been cancelled by the Minister of Immigration will not be able to enter for three years. Considering that Xiaode will turn 38 years old after the expiration of his three-year ring, if the law is strictly enforced, djokovic Djokovic, who has lifted nine championship trophies at Melbourne's Rodrawall Stadium, can now put an end to his Australian Open career.

Djokovic would rather not play a game than be vaccinated, for what purpose?

People in the Serbian capital pray for the participation of Xiaode / CON CHRONIS

To make matters worse, after Australia announced the ban on Xiaode, the French government also announced that those who did not receive vaccinations were not allowed to enter the country, and the French net red turkey competition for Xiaode was also marked with a question mark. On January 17, the Spanish government also sent a letter to Xiaode: if there is no vaccination, the Madrid Masters will not come next month. With the rapid spread of the highly contagious COVID-19 variant, Omicron, and more and more tennis tournament host countries making vaccination a mandatory requirement for entrants, an important life choice is slowly unfolding in front of Xiaode: either get vaccinated or end your career.

However, for Xiaode, this was not an easy decision.

Early childhood experience shaped the belief in "anti-compulsory vaccination"

Djokovic once wrote about his unhappy experience of living under the Yugoslav system as a child: "We were taught not to be open-minded so they could control us. The top people go to great lengths to ask us not to question the ideas that are being indoctrinated, whether they are politicians, dieters, or the medical industry, who know that we are driven by fear. ”

After the Yugoslav totalitarian system and the bloody civil war in which all sides claimed justice, doubts about authority and "mainstream public opinion", and openness to non-mainstream views almost became the political belief of Xiaode and his family.

As early as the beginning of the large-scale outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the West in April 2020, Xiaode made it clear that he was opposed to vaccination and "would not be forced to be vaccinated by others in order to participate in the Tour", but he was open to personal choices, believing that "everyone has the right to decide what is the most beneficial option for their body".

The xiaode family's openness to various mysterious ideas has also been amplified during the epidemic. The day after Xiaode expressed his anti-vaccine attitude, his wife, Jelena, forwarded an article linking 5G and the spread of the new crown on Ins and encouraged fans to express their views. After being judged by the platform to "spread false information", Jelena said that she did not express her opinion on the authenticity of the content of the article, but hoped to learn more information.

In the face of media skepticism, Xiaode was unceremonious, attacking "the professional media and free information are getting less and less", "the information source is monopolized by one or two institutions", and the news news "has become a propaganda machine for the elite and the special interest class", declaring that he "has not read newspapers for many years and does not read the news".

Djokovic would rather not play a game than be vaccinated, for what purpose?

Little Tak with wife Jelena / Getty Images

As a devout Orthodox Christian who values his religious identity above all titles, Xiaode's understanding of religion can explain his "inaction" attitude in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic from another perspective. Xiao De once revealed his feelings about passing by NATO bombs during the Kosovo War: "When you are really in a situation of powerlessness, a feeling of freedom arises, and it is liberating to accept your powerlessness." ”

Because of his personal life experience and beliefs, it is not surprising that Hede has expressed a personal antipathy to compulsory vaccinations, and he has never encouraged others to boycott vaccines. However, when he entered Australia, his previous positions and remarks on the issue of epidemic prevention were no longer his own.

As a small virtue that tears the flag of Australian society

Since March 2020, Australia has been implementing a near-"suffocating" border epidemic prevention policy, with only nationality holders and permanent residents allowing entry, and a limited number of arrivals per day (at least Sydney Port only allows 5,000 arrivals), while some states in inner Australia have implemented a zero policy, and each state independently decides whether to open the population to other states.

Although these policies have been criticized by many as "impersonal", they have indeed had a significant effect, compared with the number of infections in Europe and the United States, Australia seems to be the absolute superior student in the fight against the epidemic in the Western world, taking my south Australian state as an example, from January 2020 to November 2021, the number of infected people in the state does not exceed 800 cases, and 4 deaths.

In mid-2021, after delta virus entered Australia, the Australian government accelerated vaccination, and after achieving two injections in November for 80% of the nationwide population over the age of 16, the border was opened to any country that had been injected with a government-certified vaccine.

Djokovic would rather not play a game than be vaccinated, for what purpose?

Anti-vaccine demonstrators in Bose City hang the flag upside down to express political conviction / Andrew O'Connor

Still, the domestic anti-vaccine and regulatory rhetoric in Australia has never subsided. Especially after the national vaccination rate reached the deregulation requirements after November, although Australia fulfilled its commitment to relax internal and external controls, some areas such as Western Australia and Queensland continued to restrict the free movement of interstate population, Victoria still requires people to wear masks when entering indoor public places or taking transportation, Melbourne and other places still stipulate that workers can only enter the workplace after receiving two doses of vaccines, and Sydney has promoted the vaccination of 5-11-year-old children, causing many parents to worry.

Grievances from all walks of life erupted in December, with more than 10,000 anti-vaccine and anti-regulation protest demonstrations erupting in major cities across Australia, with the heaviest protests in Bose City, known for its strict control of the epidemic. Demonstrators held aloft the Eureka Flag, a symbol of resistance to tyranny, and hung the Australian flag upside down, expressing "frustration and anger at the fact that they hold truth and justice without being known to others" (Joe McIntyre).

Protesters chanted "Prime Minister stepped down" and "My body I decided" and occupied Melbourne's CBD district, pouring into Sydney's Alfred Park and even setting fires in front of Canberra's Old Parliament Building. The composition of the protest crowd is not limited to far-right organizations, but covers people from all walks of life, from elites to civilians, and some indigenous people are also involved, believing that they can take the opportunity to take back control of indigenous areas.

Djokovic would rather not play a game than be vaccinated, for what purpose?

The old Parliament building in Canberra was set on fire by Aboriginal people/ networked

It was in such an atmosphere of social confrontation that Xiaode, who had not been vaccinated, announced that he had obtained a medical exemption from the organizing committee and would go to Australia to participate in the Australian Open, adding fuel to the fire of Australian society that was plagued by disputes over vaccines and control issues.

Some people who support the control of the epidemic have expressed dissatisfaction and disappointment, and many Australian netizens have posted that they have been unable to travel across states because of control measures, unable to reunite with family and friends for two years, and lost the opportunity to see the last side of their deceased relatives.

Among the anti-vaccine crowd, conspiracy theorists agree with Xiaode's hostility to science and the mainstream media, the libertarian elite highly appreciates Xiaode's position of "freedom of vaccination", anti-vaccine conservatives for religious reasons also appreciate Xiaode's religious piety, and the working class who lost their jobs because of refusal to vaccinate is touched by Xiaode's charity of opening a restaurant in his hometown to provide free food for the poor. Djokovic became the spiritual leader who united the anti-vaccine population.

Of course, some anti-vaccine people have questioned whether once Xiaode is allowed to enter, whether it will prove the hypocritical attitude of the elite on the issue of epidemic prevention, but it will soon be criticized by peers for "brainwashing", because "if Xiaode is refused entry, it means agreeing with the quarantine and epidemic prevention policy that makes people separate", "We must not only welcome Xiaode to enter, but also let the government give us the same freedom."

The incident quickly alarmed Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who on Twitter promised the pro-epidemic policy to the people who supported the epidemic prevention policy: "When he (Xiaode) gets off the plane, unless he can provide a legal medical exemption certificate, he will be like everyone else on the next recent flight back to China."

Sure enough, when Djokovic stepped off the plane in the early hours of Jan. 6, he was detained at Customs in Australia and forced to interrogate him for hours, which, according to his team, was a seizure. He was then transferred to an immigration hotel pending appeal or deportation.

Unexpectedly, on January 10, after a five-hour marathon hearing, the local court found that the seizure of Xiaode was "improper", and Djokovic won the appeal and regained his free reinvention to participate in the Australian Open. Australian public opinion instant frying pan, from the housewives who drink afternoon tea in the coffee shop to the old ladies who pay bills at the post office, they will say a few words about things:

"Money Talks, nothing surprised me"

"I don't believe a single word at all"

"Send him home now!" )

“His name is Novax Jokervic”(谐音梗)

At the time of the outbreak of the Xiaode entry farce, the Aumicron new crown variant also quietly entered Australia, and the number of daily infections in just a few days quickly cleared from almost zero at the end of last year to more than 50,000, and the Australian government is fiercely discussing whether to restore strict epidemic control measures. Once Xiaode participates as he wishes, it will not only shake the legitimacy of the Australian government's previous epidemic control measures, but also promote the arrogance of anti-vaccine and anti-control people at the time of the new round of epidemic outbreak, so that the government will lose the confidence to take strict control measures.

Djokovic would rather not play a game than be vaccinated, for what purpose?

Australia's COVID-19 infections spike in January / Australian Ministry of Health

So, Australia's immigration minister immediately went out in person to cancel the Little German visa, and in a statement from the Foreign Office, he stated that "if he (Djokovic) remains in Australia, it will be a loophole in policy, a victory for privilege, and a challenge to fairness by reputation." It will be a landmark victory and Australia has finally made the right decision." The Australian Prime Minister also praised in the shortest possible time, "Australians have made too many sacrifices in this epidemic, and they naturally hope that the results of the sacrifice will be protected." ”

The Australian mainstream media also sided with the government and began to dig up small Tehrite materials. Previously, Xiaode's team had said that after Xiaode was infected with the new crown at the end of 2021, he already had antibodies that were tested and recognized by medical institutions, so he met the entry conditions. However, following this timeline, the Australian media found that Xiaode went to participate in a kindergarten children's interaction "according to what he said about the day of the new crown infection", and did not wear a mask the whole time. Therefore, the so-called new crown antibodies are questionable.

In the end, although Xiaode's supporters gathered outside his temporary hotel to express their daily solidarity, the Serbian president also publicly complained on social media about Australia's "political witch hunt" and the country's "national treasure was abused", and the Australian court finally ruled that Xiaode lost the case.

After the Australian Open lost the defending champion Xiaode, the excitement was naturally greatly reduced, but the attitude of Australia's anti-vaccine and anti-epidemic controllers did not relax because of Xiaode's departure, on the contrary, in the face of the surge in the number of Opmi kerong cases, they were more convinced that any control and vaccine would ultimately be ineffective.

It's just that for Xiaode, not vaccinating may become the most difficult match point of his career. (Author / Southern Star from Adelaide, Australia; Editor-in-Charge / Kwon Wen-moo)

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